hello, fragrant friends!

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

Just wanted to say hello - my garden's mission is to either smell good, taste good, or both (if possible!)

So far, I have a few each of:
Sweet Olive
Plumeria (still just baby cuttings, but they're trying!)
David Austin Roses
white Mandevilla (just flowered!)
Mexican Mock-orange
India carnation

My favorite so far is an Improved Meyer lemon I got for free from my kind garden center pals, since it was a funny shape, and it's heavenly.

as well as some interesting veggies and herbs.

Looking forward to reading through this whole community to see what knowhow I can gather.

This message was edited May 14, 2013 3:03 PM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

What a wonderful mix you have!!! I can't think of a one of them that I don't love the scent of!!! I wish we'd get in the scented Mandevillas...we just get the reds with no scent. Hopefully others will pop in...the forum has been quiet for a while sadly.

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

Chantell, I got my mandevilla last year from Annie's, but I'd be happy to send you a couple of cuttings if you'd like. Just send me a d-mail.

My plumeria cutting finally put a leaf out today after three months waiting in the pot! Patience is indeed a virtue.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh your plumie will do just fine...believe me - if I can root it anyone can. Just stick that baby where it gets lots of heat to the pot and keep her watered well. Once she's put on some growth - lots of food during the growing months - you'll have a beauty!! How would you describe the scent of your Mandevilla?

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

The mandevilla is sort've like a light gardenia. If you're a fan of Chanel fragrances, I'd call it Gardenia Mademoiselle. Less of that bottom note some people call "fusty". Unlike a gardenia, though, it doesn't keep as a cut flower at all for me. The flowers only last a few days on the vine, but it's a lovely set of flowers and greenery.

Waiting to see if my mock-orange will decide to bloom in this, it's second year, but so far it seems content to just flop around some new leaves.

St. Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

That's wonderful that you got your Meyer lemon for free! That is the cornerstone of my citrus collection. In bloom right now I have: Improved Meyer Lemon, Bearss Lime, Pink Variegated Eureka Lemon. They smell wonderful!! And to know that fruits will soon follow makes me even more excited. My Ponderosa Lemon keeps trying to flower but I keep pinching them off because he was just a small cutting last spring and I know he needs to grow a better branch and root system before he's ready to bear those big old lemons. He's just a twig right now, lol. I also have a good sized, very lush Gardenia tree, although I'm not sure which cultivar it is. It was a Sam's Club special, $18. I couldn't pass it up, especially since trees that size were going for $60+ last year at my favorite nurseries.

Beyond that, I just planted some new roses in my new front rose bed. They were "bag" roses so they are taking a while to fill out and bloom. Mr. Lincoln bloomed the other day, but he was fuschia, not red, like he's supposed to be. That didn't make me very happy but oh well. I thought about possibly taking him back to the nursery I got it from, but I didn't keep the bag or anything. It would just be me and the dug up, tagless rose. I'm not sure they would really be willing to do anything about it, even if I could prove it isn't what it was marked.

I'd love to hear about everyone else's smell-goods!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

My southern Magnolia is in full bloom and perfuming the whole neighborhood. Star Jasmine is spicing up my yard with a wonderful fragrance. The citrus are all in bloom and needless to say, my neighborhood is a pleasure to be in!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

My Confederate Jasmine and old timey purple Petunias along with the Nicotinia are scented the front yard each night come dusk...ahhhhh The Stephens jasmine has wound his way up my dwarf magnolia and is in bloom now. Inoxia Datura (sp?) has blooms...I can't wait!!

Thumbnail by Chantell Thumbnail by Chantell Thumbnail by Chantell Thumbnail by Chantell
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Yum... love all the fragrance coming from this thread!

Right now, what is scenting my garden is Dill. I've never noticed it so strong before. In the mornings and at dusk... its' scent is strong on the air. It smells so fresh and invigorating.

Chantell ~ I've not heard of Stephens jasmine. Could that possibly be Stephanotis floribunda? http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/53785/
If so, it is a type of Hoya. Either way, it looks like you are doing something right.

And I love the old time fragrant purple petunias. They scent the front porch and sometimes the odor evens wafts into the house. Wonderful. I am now gathering seed from the old heirloom scented petunia in paler shades of purple blooms.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Podster, here you go:


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Cool ~ thanks. That is a new one on me... but I'd better look with one eye closed. Don't need to add more tenders. lol

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Kristi!!! I was wondering when you pop in!!! You have dmail btw. Kay - that's the one....thank you

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Chantell, I didn't receive a dmail from you.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Kay - I'm sorry, I should stay off the computer when it gets late. I was telling Kristi she had a dmail and telling you - that you were spot on with the name of the jasmine. ^_^

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)


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