Weeping Cherry suckering

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

A friend who I garden for has a weeping cherry tree that has produced a couple of small trees (abt. 5") from it's roots, and I'm wondering if there's some way I could remove them and rehome them without damaging them or especially the mother tree. Anyone got any advice?

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

If they are suckering from the roots of the cherry - no, you are removing root system of the parent tree.

Are the small trees weeping like the subject plant? If the weeping cherry is a grafted plant, then the rootstock is likely an entirely different species of cherry.

If these little guys are seedlings that have just germinated in an unfortunate place, then I'd soak the area and lift the young plants from the muddiness. This is a great way to remove plants from places they aren't wanted anyway. Direct a hose till water ponds, and then pull the plant gently will directing a stream of water at the base to lift/wash the roots. As plants are bigger/older, it doesn't work as well.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

They are sprouting directly from a couple of exposed roots of the mother tree. There are tree seedlings sprouting in the soil beneath it, but I can't identify them for sure.

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