CLOSED: Mug Swap! Third Time's a Charm!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Greetings Muglee Friends:

It's THAT time again!!!

Our third year has come now to be known as the "Uglee Mug Swap." This swap grew out of my boredom with the ugly mugs lining my cupboard.

Every morning I pull out a mug, and it sets the tone for the day. My current favorite mug is depicted below and was sent by our dear own Neener (Juanita) in last year's swap:

"Pretending to be a Normal Person day-After-Day is Exhausting."
Inside the rim another gem, "This Above All to Thine Own Self Be True."

I am a coffee drinker, by and large, though I dabble occasionally in the herbal teas. Some folks drink their soup/broth from their mug, some hot cocoa, others their hot toddy. Which one are YOU? Chime in and share what happens when YOU get to the bottom of your cup.

Sign up here by June 9 and let all packages ship on or before JUNE 29.

Like some other group trades, you will receive a Dmail from me with the identity of your secret mug trading partner. I recommend not revealing your superman/woman identity on DG but rather wait until your partner learns your Gawd-Awfulness when they open the magical box that arrives by Priority Mail. On this thread you can share your likes and dislikes so your Secret Swapper (SS) might better get to know YOUR special elixir preferences, favorite color, caffeine or not, flavored or not, etc. Please send me and only me the delivery confirmation code when you ship priority mail so we can keep track of packages.

This is only a mug trade, but feel free to include items that might accompany a morning cup of ____________. The mug you send to your SS does not have to be ugly! It's only a figure of speech as in, "Show us your ugly mug."

Kindly send me a Dmail to confirm that you're "IN" with full name, email, address, and phone number, and let the swipping begin!

Reserved for PARTICIPANTS:

Goober/Goober (hahaha!)
taters55/Linda Kay
AliKat 32/Candi

This message was edited May 27, 2013 11:52 PM

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Me! My buddy's stuff is already

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hahaah Fruit. Methinks I set the deadline too far off for you. :D

I know it seems to take longer to pack a box with a coffee mug in it than it does to pack a box full of live plants.

I am in please!!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sign me up please?

Please sign up Miss Goober_Fairy. She will send and receive at my house.

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi -- can I join....I've got lots of mugs....all shapes and sizes!!

I love tea in a big mug that I can sip and enjoy a walk in my garden or reading all the threads on DG! I've also been known to drink wine out of my coffee mugs....after all you can fit more in a mug!


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Whoaaaa my goodness Candi. Until you said you slosh wine around in your mug I thought we were on the same muglee page. I had not thought to disguise my vino that way. But thanks for the idea. ;)

I have some uses for old uglee mugs. I have planted things in some. Succulents work ok if you promise never to water them. Weird mugs also work great as a measuring scoop in the dry dog or cat food, bird seed, even in a bag of soil.

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Me!!!! :) I was going to ship myself, then I realized you meant literal coffee mugs.... Lol ;)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM My Friends I'm sorry but i just have to pass on this with all my weeding & Cutting back doctor bills & So on I Just better not take on any more but i'm going to be watching you all :)

off to Play outside .

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Susie I will send you a picture of my ugly mug. :D


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Kelly - that's what the reveal is for at the end where I say "SHOW US YOUR UGLEE MUG." If your images are too graphic please remember we will have at least one minor child involved in the swap, not to mention the damage it may do to participants' subconscious memories to look at them. Thanks for playing.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I just remembered a mug I used to have from the Warner Brothers store in Boston - it was a head of Marvin Martian. Dang. I wonder what happened to that - although I have a very faint long ago and far away memory of breakage. -sigh-

Does anyone else have favorite mug stories/memories?

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq

I use my mugs to hold paint brushes and clay tools. Once in a while I actually ise one for

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ah yes Kris I remember that from trades past. I have this giant mug from Starbucks in Boston that has the word Massachusetts on it and some cool images from around town, symbols of its historic past. It's one of those just for show mugs, impossible to have a cup of hot anything in it. I thought about sending it to you then. But that's another memory. So instead it sits out on my back porch filled with . . ...? Probably earwigs and fallen leaves and maybe a coffee stain at the bottom?

Kelly - that's the kind of giant mug to walk around the garden with. These days if I carry my coffee with me while I'm feeding the birds (and I do) I end up with sunflower seeds in my coffee. :D

Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

I use mugs for coffee sipping, as I am a sipper never a gulper...ha aha haa
I love homemade "clay" or "pottery" mugs...I do not have any more, as they have been lost, and I would love a replacement ...mugs what a great idea...I would love to join the mug swap
Made In China mugs usually get so hot hot hot when placed in microwave I have noticed that I stay away from those..Pottery ones never do..

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hmmm. Welcome ridoodles.

I am fascinated myself at the fact that I live within an hours drive of the "clay capital" of the world, Seagrove, NC, and the clay pots for sale at the big box retail centers are made in Italy. huh?!,_North_Carolina

Go figure.

I promise if I get your name in the swap to send you a real live "made in NC" coffee mug. pinky swear. ;)

Thanks for joining us!

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

I loved taking ceramics... I am kinda fond of the one mug I have left that I made, but if I find any here I promise somone will get a good one!

Winnetka, CA

Good morning Amanda,

Please count me in....this sounds like fun!! Love your mug from last year cute!! And apropos for you?? -:) Just kidding... we love you!! I would love to pal up with a tea drinker... as I have a mug in mind already!!

I myself am a coffee drinker - my favorite coffee is Starbucks 'Komodo Dragon' - it's really yummy for those of you who like 'bold' coffee....and yes, Candi - I also have been known to drink wine in my coffee cup - mostly because it's sturdy and the jumping and leaping and spinning circus dogs in my backyard are less likely to break it!! -:) Although it's not the same as drinking out of a wine glass is it? Somehow loses some of the charm...but after a long day at work it's so nice to drink a glass of wine in the backyard while I stroll the garden!

Amanda... aren't the Italians 'known' for the clay craft? Artisans in that particular field... maybe that is why? Boy... I would spend tons of money in a place like that... be careful girl!! So tempting...Hope you still have room for me to join...

Have a great day all! Nancy

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Nancy - the more the merrier. :)

Glad you could make it. You know, the irony about clay pots is just that they're made by hand right here in NC, granted not made in China like most of the big box offerings, but still. Something about the "buy local" thing just makes it feel wrong.

PHEW! Giant downpour, giant welts from mosquito bites, must be time for another giant pot of coffee. I was feeling down yesterday, so I made a special purchase. Well a couple - some Klondike bars (my granny loved these although back then they only came in one flavor) and some of my very favorite retail/grocery store coffee, "Blueberry Cobbler" from the New England Coffee company in Malden, MA.

Some of you have already heard me bemoan the lack of coffee shops, mom and pop variety, when I moved south from Boston to NC. So I used to have Green Mountain ship coffee to me every month. I'm not so well to do anymore, but every now and then a bag of special coffee just lifts my spirits. The coffee doesn't taste like blueberries exactly, but when I opened the bag this morning the scent of it was enough to make me giggle.

Blessings! I'm off to brew!!!

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

I am from Syracuse, and we had a factory here pretty famous for it's china, Syracuse china! And you better believe I will be scouring thrift stores for a nice example to send. :)

I personally am a coffee fanatic. I love all kinds, though not a huge fan of dunkin donuts, just to weak for my liking. I don't imbibe so my mug will probably just be for cocoa and coffee. And may I just add that I make a killer peanut butter hot cocoa! I wish I could brew ya'll up a batch to share, but then... It's 80+ degrees out today... Haha I'll be having iced coffee today! Oh...and I normally drink my coffee like warm... Is that weird? Hahaha

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Kelly, maybe a consequence of too much time upstate?

I got out after 4 years in Ithaca. :)

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Hahaha I have been here all my life, I moved to canastota for a while... Haha I wouldn't trade the fall here for anything, but I do have to admit that this weather here gets old. Yesterday I was wearing a hoody and boots, today I am sweatin like a dog!

Winnetka, CA

Amanda.... what was your favorite 'Green Mountain' coffee? Do you like Peets?

Thumbnail by NF2932
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Coffee drinker here, the bolder the better. We have a K machine and a regular brewer. White Hot Chocolate is hard to come by here in case that's an easy find for my Bud and I also enjoy hot cider during cold months. Don't know if I have a favorite mug though but am partial to travel mugs. Not that I go anywhere much. They're just good to keep dirt out of a regular cup when I'm outside working. Maybe my bud will surprise me with something totally different. That would be fun.

Italian pottery is another collection of mine, but that's a entirely different story. A friend of mine collects NC pottery, mostly gorgeous jugs. We also have a nearby pottery:

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I would like to join this swap, please.

I'm a tea drinker, especially herbal and green teas. Republic of Tea selections are some of my faves.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Nancy - what a sweet picture!!! Please tell me where it came from - did you doodle that on your own while swirling your coffee this morning?!!?!?!
Also - It's been so long ago I don't remember if I had a favorite green mountain coffee. I had the flavored coffe I"subscription." OH was I spoiled then. heh.

Susan - what is White Hot Chocolate? And that's a thought about the travel mug to keep the gunk out of the mug while strolling in the garden...

Carole - welcome! Glad to have you aboard. :)

Winnetka, CA


I thought it was adorable... not sure if it's still available... but I originally found it on a website called

Susan... one of my fav's from Starbucks is a white mocha! Yum!!
Thanks for the pottery link....


Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Yum! I live for white hot chocolate and white mocha from Starbucks.... Well when they don't have pumpkin spice that is! :)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I bought some blonde coffee at Starbucks with a birthday gift card from a dear brother. It was called 'Willow,' and it was verrrrrrry smooth.

I drink mine hot year round. I remember boiling water for my nana's 10:00 o'clock p.m. cup of Folgers instant. We'd sit in dim light in the kitchen after the tv went off at 10 or was it 11? She had what now seems such a tiny cup in a small bowl, not a saucer. She'd get me to pour it high and she would spill it into the bowl then pour it back and forth a couple of times to cool it.

If there is one place where I know I am obnoxious it's when I pour my coffee. I pour as high as it will go to the brim without spilling. Well, coffee with the milk. It's the milk that pushes me to the brim. It usually stays in the cup. :D

I have attributed this to my nana's own peculiar way with her coffee cup. I think Susan for one has seen me try to pick up and walk with my coffee in that state. Yeah, pretty obnoxious. Glad the carpet in this house is Brown and speckled.

Winnetka, CA

Amanda.... (et al.)

Prepare to be entertained....

Funny I happened to run across this website after signing up for 'muglee' - these are so adorable...


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Love this. When I started the swap the first year I came across barista art, but not 3D!

Thanks Nancy. :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Nancy, thanks for the link, those are really cute!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Manda, I remember that conversation about your Nana and how my mom let me have coffee starting at age 12, instant Yuban with whole milk. Oh the things we remember.

Those images were so creative, Nancy. Especially liked the kitty and fishes. Got the Dahlias from you via gift certificate tagged and planted today. I'll share blooms later this Summer. All are dinnerplates :)

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b) favorite mug story.....

I have a mug that my three nieces gave me with pictures of themselves with a saying that says "think of us Auntie when you're drinking tea.....we love you" how can you not love that each morning. Tigger and Piglet are also my favorites....big thick mugs that hold a cup and a half of liquid....tea, coffee, wine....whatever!

I've never thought of planting a seedling in a coffee mug....sounds fun......what a great gift idea! hmmmmmm......I see a great way to get rid of all those extra mugs now!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Good times. :)

I've been wondering if the headache I have some mornings when I wake up is "age related" or possibly withdrawal symptoms from coffee the day before? I have been curbing my afternoon cup. Or ten. :(

Too soon yet to say. There's still the diet cokes I've been pounding.

DO you drink yours without caffeine? It just feels so inherently wrong that I don't get the comfort from it that a regular cup of coffee provides. If you served me decaf in the afternoon I probably would not know it. But I am missing my afternoon/early evening cup(s)'o Joe.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

My coffee is decafe, due to heart and tummy problems, been drinking it for years.
Google the side effects of aspartame in your diet coke, you will be surprised! One side effect is headaches!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

No need to Google. I know... it's my only vice, and I drink it when I am stressed. It's an addiction I suppose, the acid burn at the back of my throat ummmm. I have cut back, and like a smoker have quit several times in the last year or so. :/

Strength. Pray for it daily!

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Coffee + diet coke are my vices too. Working hard on cutting out diet everything because of the side effects. They don't "affect me" that I am aware of, but I am trying hard to be healthier. I have lots of tummy troubles and an auto immune disorder so when my stomach gets out of whack EVERYTHING else pays a heavy price. Crazy how our bodies work.... Or don't work lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Last Monday I spent 5 hours in the ER with a bad flare up of my diverticulitis. It took 3 shots of morphine for the pain to go away. Then I was told to take 2 antibiotics for 10 days. That did not clear it up, so I am on my 2nd round of a different antibiotic. And we all know what they do to a woman's system! So I have to really watch what I eat for a bit!

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