Peppers coming out of wintering-do I do anything?

Lyman, MS(Zone 9a)

Hello everyone. I have some pepper plants (Aji Amarillo's from South America). They make about a 5-8" inch long orange pepper when ripe. Anyhow I covered them over with plastic this winter so they wouldnt die or freeze from the few cold spells we had. Well they are doing great. They are getting BIG.

I am curious though. Should I have cut them back and let them sprout out again? They don't seem to be flowering all that well and one of them has gotten tall as opposed to bushy and i dont think has any flowers on it. I have been fertilizing. Tried some Superbloom. I've never done this before. I always just planted more seeds with everything else. The 4x4's in the photo are a little over 5' high. I have to say they did make a few peppers this month. The peppers though only grew about a half an inch then turned orange!!

Do you guys have any suggestions? Should I cut them back to a little above the lowest leaf sprouts? I added some photos :-)

Thumbnail by Carito Thumbnail by Carito Thumbnail by Carito
Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I'd just keep doing what your doing. I've found the first peppers are usually smaller. I'd be afraid to cut them back now.

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

wow ! these plants are amazing.
Which zone are you Carito?

Lyman, MS(Zone 9a)

Hi. Im in Zone 8. Thanks they are doing well. I'm just not sure how big they are supposed to get. The plants are Aji Amarillo peppers from South America. I have several more seedlings coming up now. They're about 2 inches. Anyhow we had a rain storm come through last week and I guess A few in the photo were staked very well. One blew over (since they are so tall and top heavy) and snapped it at the base. I stood it back up so the stem was back together, but it died.

As of now I have a couple that are about 6' tall and three feet in diameter. Natively they make a pepper that is 6-8" long, about 1-1.5" in diameter and turns bright orange when ripe.

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