Ramtown, NJ

I am used to systemic drenches for leafed plants to control aphids, black spot and beetles (which are really bad in my area)...excuse my ignorance, because this may have been answered before, but I have planted a number of differing flowering plants as a change to enhance the appearance of the property. I have used all the "natural" alternatives (sprays/dusts, diatomaceous earth, etc) to control infestation and disease and they have been largely ineffective (the earth somewhat). I understand about not using systemic controls for edible plants so that's not an issue. The issue is when bees collect pollen from these flowering plants are they being exposed to the systemic drench and therefore harmed. Is there any research on this?

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi CerealKiller....here is some info for you..Read it and see if you think there is validity to that fear.

this first article is from Apr 2012


This is from Jan 2012

This article is from 2010

Op/Ed from April 2013


For me personally, the bees have had a devastatingly hard time the past few years from a series of hive destroying infections....considering that, I am hard pressed to use systemics throughout my yard and I limit the use of strong insecticides to as needed to save a plant....I do use insecticidal soap and horticultural oil as needed. Those I use with care around areas with lots of bees feeding. I like having other bugs eat the bad guys in my garden.

Today i watched a blue Jay kill a wasp nest and rip it from the rafter...it killed about 5 adults.....I did not know Jays did that.


Ramtown, NJ

Thanks, that was very helpful.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

You are most welcome. Happy to be of help.

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