First clematis season

Lake Mohawk, NJ(Zone 6a)

I am new to clematis gardening and just bought the following plants. Hope i didnt order the wrong ones. I'd appreciate any tips. Im afraid of killing the clematis when i plant and prune them. THANKS

Two Betty risdon for each side of a walkway arch.-partly shady

For a brick wall next to wiateria and trumpet vine- mostly sunny till late day:
Ruutel, Grefve Erik Ruuth, Franziska Maria

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Welcome to the wonderful world of clematis!

You can't really buy the wrong ones! I've loved Betty Risdon but she's one I never bought...yet.

A few of us were just chatting about Ruutel. Seems a few of us felt it could take shade but it hasn't performed well in shade so I've give it sun or at least 4 hours of sun.

I planted some salvia too close to my Franziska Maria and it took all the nourishment meant for the clematis so I lost the clematis.

Are you sure the other plants are far enough away that they won't gobble up the clematises?

Lake Mohawk, NJ(Zone 6a)

Hi Pirl. Thanks for the input :). The wisteria is very controlled so it wont be a problem.

I would've said the same about the trumpet vine but it got wacked down in a hurricane this winter. I thought it was dead but after reading up on it it probably isnt. I have to replace the lattice support and then figure out how much of it to prune & see if it makes it. I'll definitley keep a close watch that it doesnt invade the clematis! :) maybe i'll put fewer in that section of the garden and put the leftovers somewhere else.

Still working on the whole garden layout but i think its coming together.

Lake Mohawk, NJ(Zone 6a)

Turns out my husband doesnt like my idea of where to plant my new clematis. If we cant come to an understanding (my way is best!) is it possible to use them for ground cover instead of climbers?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Do you have any spots where they could go that get 6 hours of sun? They'd love it. There's no need to put them all in one spot so maybe you could work a deal with your husband and put two in one area and the rest in another spot.

Of course your way is best! We clematis lovers have to join forces.

You may regret it if you allow them to grow as ground covers, especially if you have trees and get fallen leaves in autumn. It will be a huge mess to clean. I've lived through it with just one clematis, an atragene, Helsingborg. Now I've cleaned out that area and sent the plants away. I took this photo before facing cleaning up this spring, which was a nightmare and took days: it's just not worth it to me.

Do you have any fencing where you could attach clear vinyl netting and allow the clematises to grow up the netting? I think Agway carries it but call first to avoid disappointment.,default,pd.html?start=2&q=netting

Thumbnail by pirl
Lake Mohawk, NJ(Zone 6a)

Thanks Pirl. The netting is a really good idea! We are struggling with what to put on a cement wall that the vines can climb and wont be ugly when showing. we used to have lattice there but it did 't last very well. The wisteria and trumpet vines started breaking it with their thick vines and then the winter storms tore it apart. Maybe the netting will work better. The only other place i can think of for the clematis is on a woooden fence behind a spot i was thinking of putting a veggie garden next year. Do i still need netting? I thought they just hung onto the fence. Oops😊

I dont have one, but would a clematis that is group 3 work for groundcover? Dont they die back so you can get rid of the old pruned vines with the leaves? Just curious.

Have a great night :)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

If the lattice was taken down by the wisteria and trumpet vines, the vinyl netting isn't nearly that strong and won't serve to hold them in place. The vinyl would work on a fence where you're considering a veggie garden. Yes, you would still need it since the clematises wish is to climb. They do hang on the fence but have to climb up in order to hang.

I can't imagine a group 3 on the ground but it's your choice. At least with a group 3 it would get cut back and that would make cleaning so much easier. Here's Jackmanii at the foot of one compost bin. If you can see it lying prone as a ground cover, and feel that's what you want, then give it a try. You're braver than I.

Thumbnail by pirl
(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

What about using integrifolias as ground cover? They don't climb. I haven't done it myself, but I think I've seen around here that others do?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

You're right, Pam. Carolyn loves using them as ground covers. I'll ask her to come over here and post some of her photos of them.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

That would be great, for me too. She has some beauties, as I remember. It would be nice to see more of her pics and get her input as to what's done well or not so well for her. Anyone else, too, the more the merrier, lol...

That Jackmanii of yours is really stupendous. I have one I'm hoping gets anywhere close to it, even without the compost pile to boost it along.

(Zone 7a)

I have an integrifolia. I'll share pics when it gets bigger.

Athens, PA

I love the integrefolias. I was thinking - I have 2 Durandii's that I tie into my Flowering Almond. I think I will try to have one in the shrub and one on the floor of the garden to see how I like that. Who knows - perhaps I may have them both scramble through the garden floor.

One of my favorites is Hakuree (I am not sure if that is spelled right)

Then there is Durandii that is trying to spill to the ground. I love the blue of Durandii with the yellow of the coreopsis. It should look great scrambling through the coreopsis.

The 3rd picture is again of Hakuree - this time scrambling through a hardy geranium.

Fascination scrambling through the weeds ^_^

I have other integrifolias that I have tied to fencing and obelisks as well, like Hendryetta. Integrifolias are diversified in their uses.

I put in a pink one last year - haven't seen any flowers on that one yet and have Integrifolia Alba to lift from heeling in for the winter and plant out this spring.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22 Thumbnail by Carolyn22 Thumbnail by Carolyn22 Thumbnail by Carolyn22 Thumbnail by Carolyn22
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Carolyn. I knew you'd come to the rescue!

Athens, PA

You are welcome Arlene.

I love when clematis season is here, don't you?

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Soooo beautiful!. Last year I got an Alba for a big planter, and Sizaja Ptitsa or another area, both from Brushwood. They put out a couple of blooms each but this year I'm hoping for a bigger display.

Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

They are so lovely and remind me of the spring dresses little girls used to wear.

I'm sure there will be more blooms this year. I've found they need more food if they are in containers so that might help.

Athens, PA


Sizaja Ptitsa is on my want list.... I am looking forward to pictures of yours this summer.


(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

It had buds last weekend, and at least 1 long stem. I have high hopes!

Lake Mohawk, NJ(Zone 6a)

Thanks again for your help. I've decided to replace the lattice and keep the plants tied on top of it instead of letting them wind around it. Hopefully that will stop the vines from destroying the lattice.

I ended up cutting the trumpet vine waaay back ( down to about 6") because it was so top heavy. I read they're very hardy so we'll see if it grows back.

I'll let you know how it all turns out. Very excited for summer blooms!!!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'll bet you get blooms before summer. We're all looking forward to seeing them.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I have a spot where I'll try the Integrifolia as a ground cover!! Never occurred to me! Just happened to read here and found lots of good info that I'll put to use.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I finnaly have blooms on Julia Correvon, they are very small, is that how they are? Next to Gipsy Queen they are like 1/3 of the size. Very nice color.
My Venosa Violacea is ready to meet the Saturday Mailman, I hope he enjoys them. Etelka

Thumbnail by kiseta Thumbnail by kiseta
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I hope you enjoy them, Ronnie.

Beautiful Julia! You have it situated so well, Etelka. The sun on that color makes it even more beautiful than normal. I'm sure the mailman will enjoy being greeted by VV. Who wouldn't?

Fabens, TX(Zone 8a)

New be here also to Clematis. I have been reading quite a few threads here and hope I have soaked up some of the information. I know one that I have tried that Pirl posted about the rabbit poo. I have a couple rabbits for my grandson. and have applied quite a pile of it on the 5 plants I have planted this year. I saw the picture she posted and am in hope this will help me see the plants grow. Thanks to all the wonderful post.

Athens, PA


Mme Julia's flowers are shaped a bit differently than some of the other clems. I love the spindley blossoms though and the color is so red. She was my first clematis and I have been hooked ever since. There is something about ones' 'first love' ^_^

Thumbnail by Carolyn22 Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I know that very well, drove me nuts, but I shure loved him. Etelka (sorry of the subject)

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I mean my very first love, the flowers came after. Etelka

Thumbnail by kiseta
(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Julie certainly is beautiful, first love or not!

I have a bud on a NOID Clem, may or may not be a montana (Pic 1). Hmmmmm... Now that I took the picture, I don't see the bud. I could have sworn... Think I'm impatient?! . Also both Veronica's Choice (last year co-op buys) are up very nicely, one on each side of the trellis, one already twining. (Pic 2)

Oh, I have such zone envy!!!

Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Txtea - Welcome! You did let the rabbit poo age, right? Otherwise it would be too hot. Do you have names for the clem's you have now? We'd love to know their names.

Carolyn - many of those first loves (as in humans) are more fantasy than reality but with clem's the love goes on for many years.

Etelka - wasn't your last human love the love of your life?

Pam - maybe it's wishful thinking but I think the bud is at the second shingle from the bottom. It's fun to watch how two of the same plant can behave so differently and how one can race ahead of the other. Skip the zone envy and enjoy your clem's as they bloom.

Omoshiro bloomed here in the last few days and today Guernsey Cream opened when my camera wasn't in my hand, of course!

Lake Mohawk, NJ(Zone 6a)

Hi. Well, my clematis are all still alive (surprising). I have two Betty Risdon - the one with a little more sun just put out it's first flower and it was amazing! i may have to move the other. The Erik Ruuth also had some pretty little white flowers. The bijou isn't growing but isn't dead either. I'm having a lot of trouble with my irrigation system so have started hand watering and I think that will help a lot.

i also have an Avant Garde that i paid too much for but really, really wanted. It wilted when i put it in the ground and i was sure it was dead but it has come back with a vengeance! No flowers but it's growing like crazy :) Yippee

Thumbnail by Snarva Thumbnail by Snarva
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Wonderful! There's an entire thread on the Clematis Forum about Avant Garde.

Yours look great and regular watering will just make for even better blooms next year. So glad it worked out so well for you.

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