
Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I don't have a pic to share, and I don't think it would help anyways, as it looks like what it is. What I am upset about, is I bought this at Home Depot, and I looked at a tag on one, and I believe it only said 18 to 24 inches tall. I switched for another one just like it, because it looked healthier. HOWEVER, it didn't have a tag in it, and I don't know the actual name of it, nor am I now certain how tall it will grow, and not sure where to plant it, because of it. This is not the first time this has happened to me at Home Depot. You really have to check their pots (I forgot). Some plants come with fertilizer, (like their ground roses last year) but not all of the plants had the packet with them. They need to be more conscientious with their plants to be sure ALL come with tags, and if the grower included fertilizer, that ALL of them have it. I now have a plant with no name and no specifications. Another thing I noticed about Home Depot (or at least this one) is they have some kind of "air freshener" in there that has this beautiful floral scent. I noticed the same scent last FALL. You think it's flowers, and you go around looking for the flowers that have that scent, and there are none to be found - just a WAY TO KEEP YOU BROWSING AND BUYING. I'm not sure if I'll go back there again. Just bummed with their lousy service, if you'd even call it service.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Karrie, sorry to hear about your Penstemon. You might be able to take it back and ask the people that work there for information about it. Some of the people do know about the plants.

Did HD have more than one kind of Penstemon? We don't have HD, but do have Lowe's. I am thinking they would only offer one Penstemon. Actually, sadly, they have never even offered Penstemon.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

It was the only one I saw, and it came in two different size pots. I went and found the company that is listed on the pot, and it is actually a Home Depot nursery. I tried to find my plant on that site, and it was only showing annuals. I couldn't even find perennials in there, even though they sell them.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Karrie, I was shopping for flowers today and noticed Penstemon pinacolada. I have seen it in two different box stores both last year and again this year. It gets about 10 to 12 inches. It's a nice little flower. Since it's been in two different box stores that I have seen, I am wondering if the one you purchased is a pinacolada.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I found out what it is - it is a Red Riding Hood and they said it gets from 24" to 30" tall. I will have to rethink where I am going to plant it.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Just got two of Delft Blue riding hood penstemon at Lowe's, for $5.00 each, in half of gallon pots, it will get about 32" tall, looks like it will get bushy. Love that color. Etelka
this is not my flowers, it is from a website.

Thumbnail by kiseta
Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

All the penstemon that I've had in the past have got too tall, and they would fall over onto other plants. They belong in a cottage garden full of whispiness.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Karrie, I think you're right about the falling over. I am glad you found out which Penstemon you purchased.

kasita, Your Delft Penstemon should be gorgeous. I really like that color also. In fact, my kitchen is in delft--really the delft design. You got a good deal on your flowers.

Penstemon have to be in excellent drainage.

This thread is interesting to me I grow several penstemon and none of them ever fall over. I have different heights and they are all sturdy here in my garden. The plants get quite bushy as they increase from year to year. The ones that do best in my garden are the varieties with red foilage, husker red, mystica, dark towers and pocohontas which is the newest intro. The flowers on these are more subtle pinks.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I also have several penstemons that don't fall over: Dark Towers, Husker Red, Prairie Dusk and Red Rocks. Local growing conditions affect things like spread and height quite a lot. My first garden was on Long Island, NY in sandy soil. Some of the same plants in CT, in deep but well-drained soil and a zone colder, have much more compact growth.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

The reason why I think the one I had before, fell over, is because it was on a slope.

(Carisa) Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I think it is mostly the variety that makes the determination on if it is prone to fall over. I saw the Delft Penstemon's at Lowe's right after reading this post and gravitated towards them. They are gorgeous and I would have totally bought one, but I could not find a single one that wasn't already falling over or growing in a downward loop. No thanks for me.

I have Dark Towers, also and it grows tall and straight. No drooping for that one.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

My old penstemon Grape nectar and Agastache Acapulco. I have to watch not to spray them hard, they will lay down from a hard rain. Etelka

Thumbnail by kiseta

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