CLOSED: Mug Swap! Third Time's a Charm!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Mmmmmmmmmm. I grew up in central PA, lived in upstate NY, Boston, Chesapeake Bay, all with window units. I had no idea how spoiled I could be until I moved into new construction in NC with central air.

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

We didn't have central air in Connecticut either. But then again we didn't need it much either.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

We always had AC in CA except in LaJolla and San Juan Capistrano. Didn't need it there. It has turned warm and humid here in the last few days. It's really the humidity that makes me appreciate the AC wringing it out of the air. Speaking of which, they are coming to service the heat pump in a few so better scoot.

I did find a mug I liked for this swap (I think). We'll see if it fits my buddy.

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

I am going to shop for one today, maybe tomorrow too .
Need to go to costco blah i hate shopping...

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

My favorite mug shopping spot is the Salvation Army! Hahaha sometimes I find really whacky fun ones!!!

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Ohhhhh - I like your thinking outlaw.....goodwill has awesome finds!

My girlfriends and I - sneak wine in our water bottles to the beach each week during the summer.....then make spritzers as we chat away and enjoy the ocean air..... so weird but it was hot enough here to go to the beach this week....unheard of! The beach in MAY! The central AC saved us from sweating to death -- it was almost hasn't been 100 in NH for a LONG LONG TIME!

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

same here! 90's in CNY!!! craaaaaaaayyyyy-zeeee!!! hahahaha

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

My brother in central PA let me know it was 90 something there earlier in the week while it was high 70/low 80s here. I ain't complaining!!! :D

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Winnetka, CA


How was your RU? Do you have tons of plants now??

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Nancy!

Boy, do I have plants!!!

I had a great time, felt like I was on vacation I was enjoying so much my visit with FOTV, Elfie, and Goober Fairy. :)

This week, however, my neighbor went in the hospital. That means I get get to keep his dog. Then he came home but I won't let the dog go back till we flea bomb the house. Long story. Short is the man is disabled by his diabetic peripheral neuropathy and morbid obesity (cool,huh?). I think I am doing it for the dog, but I can't be sure. I am serving him his meals, cleaning his house, doing his laundry, and oh, forgot to mention soaking his giant diabetic feet (size20????!) and dressing his wounds 3x a day. Hospital said 5x a day, but that would just about kill me.

All those cool plants are waiting on me. They aren't going anywhere, I don't think.

So all you gals out there talking smack about how mean I am can just knock it off.

I ain't mean.

I'm just crabby.


Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Omg I clean forgot this swap! We haven't gotten names yet have we? Holy moly! How many swaps did I get myself into?!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hahaha. But this is the BEST swap!!!

I guess I have been too busy to chatter about coffee. Hell, I've been too busy for the second pot of the day. :/

Names will go out by individual dmail on June 10. Please keep your super secret swappeeee a secret till your package arrives. If you haven't participate before and have questions please let me know. I liken it to a secret Santa. :)

G'night all.

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Goodnight hun!!! Please sleep well knowing you are doing an awesome thing for that guy. It sounds like poor health is really crippling him right now and that can be so lonely and depressing. You are a good hearted woman! Have a good night!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

That's for sure. He is fortunate to have you as a neighbor! Not all are like that as I'm sure just about everyone knows. Wish you were ours. :) ♥

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


15-ish things to know about coffee...

Now, if I could only get the dog to fetch me a pot.

My arches have fallen and they refuse to get up.

Does anyone have blue sky today?

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Nope! Hahaha
Rainy here. That won't stop me from planting my stuff from alikat32!!! :) yay! Swaps!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

No blue sky here, It started raining about 9 this morning, and has been raining since, not complaining, we need the rain! Just wish I could keep the mud outside from the dog tracking it in!

Livingston, TX(Zone 8b)

Blue trying to poke through. Got a pink elephant ear in the mail today and put that puppy right in the ground.

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

NOT a snippet of BLUE to be found in the sky! It's still pouring here....been raining since 8am....solid! There's over 2" out there....maybe closer to 3" -- haven't checked since I came home about 3 hours ago!

Pink EE?????? I want one!!!!! Lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Kris has the fairy, gnome swap open, come and check it out!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Tomorrow is the last day to sign up!!!

I'll issue secret swap partners on Monday a.m. then let the games begin! Thanks for playing!! :)

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

I can't wait!!! I think I'll have some coffee now! And then hopefully get to mittsy's today for some pre-swap prep. :)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Looking forward to getting my name. Then I can see if any of what I've bought will work for my buddy ... or I'll return it and get something else. ;-)

It's raining here. I've got plenty to do inside since I routinely neglect that for the yard and garden. But maybe I'll just kick back and enjoy the rain. lol.

I found an awesome mug for my swap buddy today!!!!!

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

can't wait for my secret swap partner!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hello ladies:

Due to some technical difficulties with web access this morning swap partners have not been issued.

We are working with our auditors at Deloitte Haskins and Sells to issue secret swappers by dmail this afternoon.

Thank you for your understanding.

Most sincerely,

Amanda M. Willis, Esq.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Amanda, you have Dmail!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for your patience today. We had new internet service installed last week and having problems already. :/

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Everyone should have dmail!

We had at one time five different weather advisories/notifications today including tornado watch, flood watch, severe weather statement, among others. Maybe I should turn off those notifications on my phone?

Power and internet were down so I just got out and on with my day. I finally finished around 1030 pm and sat down to send dmail when cats and dogs started to vomit all at once. It's been a long day, ladies, one I'll be glad to see gone.

Hope yours was better. :)


ps. If your shipping address is not in the member address exchange please make sure you have sent it to me. Thanks.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Mug Swap Reveal!!!

New Thread:

C'mon over. ;)

This thread is now closed.

Smiths, AL

I love the mug I got thank you soooo much

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Goober we need pictures please?

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