Using Daconil for Leaf Spot

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi Everyone!~ Acquired leaf spot last year on our Iris, which was aggravating since I always keep the weeds down and divide every few years. Got it anyway! Cleaned all the beds up good last fall and I have cleaned them up good now in April. The new growth shows signs here and there of leaf spot showing up again. I purchased some Daconil to spray on them, but I've never used it before.

Here's my question: It's 50 degrees out today, and the sun is shining. Is it okay to spray all my Iris with the Daconil mixture while the sun is shining on them? I can't find any info that states whether or not it will burn the leaves if I spray on a sunny, cool day.

Thanks for your help!


Forgot to mention that we just had 3 inches of rain two days ago. Beds are raised, so the Iris do not sit in any water.

This message was edited Apr 13, 2013 12:44 PM

Lyndon, IL(Zone 5a)

I've never had a problem with "burning", so you should be good to go! I use a "sticker/spreader" in all my sprays, and spray to the point of "run-off". Be sure to do the entire leaf, on both sides....Arlyn

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi Arlyn!~ Thank you for the info! The 'sticker/spreader' you use...would dish soap work?

Lyndon, IL(Zone 5a)

Yes, I have used dish soap...but a" real" sticker will work even better, for one thing, it's chemicaly neutral, and won't affect any of the chems you are spraying. And it's cheap....Arlyn

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