Newfield, NY

do you the name of this one?

Thumbnail by doridunn
Concord, NC


at first glance thought this was 'Gypsy Queen' but we have been researching it for you and we believe it is either the Gypsy Queen imposter that is going around that is lighter than Gypsy Queen that no one knows the name of which I actually prefer to the real Gypsy Queen; or it is'Sambucina'. Sambucina is actually a very old collected species iris from the 1700's. it is one of the only iris that is confirmed to have different regional variations in different parts of the United States [up to 12 different varieties!] and still be considered the same recognized species and cultivar as correct. here is an article on it click on this link give it a minute to load and scroll down to page 12-13 or enter [13] of 22. article Sleuthing Sambucina by Laetitia M. on page 13 look at all the different Sambucina pics. it appears to me like yours might be the original first collected Sambucina from Germany or it could be the lighter more desirable Gypsy Queen imposter noid which im leaning toword Sandra

This message was edited Jun 2, 2013 2:00 PM

Concord, NC

I showed it to my son and he is convinced its the German original Sambucina! :-) if you have some more pics please try to post em :-) anyone else any thoughts please share too. :-) Sandra.

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