Spring is here!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Following a winter that felt much too long, spring has finally arrived. Looking forward to more clematis talk and lots of photos.

Please consider this an invitation to those who don't usually post - come join us for our chats about buying, planting and growing the wonderful clematises that are now so widely available.

We came from here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1293322/

Thumbnail by pirl
Thomaston, CT

I can't imagine paying that price for any clem! Must be spectacular!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

All of their clematises were $32. and I felt shocked. The nursery is beautiful but I pointed out to the owners, several times, that the names are wrong much too often. The help do know their plants but not the names and feel that's not of the greatest importance. Well, maybe not to them but to the rest of us it's critical. I've often seen a red bloom on one labeled MONTANA GRANDIFLORA, a definite white clem. They shrug their shoulders and say the magic words - "Mistakes happen". Fine but I'm not paying $32. for a plant that could easily have the wrong name!

If they were $5.00 I could accept it but not at the prices they charge.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have paid as high as $20, but the clem was 3 ft tall and starting to bloom. I still like my close out steals at Lowes for $3.00 a piece no matter what the name tag says.

(Zone 7a)

I seem to have killed all my Clems except for my recent C. integrifolia. It's going great guns but the others I dug a bit and they're withered and dead looking. That's one for 6...

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Did you keep them moist and mulched?

(Zone 7a)

I did. I lost all the Japanese Irises and clems. Ithink my problem was planting time. I should really do that in the Fall.

Thomaston, CT

How disappointing.....I'm seeing growth on all my clems, but who knows if they'll all bloom.....

St. Simon's Island, GA(Zone 9a)

My first clematis bloom this year.

Thumbnail by happytail
Athens, PA

Celia - too often clematis will do a no show and then the following year they will come back in all their splendor and glory. It is a good idea to treat the no shows as if they are there and water as we would the ones that are showing. I have had clematis come back after not showing up for a year.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I agree with Carolyn 100%. I'd also water the areas where you put the Japanese irises.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I am back from the coal mine, rolled about 385 meatballs, they turned out good . I have four days of this weekend and will tend to the rest of the garden, since yesterday I got 4 trays of annuals, they where $10.00 each for 36 plants. got some nice colored vinca, will take pictures this weekend. My shy Rebecca is having her first bloom, also Neobie is ready to bloom, first time in 2 years. Now only if the two Hanrees get in line and bloom for me, l be a happy gardener. Picture prooves that I have rolled them balls, this was #3, so I had 3 more to go after this. I am going to roll in my dreames. My famous corner is getting better looking every day.Etelka

Thumbnail by kiseta Thumbnail by kiseta Thumbnail by kiseta
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

There was never a doubt in my mind that the meatballs would be good. It's so nice to see you with the meatballs!

Sounds like you got a good deal with the four trays of annuals. We'll all look forward to your pictures.

I love that "shy" Rebecca line! It makes a person wonder why some clem's begin the season with 20 or 50 flowers while others begin one at a time - my guess is that it's genetics. Niobe is such a nice dark red. I hope it does well for you and I want your Henryi to get with the program and show off for you. The first blooms have such a lovely green bar (see attached) that slowly disappears but each new bloom has that green bar so it's always looking good.

Your corner looks so nice and neat!

Happy rolling in your dreams.

Thumbnail by pirl
(Zone 7a)

Yes, I did know that about Clems. I carefully dug them up and they're dead as dead can be. The only one for which I have hope is Henryi. It's in a pot and I haven't disturbed it.

Athens, PA

Meatballs and I am starving Etelka! Love your pictures.

Celia - funny that only one clem made it. Were they liners when you put them in?

I pruned back my type 3's and fertilized all clems and roses last Sunday. They all are looking good. Can't wait to see flowers. I also moved my VDL and Mrs. T Lundell.

(Zone 7a)

What do you mean by 'liners'? Only one is in a pot. The others were in the ground. Belle of Woking was under a tree and was growing great until Fall.

Athens, PA

By liners, I mean the small 2 to 4" pots. Those little liner pots have a difficult time with survival in the first year or so. It is recommended to pot them up into gallon pot and then baby them through until roots are coming out the bottom and then plant them out into the garden.

I found it interesting that the potted plant made it and the others did not, which is why I am wondering if they were liner pots.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Spring is here allright, my boy Danial D. has 4 blooms on him, and the Gipsy Queen is blooming, I paired her up with Julia Crevon (?) I hope they are compatible. My two roses Autumn sunset are doing well, we are half way there to look somewhat like Mr. Timeinthebottle's picture, hope to show them off in a month. Etelka

Thumbnail by kiseta Thumbnail by kiseta Thumbnail by kiseta
Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

Except for what my "helpful" yard guys may have pulled out or cut off, the clems are taking off! What a nice surprise. First time ever for one that slept lightly last summer and I think had one bloom. Time to go back and look at the photos.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

That is the reason I do my own yardwork, my naighbor asking me to work for me, I said when I get to old to do my own, I call you. Etelka

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm unhappy with my over zealous yard people. They pruned my Pink Champagne really hard, that I had already pruned last fall. The interesting part is that they didn't touch the other clematis.

Here are some blooms from today:
Patricia Ann Fretwell, Liberation, Omoshiro, Mrs. Cholmondeley, and Miguel Viso.

Please forgive the picture that turned out sideway, I'm posting from my phone, as the DH is driving us to Raleigh, NC.


Thumbnail by Cem9165 Thumbnail by Cem9165 Thumbnail by Cem9165 Thumbnail by Cem9165 Thumbnail by Cem9165
Athens, PA

Very nice Etelka and Annette - mine are just barely starting ^_^

Thomaston, CT

How lovely....today I received 2 clems from Brushwood....Andromeda & Shirayukihime...one has a bud on it....they both look very healthy. Now I have to find a place to plant them!

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Carolyn and Marilyn. Several of my Brushwood clematis do have blooms. Here are Red Star and what is supposed to be Veronica's Choice, both still in their pots waiting patiently to be planted.

I also got Andromeda this year. I'm looking forward to seeing it bloom. The second picture is Yukiokoshi, also from Brushwood this year, and already blooming, which was planted in the garden the first week of April.

Thumbnail by Cem9165 Thumbnail by Cem9165
Athens, PA

I have several that I heeled in to the back yard for the winter that I still need to lift. I am hoping to get them lifted this weekend. I didn't order anything this past winter - still wondering what I am going to do with the heeled in plants.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Last year I got a bunch of new clems, most from a co-op, a couple each from Brushwood and Bluestone. Some were planted in the ground, and I left a bunch in pots over the winter. Some had wilted last year soon after planting, a couple had grown well but not bloomed, a couple bloomed. So far I see signs of life on quite a few: Isago (wilted), Hagley Hybrid (bloomed), Jackmanii (bloomed), Nelly Moser (grew), Venosa Violacea (grew), Sizaja Ptitsa (bloomed), NOID discovered and moved last year (grew). So far, all the Brushwood clems made it. Still no sign of life from several more, but it's still early here, no Daffs yet, just a few buds.

So far, very encouraging. Of course I've ordered a couple more already. A co-op I've bought quite a lot from in the past promised large roots at great prices, and I couldn't resist. Arabella and Asao should arrive in just a few weeks.

Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I planted Asao and Isago last year.Asao grew and had 1 bloom,Isago struggled. There are no sighns from either so far but not all clems emerge at the same time as you said.
Clems can frustrate more than any other plant I think.

Biju ,in a container looks vigerous.

Good luck with your new ones.

Thomaston, CT

I can't wait to see them in bloom, Pam & Jo!

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Good to know about Isago. I might do better with Henryi for a white, people seem to have good luck with it. And I wonder sometimes if the double whites might look like used Kleenex... Lol...

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

My two Henryis are yet to bloom. I got them at Lowe"s two years ago, they just sat there. This time they are growing, but no bloom yet. But my others are doing well. In front are Daniel D. and Ruutel on right. Behind the mail box 3 clems, two VV, and one Ice Blue. In the back under the flag are Sunset, Hanryi and John Warren, which have huge flowers. It is a nice cool day and the clems all look happy. Etelka

Thumbnail by kiseta
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

If you want a sure thing go with Henri. Mine wont stop.
It blooms a long time ,I believe there was one left in August

Thumbnail by ge1836 Thumbnail by ge1836
(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Wow! All the pictures are gorgeous!! Makes me want everything, especially since I have so little happening outside right now. But I think Henryi is a must. Nothing like the tried and true...

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I lost a lot of clems last winter.OR I am not patient enough. Dawn,Isago,a Dark red one.

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8b)

Nice to meet you Arlene and others
I am a new subscriber to Daves Garden forum
for two months..trying it out..
I have clematis and bought my wrought iron trellis
for them at Home Depot.
I bought my fabulous clematis plants online from Joy Creek
Nursery out of Portland Oregon and one at Lowe's.

The ones from Joy Creek nursery arrived in great shape, 2 year old plants and the
owners and their employees were so nice to me by phone and

I have Prince Charles, Julia Correvon, Dr Ruppel, Marcelina,
Contesse de Bouchard, Madame Baron Viellard..

I am so excited to see your clematis forum active and hope to hear from some of you ...
I do not know anyone that enjoys flowers anymore and no one
to share my enthusiam with over clematis...or perennials..

I have a blog...and hope you will visit it..

Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys
Montgomery, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi Arlene and thank you for your post.
I too get excited about clematis.
I have no one to share that excitement with
as so few people have flower gardens anymore.
I am self taught and just have a love for flowers
and animals.

I bought my black wrought iron trellis from Home Depot
last year..

and ordered clematis from a great company called
Joy Creek Nursery out of Portland Oregon.
Their employees were patient and kind to me
on the phone and responded to email..

My plants came with fabulous roots, and were the correct ones
they were packaged extremely well and arrived at my house
across the country in good shape.

Among those bought from them are Madame Baron Viellard,
Julia Correvon, Marcelina, Contessa de bouchard, and
some were bought at Lowes ..Dr Ruppel.
these are my photos.

In my soil flowers tend to be more bluish..or lavendar.
I love Julia Correvon!

I hope to meet others on the forum and have some one to enjoy clematis and other perennials with ..
Sheri/sheridragonflys in zone 8

Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys Thumbnail by Sheridragonflys
Thomaston, CT

Hi Sherri....those are lovely photos......good luck with your new clems.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Today I re-potted, using Pirl's magic self-watering pots that I was able to find at the end of the season.

Isago had been in a 1 gallon plastic pot over the winter, and even though it wilted almost as soon as it was planted, the roots nearly filled the pot.

Hagley Hybrid had been in a 9" pot, and the roots were just starting circle at the bottom. This pot won't hold it for the summer, but I'n not ready to put her in the ground so it will do for a while.

Nelly Moser had been growing slowly, but It's been bothering me that she was in much too much shade, up against the north side of the house. She needed to get up about 12-14" in order to get any sun at all. So I dug her up, burrowing under rocks to get as much root as possible. She had made a fair amount of new ones- surprising, considering the lack of light.

Then I gave everybody that was coming to life an Epsom Salts drink.

Somehow I just deleted the picture I had taken earlier of the newly planted pots. :-(. Oh well, there wasn't much to see, just mulch in a pot. Maybe next week will be more interesting...

Thomaston, CT

You've done a ton of work, Pam! I planted my 2 clems today.....Shirayukihime was blooming.....

Thumbnail by ROBINDOG
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Marilyn that is a beautiful clem.Must be an early variety.
My Omoshiru is leafing and climing.I have a mid May date for blooms.

(karen) Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

My Nelly Moser is up and blooming like crazy. She must have 20+ blooms already. Also I purchased two new clems last spring which both appeared to have shriveled up and died immediately from the heat and lack of rain but surprised me by both coming up this spring - one of them has just started to bloom and I am oh so excited. I believe this new one is called fireworks. Just a few blooms on it but considering it's start I'll take it.

BTW what is this epsom salts drink??

Thumbnail by kjuddy Thumbnail by kjuddy

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