Something(s) attacking the Aristolochia leaves.

Colima, Mexico(Zone 11)

The first image shows an upper leaf with some white disfigurations and black spots that are squishable but very very tiny...both photos are macro digitals and much larger than life.

The second image shows an underside of a leaf with very tiny black beetle, equally tiny whitish bugs, some other whitish things and black dots. When i took this photo i did not see the black beetle or the whitish bugs because they were so small.

Does anyone have an ID for what ails some of the leaves on my vine? Once i know what this is (these are), i'll figure out what to do about it. If anyone has suggestions, that would be great. Right now, i am probably down to washing the individual leaves (but there are so many) because there are caterpillars on the vine from small to pupating so my options are limited. Thanks

Thumbnail by vitrsna Thumbnail by vitrsna
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

First picture:
The pale areas of the leaf look like spots where a bug of some sort has sucked the juice out of the leaf. Aphids, whiteflies, scale and several other pests have piercing mouth parts and do that sort of damage. I am not sure, but I think the black spots are insect droppings.
Example: Aphids feed on the leaves, then other bugs eat the aphids, and poop on the leaf.
Are the leaves, stems or areas under the plant sticky? Like something dripping (tiny drops) from the plant?

In the second picture, I see the black bug, but cannot ID it.
I see a sort of golden or slightly greenish bug, looks like an aphid, to me. There are many species of aphid. Google some pictures and see if anything matches. May not be an exact match, but something similar.
I also see some white stuff. I know there are some pests that have an unusual camouflage, but I am not sure if the white stuff is actually the insect, or if it is some waxy stuff they shed.

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