Sago Palms problem

Pomona Park, FL(Zone 9a)

My neighbor has two Sego Palms in front of his entrance gate. They are approx 20 ft apart. One is doing just great but the other looks terrible. It gets new growth but soon turns brown. Can someone tell me what is happening to it?

Thumbnail by nataliepb Thumbnail by nataliepb Thumbnail by nataliepb
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Perhaps there is a difference in the water?
a) Sprinklers are not covering equally
b) Something in the soil is not allowing the water to soak in

Sago Palms get a couple of pests, perhaps the one has such a severe infestation that it cannot fight it off any longer.

The 2 plants look like they have been there a long time for them to grow such a large trunk.
The one that is not doing well now must have been doing better in the past to have grown so well. This suggests something has changed.
Perhaps some other plant has grown large enough to block a sprinkler?

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Overwatering can also be a serious problem for cycads.

Perhaps the soil has become compacted in that area causing water problems

Here is some info from Univ of Fla Co-op Ext.
This link mentions that the scale will infest the roots of the Sago.

"Palms & Cycads

Palms and cycads have more complex nutritional requirements than other landscape plants. The ideal fertilizer for palms and cycads has an analysis of 8-2-12-4 Mg; all of its N, K, and Mg should be in slow-or controlled–release form. Since palms are prone to several potentially fatal micronutrient deficiencies, this fertilizer should also contain 1–2 percent iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn), plus trace amounts of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and boron (B). Using fertilizers with ratios other than the one given may cause or intensify nutrient deficiencies."

Hope this helps.

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