POPPY Blooms 2013

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Here is a new thread for blooms.I'll join you in June.
Everyone else,heave-ho with whats blooming for you.
we were here:

Thumbnail by ge1836
Norfolk, VA

Khan is doing fine. After the first flowers bloom, I cut them off, along with the branch to the auxilary bud to render her robust, and bushier and to produce larger flowers. They make supreme cut flowers, just cut and sear bottoms of stems to retain nutrients and long-live your blossoms.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Today's surprise. Two plants. One single and one double.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Are those Orientals?
Looking great,nice color.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

JoAnn, they are both Orientals. Got the double one from High Country Gardens as "Red Shades". This one reseeds like an annual. The other one was suppose to be something else other than orange. It does have a white halo around the center. There are buds everywhere.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)


TriCities, TN(Zone 6b)

The generic Flanders poppies in my Memorial Day flower bed are starting to come in here in upper East TN. One of the plants is bearing red poppies with the usual outer petals, and inner petals scrolled or rolled, like the petals of a seashell cosmos.

This is only my second year growing poppies, so I do not know a lot about them. In my limited experience I've seen double and pom-pom types, but never scrolled.

I'm not much of a photographer, but here is my attempt at a photo. The plant just started flowering, but with the weather has lost a bit of its perkiness. The plant has lots more buds. Will try to get better photos as they open.

Weather here has been rainy and cloudy, little sun for weeks. Apologies if the garden looks a bit rangy, I plead the weather as my excuse.

Thanks in advance for any information!

Read more: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1313655/#ixzz2TwjJ4o00

Thumbnail by jospears
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Jacinth, Turkenlouis - I cannot capture the beauty and the frills of this one. Royal Wedding. Shasta. Queen Alexander

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Got this from Dutch Gardens. Not the correct one that I ordered. Great Red from G/Gardens. another shot of Turnenlouis. Shasta next to Red Shades.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Great pix Mike.OP's are just opening here
Huge blooms on this one

Thumbnail by ge1836
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Prince of Orange

Thumbnail by ge1836
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Queen Alexandras

Thumbnail by ge1836 Thumbnail by ge1836 Thumbnail by ge1836
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

JoAnn, looking good there. Love all the blooms in the garden also. Love those Alliums.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Pattys Plum and Prince of orange

This message was edited Jun 8, 2013 6:33 AM

Thumbnail by ge1836
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Rain both misty and drenching ,has made a sad case for my OP's
If it dries off today I will pix some more.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Finally some sun
Royal Wedding
Queen Alex
Pattys Plum with Prince of Orange

Thumbnail by ge1836 Thumbnail by ge1836 Thumbnail by ge1836
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

The big hunker in DD's garden
May - today

Thumbnail by ge1836 Thumbnail by ge1836 Thumbnail by ge1836
Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi JoAnn and Mike, your poppy blooms are gorgeous. I'm happy to say that I did get some blooms from the seeds I broadcasted in December and January. I got no blooms from White Cloud or breadbox poppies, and a lot less blooms than seeds that were planted. I guess the birds may have gotten some of the seeds, or they just didn't germinate.

What did bloom were peony poppies Antique Lavender and Antique rose.

Thumbnail by Cem9165 Thumbnail by Cem9165 Thumbnail by Cem9165 Thumbnail by Cem9165 Thumbnail by Cem9165
Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

More Antique Rose from my side bed, and Black Cloud from my back bed with Iris Feed Back. It seems that some of the Black Cloud was damaged by something chewing on the stems, propably slugs. I'll have to put down some bait next year before they do their damage.

I now also am seeing seed pods. When are these pods supposed to be harvested? I want to save seeds for next year.


Thumbnail by Cem9165 Thumbnail by Cem9165 Thumbnail by Cem9165
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I have sowed white poppies 3 times and never had luck.

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Gorgeous! I try to let them mature (the seed pods). If you get down and look at the pods from the side, just under the little flat cap are holes that appear as the pod matures. When the pods are ready and the wind hits them they function like salt shakers sending the seeds all over through those little holes. So I try to wait until I see them and the stem is getting sort of brownish - or at least not so green.

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the advice Mary. I'll keep an eye out for the little holes. Hopefully the birds wont get to them first.


(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

lol. Not likely. When you see them you will know

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Mary is right:
I had losses for 5 years until I provided protection from birds and wash outs.
I use 2 different methods,cut off plastic milk bottles, and screen door fabric weighted down with stones.
The screen and stones are in the lower right side of second photo.

Thumbnail by ge1836 Thumbnail by ge1836
Corte Madera, CA

Hello, everyone! I'm new to poppies, and now so in love! Thanks for sharing your photos! I'm making my list for next season.

Here's what I planted:

Thumbnail by Moonglow
(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Beautiful. I so love the lavenders. But I repeat myself :)

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Welcome Moonglow.Those look like the first ones I sowed."Drop Dead Gorgeous" from The Poppy Shoppe.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Welcome Moonglow.

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Well hopefully I have figured out my new/old camera. A freebie from my daughter and not very current. I had just about figured out the old one and now --- plus my computer is about to go TU and we are having trouble getting a new one that is tabula rasa (clean of any software which is a pain to erase). So here goes. Sorry for the blurriness but still trying to figure out close up shots. the last one shows (if you look very closely) the black rim around each petal. I call it eyeliner. lol. I promised myself I wouldn't save seeds this year just let them sow themselves but here I am tagging them for saving.

Thumbnail by Oberon46 Thumbnail by Oberon46 Thumbnail by Oberon46 Thumbnail by Oberon46 Thumbnail by Oberon46
Tobyhanna, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi all,

Well, finally some blooms. I'm pretty sure the pink frilly one is a Shirley poppy. The red, Flanders maybe. I'm not sure. I tossed seeds from both Flanders and Shirley poppies into a large flower pot in late winter and now the results are starting to bloom. YAY!

Thumbnail by PAgirl60 Thumbnail by PAgirl60
Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh My!!!! Such gorgeous blooms Mary and PAgirl. What a treat for my eyes on such a dreary day here. Rain, rain, rain, and more rain. The garden is loving it.

Happy 4th of July!


(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Same here Annette. For four days. But things are really growing and starting to open up so I walk in the rain in the garden anyway. I love the Shirley poppies if they would stand up better. They are so delicate and have such lovely colors. PAgirl. Your orange poppy almost looks like an oriental like Prince of Orange or one of the red orientals. I thought Flander's poppies were more like regular poppies. Are the leaves fuzzy or smooth.

Tobyhanna, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the compliment, Annette. Mary, the red poppy has smooth leaves and the flower petals are also smooth. I don't think it's an oriental unless the seed was mixed in the other seed. Whatever it is, I'm just loving it!


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Pagirl, the first one look like a miniature dahlia. Very nice blooms, Mary and PAG. Mike

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Everything is starting to bust out up here. Am so looking forward to my blooms. Even Mackinac Grand, one of my peonies, has opened up. Wahoooo! After such a crappy spring. oppps. pardon my french.

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Pictures? Mary, you can't torture us like this and not post any pictures ;~) Glad you're finally getting some blooms. Enjoy them!

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

I will post pics. I just bought a new camera but I have a few on the old one also. Daughter and I are bottling my first batch of Irish Stout beer, then I will take some new pics. One of the deep purple (not black) poppies is open (and tagged for seed harvest).

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Well here are a few. Not too great but the one of Alabaster (a troillius) I really like so I posted it here to share. I am going to like my new camera.

Thumbnail by Oberon46 Thumbnail by Oberon46 Thumbnail by Oberon46 Thumbnail by Oberon46
(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Ops. Hit the wrong button.

Thumbnail by Oberon46 Thumbnail by Oberon46
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Great images Oberon

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