Iris with ridged leaves???? Help!!!

Liberal, KS

This is my first time ever having irises in my garden. I remember seeing them and liking them as a young girl a long, long, long.....time a go in my mother's gardens. I don't remember ever seeing their leaves ridged. My question is , "Is that normal?" Only a couple have the ridges, the other couple don't. They were given to me by a neighbor friend when i started gardening from scratch again last fall. I know since i just planted in late fall i won't get blooms til next year i am okay with that. Can anybody help with this? I also wanted to tell all of you who post pics of your irises, Thank you so much for all the beauties you've posted. Soon I hope to have many, many more than the merely four or five I have. I would've asked my neighbor but she has since moved. Thank you ,


South Hamilton, MA

some species have ridged leaves. I assume, however, you are talking of tall bearded irises. It is weather related as a rule & may straighten out by next year.

Liberal, KS

Oh!! Thank you, thank you. I do believe that could be possible. They looked just fine. Everything was up and green spring was here, then a hard and unexpected freeze. I thought I'd loose everything then, it's spring again and everything is lush and pretty. Hopefully that's what it is,and they will soon recover. Thank you so much for your reply.


springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Mine do that most years, they look rippled. I blame it on late freezes and such. They usually bloom fine anyway.

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