Sweet Interruptions # 257.. really 257

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)


That smile when you starts it says it all, Cindy!! Lil Sporty is your bestest buddy! And round and round she goes!
Dave must have said prayers silently..

LK, I tomorrow I'd be going to my other quilting store that always give me a 10% discount. The two that I had went to yesterday, was on another side of town, and they offered discounts only to guild members. I had been going to one of them for years, and got rather insulted when I see women getting discounts with lesser purchases when the owner knows that I do spend a hefty amount each time I shop.
Whereas the 3rd one, doesn't care how much I spent and makes sure I get treated right. The owner's also the one that sent me a free kit.. smart of her to entice me to return to her store.

If not, I'll just shop at WM where the choice of VIP fabric is getting better and so does the thread count.
Some of the high end quilt fabric manufacturers if you noticed had reduced their cloth thread count and yet still selling at above $10 per yard. I was very disappointed when I found very low quality fabric that Joann's tried to pass as quilting fabric.
So now, if I were to shop online I'll stick to manufacturers that I know that are very reliable. Unfortunately, I'm one that rather see the line at a store.

Dear Kel has brought home another cat. This cat had been staying around the prison and him and some fellow officers had been feeding it.
It's jet black and Kel said it will fit nicely with the troop we have!! I named her "Noobie", as she really looks and act like a Nubian royalty! Lol! Yes one more to be fixed, if she's not pregnant already.
Whenever any animal is dumped on the prison grounds, most likely someone will bring it home if it's approachable. Kel is the only one that could get close to it.
He told me that there's a beagle that the others have been trying to rescue. At least that beagle won't be starving.
There's one prison in the next county that allow animals to roam on the recreation grounds. Kel said interacting with the furfriends help the prisoners with rehabilitation and offer the 'lifers' some humanity.
It would be nice if this new prison allow animal therapy.

Sis Kathy, any news?

Pegi, at least you don't have an attack of the allergies each time you go outside.
I learnt from Thunder to pop a pill before I put on my gardening gloves!

Picture is of Tutu, another rescue. It is still wild!!

Thumbnail by heavenscape
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Jaye, I hear ya, on feeling the fabric, but so far, what I have ordered online has been food fabric.
Bless you and Kel's heart for adopting another kitty! Is Nubian tame?
Love tutu also.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

I've been very successful ordering online, as it's hard to find Timeless Treasures fabric in stores, LK.
We think Nubian used to belong to someone, as it comes to the door real easy. She lets me pet her too.
Some folks just like to dump their pets when they have enough with them. My MIL is one, sadly. Each time she gets a pet, not too long later, she'd drop it off at a shelter or give it away. Strangely it's always Kel that takes care of her pets. Can't figure out that woman.

Meant to tell you too LK, that when I was living in Louisiana... there would be four wheelers riding up and down the road in front of our house. Our road was normally quiet, as there are very few houses in that area.
But one day, my ex had to called the cops as some kids were 'popping' wheelies and burning rubber beside the noise. These weren't the regulars.
The cop said the same thing to them. They're not licensed to be rode on public roads. We don't see them anymore!!

Time for you to learn Spanish girl so you could tell them off too! Lol!


How sweet that you adopted Nubbie (Nubian)!! Looking forward to seeing a picture of the sweet kittie :-)
Tough on the pets that are "dumped"
Hey LK - I took Spanish when I was working at an Oil & Gas company! 4 months, 2x a week at an hour each time. Mind you, it's been years, and had no real chance to use it, but......... I'd help ya talk to those Wheelie Nuts!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I know all the bad words, that is all! :)
I had a friends years ago ask me why I don't learn Spanish, and I looked at her and told her, I am in America, I should not have to learn another language. Probably not the right answer, but that is how I felt at the time. I did learn a little French when we went to Beligium for 6 months, but it did not help much, as they speak a language called Walloon, a little French, and a little German I think it was?

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

LK.. seriously all things considered, English isn't the first language of America. We have to learn Chippewa, Cherokee or some native language to be 100 percent American!! Waving my flag proudly... at least I can take the citizenship test in English all by myself.
I was shocked to find out that there were a few that took the citizenship test in their native language, orally, through interpreters. So, I could have taken that test in one of the Singapore languages!!! Lol!!
Yes, you must probably be in the Flanders region of Belgium.
Even all Frenchmen don't speak alike. It's all a matter of dialects I guess.

Oh Susan!! Most probably you'd get some strange looks from those 'nuts' from your accent!!


LOL Jaye!! S'funny, but I actually take on the accent of the person who teaches me.
When I took French from a parissien, I spoke like one, and when I learned from a Quebecois, I learned Quebec French. Also, when I was in Georgia, as a teenager, I came home speaking like a "Georgia Peach"........... I became a real "Suthn'ah" when I was there........... and Boy did I get strange looks when I came home with a Georgia accent AND laryngitis!! LOL

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

We lived in a little town called Phillipville, it is located in the southern and center of Belgium.

Thumbnail by taters55
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Good morning sistahs.
Yes I'm early!! Kel's itching to go somewhere early. Might take a trip to Shoney's at the beach for that great breakfast buffet! Wish I could bring you all along with us.

LK, it must be a lovely town! Will have to look it up.

Leaving fresh coffee and bagels and cream cheese. Have a great Monday!


yummy, Jaye - Thank You!!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

yesterday sissy was holding her own but very little improvement. haven't spoke to doc yet today, but i'm fixinto call him.
he told me last nite that as long as there was hope HE WOULD NOT PUT HER TO SLEEP!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the breakfast Jaye, wish I was closer to tag along too! Enjoy your day!

Well, Andy finally finished my tattoo.

Thumbnail by taters55
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Were still sending prayers for Sissy!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

thanks linda. and really, I love that tat

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

forgot to tell y'all, I wrote a check for 326.28 that was cashed for 826.28, and one for 39.14 and it was cashed for 89.14. waiting for the bank to open, so I can get this straitened out. between getting ready to move Saturday, my court date with my daughter wed. and sissy, I don't have time for the banks mistakes.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh no! Sounds like whoever you wrote them to is trying to steal from you! Hope you catch them and file charges!
We will be sending lots of prayers for Wed!


oh my......... $500 and $50 is a LOT of $$ to be over-charged!!
I hope it's straightened out quickly and the person who put it through, at the bank, is told about the error!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

it was my auto and rv insurance. go figure


surely the mistake was made by the bank?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad you caught it, and I pray the bank got it fixed quickly! Whose fault was it? Insurance or bank?

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

the insurance company. I have them on the phone now

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Chew them up good Kathy!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

you know I am!!!!! making them pay overdraft fees to.


Good for you, Kathy!! Boy, your birthday, and their gift from YOU!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Please turn on your news station on tv. There has been several explosions at the Boston marathon, with several killed and dozens seriously injured. They have already said it was bombs, not a gas leak or anything like that. So sad to,see the damage as it comes on the air.


OMG............. how horrible........ caused by "someone - person being questioned at the hospital (bloodied) - running from the scene - 2 bombs" ?!?!?!

This message was edited Apr 15, 2013 2:07 PM


A 3rd explosion at JFK Presidential Library - 6 miles away..... Senseless......

This message was edited Apr 15, 2013 2:10 PM

just marking my spot
had fun with my friend but am so sad to see her go.
have not had much to say nor felt like posting much. just a big down lately , don't know why ? hormones i guess.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susan, there were 3 bombs, 2 went off, the cops found one, and they blew it up. The fire at the JFK library, they are saying is not connected. But this all depends on which news station your watching.

Sue, glad you had a good time with your friend. Maybe your just sad because she left?


I know 2 went off at the marathon end, and found another unexploded one.
I'm just waiting for the results of the questioning of the person who was running away.....

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

I'll be back tomorrow. Kel's been on the pc which is good. As I get to pay attention to the horrors shown on tv.
Bless those victims and may this NOT be an international terrorist act.


I'm not so sure it being "local" would be better.....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Morning everyone!


Good Morning, Linda Kay!!!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Hello sistahs.
I just got off the phone with Marion.
Marion's mum is back with Sue. Please pray for Marion and her family.
Situations don't look good for her mum. As for Marion herself, she's having to deal with her eye and her knee. Thank God Kim drove her there and both kids will be on call when the time is right for her to return home.


oh my....... ((((((Hugs)))))) for Marion. What a difficult time for her. As her Mom is with Sue now, I expect it's only a matter of time. I will pray for them - all the family.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Times like this, I wish we are all within minutes of driving distance.
Susan you need to move down to the right country.


LOL Jaye!! I'm in the UP country - and it's good for me lol

btw - had a Wonderful interview this am with the Employment Agency. He thinks there are 2 positions with clients of his that would be a Perfect fit.......... I'll get a notice within days he thinks.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

my sweet Sissy Mae went to be with the Lord this morning. She is terribly missed, please pray I get threw this

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for posting about Marion's Mom. Will send lots of prayers!

Kathy, so sorry to hear about Sissy, sending,prayers of comfort your way also.

This message was edited Apr 16, 2013 11:55 AM

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