Indiana plants in the woods. Help on ids please?

Oakland City, IN

All stuff growing in the back woods. All help appreciated! I thought I would try this out here, since my post in plant id forum doesn't get too many responses.

1. Yellow daisy like flower growing rampantly in fields, and near the edge of the woods on my property.
2. Found this guy by the creek.
3. Found a few of these guys on a place that recently had a lot of ivy and other stuff removed. Stem is fleshy.
4. Same place as the one before this, vine with arrow/heart shaped leaves.
5. Same place as the prior 2, new leaves are fuzzy and so is stem.

Thumbnail by ksmaier Thumbnail by ksmaier Thumbnail by ksmaier Thumbnail by ksmaier Thumbnail by ksmaier
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

1-? but pretty
2- RUmex, dock
3 giant ragweed
4- morning glory family?
5 recognize as common weed (therefore not showy) I think

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

1- Kind of looks like a Ragwort/Senecio, but not sure.
2- Rumex
3 - Giant Ragweed
4 - ?
5- Could be Mistflower - Conoclinium coelestinum or one of the many closely related Eupatoriums. Hard to tell this early.

Oakland City, IN

1. Senecio glabellus - Packera glabella ---- Why does this plant have two scientific names?
2. Rumex - Anything to look for to figure out which species this is, or are they all just something to get rid of?
3. Giant Ragweed - So pull up, is it necessary to get the roots?
4. Still Unknown
5. Still Unknown

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

"Why does this plant have two scientific names?"

Botanical graduate students need thesis topics, so they do a paper reclassifying some group of plants, and then find employment in the green industry navigating the confusion they have created. Win-win, for them. Just kidding (I think).

Oakland City, IN

I don't really care for it.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Does #5 have a square stem?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ha ha - thumb that's very insightful!

glad my masters is not in horticulture.

#5 does have a minty appearance.

Oakland City, IN

I had trouble figuring out which plant was which when I went to look for #5. I didn't notice any with a square stem, but tomorrow is another day and I might be able to find it. There's so much to look at!


#5 looks a lot like white snakeroot, Eupatorium rugosum. I have lots of the stuff. There are a number of closely related species, though.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

ksmaier - Can you post some updated photos of #s 2, 4, and 5?

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

The photo for #5 looks like it shows a square stem if you blow up the photo to about 250.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Good eye steadycam!

Could be something like White Vervain.

This message was edited Jun 9, 2013 8:55 PM

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

On number 5, anyone have an id on the green in the upper right hand of the photo? I rescued a plant a couple of summers ago. It gets tall now but no blooms. Maybe it wants Sun. Will post a thread in the ID forum soon myself.


Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

5on upper right hand corner- gets a green flower- name not remembered. Is a violet there with the mint or salvia lookin plant.

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