Night blooming jasmine

Dolan Springs, AZ(Zone 9a)

Will jasmine get enough sun on a west facing wall to bloom?

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

OK. I am old and live in NJ. That will explain what I am about to say I hope. ☺ I propagate Jasmine and my babies are in the greenhouse on the West side. They get all the afternoon sun. Having said that, in the Spring and Summer the Maid of Orleans stock plants stay on a bench facing North and only get some morning and afternoon sun. Then, the stock plants for the Star (Confederate) Jasmine get only morning sun on the East side of my house in the bird room.

I hope I have not totally confused you. Our hottest sun is on the South side. The least sun is on the North. Not sure how you are situated but this is the way my house is set up. Nothing changes the sun coming up in the East and setting in the West, so you must judge what fits your needs best. The only vine and or climbers that I keep on the South side are the Mandevilla and the bougainvillea and they are on the South deck in full sun all summer.

I do hope this helps you. JB

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

They do in Fl. and bloom very well.


Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Retract that statement. I was thinking a different jasmine. My night blooming jasmine is in front yard facing east. Other one is in partial sun/shade and both bloom profusely.

Good luck with them.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I gave up on my night blooming jasmine because I had so much trouble with the mealy bug on it, even outside. It eventually died. But it was a great bloomer and it to got East and West sun.

Dolan Springs, AZ(Zone 9a)

Jberger, that did make sense the third time I read it ;D just kidding! Yep, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west here too, it just seems that because I'm so much further west and south it gets a whole lot hotter here!

Bonniegardens, if eastern light is enough then I'm good to go....I planted the jasmine on the south east corner of the garden/tool shed, and hopefully it will cover it one day.

I hope I don't have trouble with mealy bugs. Right now it's all I can do to fight off the huge jack rabbits!

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Never had any kind of bugs on my night blooming jasmine and Fl. is loaded with all kinds of bugs. Mine are a shrub not a vine. I prune them way back after blooming and they bounce right back. They are both sprouting out now. When they both are blooming the smell would knock you out but I like them.


Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Bonnie, I hope you get lucky with your jasmine. I had mine in the greenhouse and it was just wonderful day I was watering and noticed some mealy bug and since my greenhouse is inspected by the State of NJ, I may not have mealy bug on any plant even if I am not selling it, so outside it went. The mealy bug just about covered it, spray and all and I finally left it die because for some reason they just invaded and that was the last time that ever happened to me. Have had it since on the old larger plants but have been able to keep them under control. Change soil, do all the things I can think of...especially disinfect the pots if you reuse the pots because they will make homes in the edges of the pots if you do not stop them. I know I brought them in from somewhere when I moved a plant inside over the winter that year, but I had no idea where they came from since the only plant infected was the night blooming jasmine. Now the only place I get them is on the gardenias and I am fazing out them for just that reason. I can not pass inspections with any sort of bug. LOL

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

If greenhouses had to be inspected here for bugs nobody would be able to have one. When I have a plant or shurb that doesn't have any kind of bugs I think I've hit the mother load.

I'm sure the commercial nurseries get inspected but not homeowners GH.


Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

NJ is so full of rules and regulations it is disgusting. I do think California is very strict also. What it is with these coastal towns? I never heard of Florida having a problem with their shipping plants. lucky you. Have a wonderful day. JB

Marco Island, FL(Zone 10b)

My night blooming jasmine is in tree form and gets afternoon sun as does the vining jasmine on the front wall which faces west. That has been blooming for 6 weeks now and still knocks you out when you get near. The night blooming only blooms on a full moon and boy is it fragrant!!! In fact tomorrow I need to whack back one of the plants!! No bugs (yet) and it is under the white birds that are being infested by the white flies. Neem is my friend!

Dolan Springs, AZ(Zone 9a)

I must have something other than the night blooming- this jasmine has been going nonstop! It is only about two feet tall just now. I'd like to train it into a tree shape when it gets some more height.

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