Clematis are just awesome this week!

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8b)

Weather is heating up here to 92 and humid not and my flowers will feel the heat
and I will miss the awesome beauty of Sheris healing flower garden
after is a gift to be able to see such beauty and appreciate it.

Here are my clematis this week and I can not even photograph the tall
wrought iron black trellis which there are 9 of them full of clematis blooms!

Flowers bring so much joy, standing in a beautiful flower garden, humming birds sipping red salvia,
3 tomcats walking through the flowers and a camera in hand

surrounded by huge shade trees
just far enough from the flower bed to allow the sunshine 4 or 5 hours on the flower bed.

Look for the male Ruby Throat hummingbird in the red salvia today!


Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Wonderful photos! Love the hummingbird feeding at the salvia. Which salvia is it? Last year I had several visiting the salvia, Wendy's Wish, and it was so delightful to watch them.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Wonderful Clematis !!! Delightful !!!
This is my Jackmanii I have Niobe and Autumn courtesy of the Niobe going to seed , After Eight or Nine years of watching though it seems my Jackmanii is seeding true to form with babies blooms being the same as the parent plant .

I know of an older purple cultivar that will breed true , never heard of such a thing with this one though .

This message was edited May 25, 2013 11:28 PM

Thumbnail by juhur7
Athens, PA

Juhur -Not to be rude, but it looks like HF Young to me - a type 2 pruning group. It is early for Jackmanii to be showing.

This message was edited May 26, 2013 1:18 PM

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Carolyn is right. We have three Jackmanii clematises, none in bloom now - too early.

HF Young is beautiful.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes it does ,, and you are not being rude , this is a garden plant discussion and I have been wrong enough to know that .
The Tag marker with the plant said Jackmanii it blooms all season sometimes It rests then blooms again .. I don;t doubt the tag or me could be wrong though
Niobe below all blooming now pics this week.

Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I took these a few minutes ago ,so we could talk some more ,with another look. (SEE now I could be being rude).. Stealing your thread .. #3 looks about close to how the plant bloom really looks

Right or wrong these, yours ,mine and all are some absolutely pretty flowers !!!

This message was edited May 26, 2013 5:00 PM

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Athens, PA

Juhur - I just did not want to offend. Some people are very sensitive and Lord knows I have been wrong enough.

I love your photos - you are just that much ahead of me. HF Young is just starting to open for me and he is nicely mixed in with Alabast. I will have to get some photos.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

You can see that white stripe in pic # 3 Later this year and some years early that will be red with purple and two dark kind of purple stripes on either side .. This plant does not always bloom the same , all that stays the same is the large star type blooms ..
I love the that !!!

I will be looking forward to your pic's !!! in a while . I try not to be sensitive , only observational , I learn more that way

Athens, PA

Alabast and HF Young.

Alabast is always first for me and then HF Young (at least they are first since I lost my type 1's). I also have Crimson Star and John Paul on that fence.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22 Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Carolyn22 Does your H.F. Young rebloom ? The early blooms on mine sure do look like it ,,, I have to agree ,,I,D. tag or no ..

Beautiful blooms !!! Absolutely Awesome !!! That is prettiest white bloom !!! Every bit as nice as Roses ..

Athens, PA

Yes, I get a smattering of blooms later in the season - usually after my 3's have had their first flush.

The thing I really like about the Alabast is that it is on an arbor at the back of the property. The white can be seen from clear across the yard. I have always loved white flowers though- any kind as long as they are white.

Owosso, MI(Zone 5b)

Sheridragonflys and Juhur7 both of your Clematis look somewhat similar to mine and I have always wanted to know what the name of mine is I've had it for about 30 years and cannot remember what the name of it was or if there was a name on it. It was a Clematis that I bought at a big box store in a box.
Here are the pictures that I took a few days ago and this has been a very very good year for it I'm suspecting our weather has a lot to do with it we have had a lot of rain lately up here in Michigan. In previous years it hasn't done near this good and I even water it to keep it viable but I suspect that natural water is better than our chlorinated water from our tap.
Does anyone recognize this Clematis and know the name it looks more of a double bloom than a single to me.

Thumbnail by ryguy319 Thumbnail by ryguy319
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Proteus is a good guess. I have no idea what was available in stores 30 years ago because I only started in with clematis in '92.

Mine was mislabeled to start with and in shade to compound the color problem so mine is nowhere near the glory that yours is. I moved it a year or two ago so if it blooms I'll post a photo for you to compare.

This collage shows a photo of it from its shady days - bottom right.

You're doing a splendid job of raising it!

Thumbnail by pirl
Owosso, MI(Zone 5b)

I/m just guessing at 30 years because we have been married 33 years and bought our house the same year and I know that I right of the bat started buying a few things and one was my Clematis. Bought mine and bought my MIL a dark purple single Clematis the same year.
Mine is on the north side of our house on our post lamp and has been there since I got it and has gotten very wide at the bottom as much as I try to keep it all up on the post lamp and keep it from being so bushy at the bottom it doesn't all want to stay up on the post especially I think because it is so bushy and can't get up close to the post. I have chicken wire wrapped around our post lamp and try to entwine it in the chicken wire every year early on when it starts actively growing but I can't ever get it all up there.
Thank you very much for your compliment this has been a very good year for it I think because of all the rain we have gotten. We had about a week of rain about a week back I thought it would never stop but I'll tell you everything is just growing like giants everything.
I think yours are equally pretty all of them. I am so excited that I think maybe I am very close to getting mine named at least closer than every before. Some people have told me that it looked like H F Young and that was the closest I have come to naming it but I think Proteus looks a lot closer and sounds a lot closer.
I will also get some more pictures tomorrow and post them maybe a picture of a bloom close up that has fully opened. So I will wait for yours and please watch for mine.
Thanks for your help

Owosso, MI(Zone 5b)

pirl I just realized that I am talking to the same person on 2 different posts LOL.
Dah takes me a while to figure these things out this is how excited I am that I may have found a name for my Clematis my brain is not even recognizing who I am talking to.
Dah. Thanks again..

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I went looking through the plant files here , Found and saw a few close , only not any I could say were an exact match .. Pretty clematis some real nice flowers if you can grow them ..

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Jan - I hope you realize most clematis lovers have difficulty getting them to be bushy at the bottom. Many of us have lots of flowers on top but very few near the bottom unless they happen to be bottom bloomers as some are (at least here).

I have heard about Michigan's rain since I have two close friends there! I'm glad you're not flooding but getting loads of blossoms instead.

Yours is so beautiful that I wouldn't change a thing.

I seriously doubt that it could be HF Young since that is not a double clematis.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

This is not particularly a photo I care to show , but if you look at the Clematis ,it ain't so bad ....

Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I meant to say only the Clematis and in open it is pretty bushy at the bottom .

About eight ft. or so and still growing .. A better pic of some of the flowers
This is "Niobe ", sometimes it blooms all year here..

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Owosso, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks Arlene you have been so helpful to me but I can't take any credit for this clematis doing so well like I said this has been an extraordinary year for it and I'm just assuming it is the rain. And no we haven't had any flooding very wet soggy yard but I'm not complaining and actually would take this all summer over the kind of summer we had last year. It was so hot and dry last year I didn't every want to go out in my flowers just wanted to stay inside in the air what a rotten summer. I don't want a repeat of last summer so it can rain rain rain I can still plant in the rain I won't melt.
Thanks again Arlene and again I will post some more pics tomorrow later on in the day and watch for your pics of yours when it blooms.

Owosso, MI(Zone 5b)

juhur7 that's a beautiful Clematis. Is that this years growth? Have you been getting all the rain this spring/summer that we have up here in Michigan? When you say it blooms all year I'm sure that you mean all of the summer season right? Is this a quality of this particular Clematis that it is a constant bloomer?
I sure am full of questions aren't I? I'm so excited just to think that I may have figured out what the name of my Clematis is and equally excited that all this time it has been doing what it was supposed to do. All this time I thought that they should be thinner at the bottom so that it could climb better. I've been tempted to cut it back down to the ground in the late late fall so that it would grow back all new stalks so that it would grow back the way I thought it should. I have learned a lot today about Clematis.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Thank you for complimenting!!!! IT is this years flowers ,that pic was taken day before yesterday,, it had been blooming less than that about a month ago , it will bloom a while ,and if trimmed up of dead blooms it will bloom again , sometimes it will go like that all spring summer and fall. rarely though ,, However an all season bloomer it is here ..
I have seen the spring and fall blooms of my blue Clematis with ice on them before . Strong plants when their well ...
That Niobe is about 8 or 10 years old now , it has been there a while .. I enjoy it more than I thought I would ...

This message was edited Jun 5, 2013 11:23 PM

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Juhur - you have the best, prettiest, most wonderful Niobe I have ever seen. Mine is a wimp by comparison!

I've had Henryi blooming in a December snowstorm but most don't linger (with blooms) for that long around here.

Some people cut back the class 2's (like Niobe and Proteus) by one third after bloom but with the glory of those two I wouldn't have the heart to do it.

Owosso, MI(Zone 5b)

These are the pictures that I promised to take of what I now have found out must be Proteus and I'm thrilled to find out what it is. Today the blossoms were completely opened so I could get a better picture of the bloom.
Thanks Arlene.

Thumbnail by ryguy319 Thumbnail by ryguy319 Thumbnail by ryguy319 Thumbnail by ryguy319 Thumbnail by ryguy319
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

ryguy319 That is Gorgeous !!! Makes the drive lamp into something much more Too !!!

Owosso, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks so much I can't take credit for it I think we have had just a very nice season for it lots of rain and not high temperatures just perfect for it.
It has been on that post lamp for approximately 30 or so years only to be dug up about 10 years ago maybe to put the forms in for our cement driveway and at that time I did divide it to give a piece to a friend of mine. But since then I haven't touched it just gathered seeds that I thought might be viable and now I see that they probably wouldn't have been viable anyway at least according to plant files.
I'm so glad to have finally found out that it is probably Proteus I've only been wondering for years since I through away the box it came in.
Thanks to Arlene and you guys I finally know.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It's so gorgeous and I'd say it is definitely Proteus.

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8b)

Ryguy or Jan
that is a beautiful clematis
I am glad that Arlene answered you as to the name..
I have not owned the one you have nor did I recognize happy it does such a show for you

The two I have that filled up the 6 foot trellis this year
were Marcelina and Prince Charles
Marcelina filled up from bottom to the top of the trellis
and most of clematis are leggy at the bottom..

Prince Charles is a heavy bloomer too and full at the top one half of the trellis..
Mine are falling off now the blooms..sad to see them rest for a few months
then most will rebloom I think near Sept when it cools off ...more bearable weather
in the 90- 93 range temp...

Comtessa de bouchard bloomed beautifully too full of blooms
but it is leggy half way up

this photo is marcelina taken from the side view and
near it is Black an Blue saliva in bloom in May..


Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Beautiful display, Sheri. That Black and Blue is an annual here but I have no idea where you live. It might go well closer to the clem's to hide the bare bottoms.

I've used caladiums to hide those bottom bare stems but the taller ("fancy") ones work better than the "strap" (shorter but fuller) caladiums.

Thumbnail by pirl
Owosso, MI(Zone 5b)

I'm glad too it made my day to finally get a name for it. You know I said I used to save seeds from it but I noticed that the plant file for it said seeds were not viable is that a for sure or has anyone ever heard of the seeds for that Clematis being viable?
Those are both very pretty Clematis and I never knew that they actually had a real rebloom time maybe because of your being down south farther. Mine just have a few stragglers that rebloom later on but it is never a full bloom just a few here and there.
And I would love to have something growing under my Clematis if there was room for it but the branches go right down to the ground and whatever I would put down there would be hidden by the bottom branches.
Thanks again.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Growing from seed is an experience and not all of us have the time and patience for it. Not many have success either.

Stragglers that rebloom with a few here and there is normal. Maybe some areas get more but it certainly doesn't happen here.

You wouldn't plant something directly under the clematis but 2' in front of it to hide the stems but you're the fortunate one who doesn't have that problem!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I have Daylily and Primrose the species type growing a few feet in front of the Clematis ,, Seems to be an okay ...

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

A few feet is good!

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Proteus looks great as does Marcelina. Good to know they fill the bottom. I have had black and blue and other giant salvias. I am still trying to remove it. It spreads by runners...never a good thing near plants you love !

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I agree! Anything that spreads too fast isn't a good choice in front of clematises considering root competition.

Up here most salvias end up being annuals.

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