Pretty Purple NOID

Enid, OK

I love this purple!

Thumbnail by enidcandles
Concord, NC

your noid looks a great deal like 'WILLIAM A SETCHELL to me. I say this because WILLIAM A SETCHELL has a large billowy bloom like yours, has the redish veining often like yours and I cannot see the horn color on yours but horns are usually yellow to yellowish gold. 'Sable' is the same color as yours which first came to mind, but your noid is not 'Sable' as 'Sable' is a smaller bloom with bluish flash of patina on falls instead of reddish veining.

Enid, OK

Thank you, I appreciate you input. I will try to get a piece of William A Setchell to compare it to.

Concord, NC

Heres my WILLIAM A SETCHELL we got from C and T iris Patch farm in Colorodo. the beard actually on W.A.S is white on the tip.. and yellow base to center horn. it is a hard iris to capture as it is billowy and large petals move and fold with the slightest wind in some light it looks reddish purple in other light it appears bluish purple. waiting to next years blooms to get the perfect pic of multiple blooms if it spreads. I know C and T's W.A.S is confirmed and we know they still carry it. there were some that were someone elses going around on internet auctions last few years that were not correct as they were way to red tinged and to small blooms.

Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom Thumbnail by themikesmom
Enid, OK

Great information, thank you. I found C and T. My W.A.S. is probably going to be a bit expensive, they have a lot of beauties! Thank you again for the info!

Enid, OK

I have looked a little closer at my iris and I am not so sure it is W.A.S. There does not appear to be any white on the beard. Here is closer pic.

Thumbnail by enidcandles
Concord, NC

your right the horns seem a different color and the top standards on W.A.S are a shade or two light than the falls. Your standards and falls on this second pic appear just about the same shade color. it amazes me how identical everything else is on it though some things on your second pic match mine even better than the first especially I see its much lighter than your first pic in the shade, but then the problem with horns .sometimes its hard to tell with pics mine has such variations when i take pics. i would still keep it on the top list as id possibilities. Some of my favorite irises and daylilies are NOIDs. its nice to have id's but its not necessary to have a name for every iris to enjoy their great beauty year after year and make other people who see them happy. :-)

Enid, OK

Oh I agree, knowing the name is not everything. I will still buy a piece of W.A.S. to compare. Thank you for replying!

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