Recycling your Wisteria "whips"!

Tiverton, RI(Zone 6b)

Every Fall I trim back my Wisteria vine to get rid of all those long trailing "whips" that it produces all summer. They trail across the ground and some may reach over 10 feet of strong green vines. I usually bundle them up and toss them. Last Fall I trimmed off all the leaves, ends that were too thin and willowy and cut the remaining long strong but pliable vine into sections. I arched the sections of vine and pushed the two cut ends into the soil creating a reasonably strong arch. Since I had so many I placed the arches side by side to create a nice border for one of my perennial flower beds. By staggering the arches I was able to create the look of a gothic arch border. I won't be tossing away this free material any more.
And before you ask: Yes, I have tried to root these whips for several years now with no success, thus the reason for recycling them.

Thumbnail by SabraKhan
Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Great recycle idea. Will try it with some of my cutoffs.

BTW I'm from Westerly RI originally and used to have almost an acre of vegies for front garden up there. Wonderful soil.
Fl. is a sandpile that needs amending every year in order to have a productive garden.

Happy gardening. Bonnie

Tiverton, RI(Zone 6b)

Yes the soil is great here, especially for perennials. I do have to incorporate some sand in part of my herb garden to please certain plants like my lavender, agastache, rosemary and thyme. I guess it's the Autumn leaves that compost over Winter that keep the soil so great. The weeds however also love the rich soil and if not checked regularly they will overtake the whole garden. It's been mostly Bittersweet vine and Virginia creeper but last Fall (through much hard labor) I managed to finally irradicate most of them from my beds. This year it's some sort of Stachys that's trying to take a stronghold and is popping up everywhere, even sporatically in the lawn. From a distance it looks like creeping phlox, a mass of rosy-lavender close to the ground.

Thumbnail by SabraKhan Thumbnail by SabraKhan Thumbnail by SabraKhan

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