tomato wilt please help

Gainesville, FL

One of my heirloom tomato plants is wilting. It gets water but is still wilty. Could it be ants around the roots? I do have some in the garden?

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

It could be ants, but could also be a variety of other problems. Here are some links to help you determine what might be going on. Good luck.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

With sandy soil my first guess would be root knot nematodes.

Leesburg, GA(Zone 8a)

Got the same problem. Was affecting one plant in my hydroponic setup, now all but one is affected. (Campari F2)
So that's all my cherry tomatoes gone in a matter of days. Mine is some kind of bacteria. Everything was great,
Until the temp got up to 80 or so. At least it's early in the season here. I'm discarding all the plants, bleaching, cleaning,
And start over. The one Campari, I'm planting by itself, away from the others, To see what happens?

Thanks "themoonhowl" for the links, The bacteria test on the one works great.


Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

glad to be of help Mad..


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