Blossoms are curling up - what is wrong?? Help please

Chico, CA

I have many tomatoes planted and on only one plant (Isis Candy) the blossoms or that part of the plant seems to be curling up like a fern?? Weird - there are other set tomatoes on the plant and some of the blossoms are normal? I will attach pictures so hopefully someone can lend some advice. I wonder if I should cut that part off or?



Thumbnail by drkenai Thumbnail by drkenai Thumbnail by drkenai
Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Is there a chance they have been hit by herbicide drift? Tomatoes are very sensitive to it.

You may want to google Curly Top Virus.

Chico, CA

This tomato plant is on the end of a raised bed however the plants are already 3 feet tall and although I have used a little herbicide in the yard I would say it is doubtful but always a possibility. I looked up curly top virus and - hmmm - just don't know.

I have 72 tomatoes planted and it is the only one 'infected' and it is only on the very top of the plant.

Thanks so much for the input Lisa C.!


Chico, CA

After thorough inspection of my tomatoes this morning this phenomenon is affecting 3 plants all on the ends of the raised beds - two heirlooms and one hybrid are so affected.


Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

It really looks like herbicide damage- either drift or in contaminated compost. There is increasing trouble with this, and it has been addressed in several forums here.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I was going to ask you if they were on the ends. Those are the ones that usually get hit by herbicide drift. That would be my first guess.

Chico, CA

Wow - I had no idea this could happen, but yes with those affected plants being on the end this is a logical conclusion. Well the good news is I don't have a horrible didease that will spread from plant to plant. Thanks for your input Lisa and Jo!


Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

And some of the plants may outgrow the damage and produce. I would cut off the severe parts and see if new sprouts will grow.

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

are these all the same variety?

Chico, CA

The three that are affected are a Isis Candy, Juane Flamme, and Better Boy. They are on the ends, facing the yard, of 2 new raised beds. Total in my garden I have 72 plants and 32 varieties.


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