Anyone know what type of lily this is?

Enterprise, AL(Zone 8b)

I knew I had some Formosa Lilies in this bed, my wife ask what that was blooming? I started to say a Formosa Lily, then I noticed the red color and had to go take a closer look. I don't remember this lily from last year, I am wondering if I planted it and forgot, maybe a name will jog my memory. Thanks!

Thumbnail by Seedfork Thumbnail by Seedfork
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Take a look at asiatic lily Lollipop and see if it looks like a match.

Enterprise, AL(Zone 8b)

Lollipop, looks like it to me. I planted some Asiatic Lilies early this spring, but don't remember planting any in this location, but knowing me I could have. Thanks, I am tagging it Lollipop. The Lilies I planted did not have names, just a mixed bag of twenty bulbs.

Pleasant Prairie, WI

Seedfork: Do you grow other lilies? For my own personal background knowledge, I'm interested in what lilies grow well in the Enterprise-Dothan-Eufala area. I love your mulching, by the way--you do a very nice job with it.

Enterprise, AL(Zone 8b)

I don't know why but I had always thought of Lilies as being very delicate and difficult to grow, so I stayed away from them. Plus I did not really like the fact that you put the bulbs under the ground and then I could not keep up with where I put them. The squirrels are so bad about eating, breaking or carrying off name tags I never thought to seriously about Lilies. I grew Daylilies instead.
My mom gave me some Formosa Lily seed, I found out they grow super well here. My wife bought some Lilies for gifts and I planted some of those divisions (they are blooming now I and I need to get an ID on them) they have multiplied and grown very well also. Last year I planted Star Gazer Oriental Lily it was Amazing. So I have just recently gotten into realizing that I can actually grow Lilies and that they are so far, one of the easiest plants to grow instead of one of the most difficult.
I went to Sam's earlier in the year and bought a bag of twenty assorted Asiatic Lilies(I assume that is where the Lollipop Lily came from) and all twenty of the bulbs came up. I think all of them have buds and will bloom shortly so I will try and get Id's on them and let you know. I don't have much knowledge of Lilies, but it appears a lot of them would do very well indeed here.
Oh yeah, the good job of mulching I did...naturally falling Oak leaves. Of course you can't see it but I do add tons of grass clippings shredded leaves etc. during the winter. Then all that gets covered over by the oak leaves falling.
The picture is of an Asiatic Lily my wife bought at Lowes for gifts, I planted three of the bulbs and they have done great, do you recognize it, it was just called Asiatic Lily when she bought them.

This message was edited Apr 27, 2013 6:55 AM

Thumbnail by Seedfork
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

In about two years, dig up the Lollipop in early fall, and you will find you have a hundred Lollipops. It's one of the best multipliers there is.

Enterprise, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks, pollyk
I really like things that multiply, I have been trying to fill my garden with plants for the past few years. Now, I think I nearly have it full and I am getting plants that multiply. I can always give some away, that is half the fun in gardening.

Pleasant Prairie, WI

Seedfork, I don't know the name of your pink lily right off hand, but I've seen it enough to know it's a fairly common one. Anyone one else know? Polly? Jo Ann?--any Ideas? Seedfork, you could go thru the data base on this site and look for it too.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Sorry, no. I just knew Lollipop, as it's such a stand out lily, and recall Jo telling how it spreads. I know I've seen the pink one too. Sure is a pretty!

One that does come to mind that's a pretty common one is Cote D'Azure.

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

I had lollypop and it was filling a bed so I dug it up and must have give it all away because I don't have any left. Drat. Boy did it multiply. Grand Cru is just about as good.

Enterprise, AL(Zone 8b)

Pink Lily or not so pink Lily, this is the lily when purchased. It had very little pink, but now the lily looks pink. One of my wife's friends planted her lily and she told my wife Sunday at church how well it was doing and what pretty pink blooms it had, hers was not pink when planted originally either. What causes a lily to change colors?

Thumbnail by Seedfork
Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

Seedfork, sometimes flowers blush a bit in the full sun, especially when they have a hint of pink to begin with. There is really one great need for growing lilies: good drainage. They tolerate most other things very well. One year I forgot and left about a dozen bulbs naked out in the winter weather, and they never uttered a complaint. Keep on the watch for the red lily beetle. I don't think it comes down south as far as you yet, but forewarned is forearmed.

Lollipop is in partial shade and no matter what grows faithfully each year. What she does not have in beauty she makes up for in hardiness. However, unlike my other asiatics, she only has one bloom. All the other lily plants have multiple blooms; asiatics usually have more, but not always.

You can never have too many lilies.

Enterprise, AL(Zone 8b)

Do I have a bad flavored Lollipop? It has another bud getting ready to bloom.

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

I always assumed it wasn't a big bloomer, and it is in partial shade. Doesn't grow too tall. It's not my favorite flavor, so it gets very little attention. Lollipop doesn't pack the punch of color like the rest of our asiatics with bold color and lots of buds, but she will perform for you, so don't write her off. Enjoy her.

I am not familiar with what grows in zone 8, but I'm sure you have lots more choices than in colder zones. Some of the bulbs that are so tolerant of our freezing winters may become different plants in warmer winters. I often have zone envy!

The first photo is of asiatic lilies that live in a container on our back deck. They're a little close together, but not unhappy. I believe 3 and 5 are Orienpet. The trumpets are huge. I believe number 4 is Elodie, an asiatic with lots of blooms, and the blooms have extra sets of twisted, skinny petals.

I am not the best choosing these photos from thumbnails.

Thumbnail by cathy166 Thumbnail by cathy166 Thumbnail by cathy166 Thumbnail by cathy166 Thumbnail by cathy166
Enterprise, AL(Zone 8b)

I have three new lilies open now. They may be very common ones like my Lollipop, but I think they are beautiful. If any one knows any of them by name please post a response, even without a name I am tickled pink over them.

Thumbnail by Seedfork Thumbnail by Seedfork Thumbnail by Seedfork
(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

The little dots in the center of the second two indicate a particular type of lily but my computer (PC) is down so I can't check mine. The first one looks like pretty much the 'garden variety' orange lily that is fairly common. I agree the second two are lovely. I am sure I have the third one in my garden.

Enterprise, AL(Zone 8b)

Yes the first one is indeed a bright orange, but just as pretty(almost) as the red. Thanks, I had no idea the little dots indicated anything.

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

I just know that I have similar lilies. Dratted computer being down really cramps my knowledge bank. I will go online to where I bought them and see if I can pin them down.

Very pretty flower.Love the color..

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