CLOSED: Evergreen Vine seeds (Hardiness Zone 9b,Heat Zone 11) wanted

la belle, FL(Zone 9b)

Finally we can start our first garden! I would love to have all kinds of evergreen vines but online I couldn't find any seeds for evergreen vines for my area (Hardiness Zone 9b, Heat Zone 11). Even evergreen vines plants for this area are hard to find...

I have my favorites (see my trade list - coming soon) but ANY seed would be great - or information where to get them.


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Georgia vines..

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Wow - my first post disappeared... Anyhow, I think you should check out Stigmaphyllon ciliatum, also called the Brazilian Golden Vine, Orchid Vine, Butterfly Vine, Amazon Vine, Golden Creeper

It can be found on

I have this vine and it grows well with months of 110 plus degrees (didn't even wilt at 120 degrees) and was still blossoming when we had several nights of 20 degree weather with no appreciable damage to leaves or flowers...

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Another vine you may want to think about growing is bougainvillea. They come in a variety of colors and grow great down here in the Florida heat.


la belle, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks for your responses! I'll check out Georgia's vines - it looks like they have a lot of different seeds- Thanks!
The Brazilian Golden Vine is now on my list also!

The bougainvillea is also great - but I had to deal with their thorns too often...(We would like to cover long chain link fence with vines and thinking about dealing with all the thorns made me look for alternatives...) But thanks anyway!

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Another one you might want to look into is Clematis or Jasmines.

la belle, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks!They are both on my list now!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I have a Cat's Claw vine that is green year round with yellow flowers in spring/summer. We have temps to 118 here.

Zephyrhills, FL

Heidi, I have starts for some incredibly beautiful perennilal morning glories, including this native Ipomoea indica. I also have some yellow flowering perennial species.

Just message me. I can trade for something. Rex

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Ransom3 if you have more of those after trading - let me know - I've been looking for those!

Sue G

la belle, FL(Zone 9b)

Quote from ransom3 :
Heidi, I have starts for some incredibly beautiful perennilal morning glories, including this native Ipomoea indica. I also have some yellow flowering perennial species.

Just message me. I can trade for something. Rex

Thanks Rex
I'm very interested in the native one!

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