CLOSED: Spring Houseplants / Tropicals Swap

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Welcome to Our Annual Spring Houseplants / Tropicals Swap. Our guidelines are exactly the same as they’ve been in previous years.....

Share a minimum of 3 houseplants and / or tropical plants. Send nice size plants like you’d buy at your local nursery or already have. The value of the plants you send is $20 minimum, excluding Priority Mail with a Delivery Confirmation number. Feel free to divide plants you already have to propagate new ones.
If you wish to include cuttings, bulbs, tubers, or rhizomes, they will be considered Bonuses.

Names of participants will be taken until midnight Saturday, April 27th. Our partners will be posted shortly afterward on the thread. All plants need to be mailed no later than the week of May 27th. We should all be out of danger of frost by then.

Rules are simple….
1. Anyone is Welcome to join us. If you’re new to DG or have not previously participated in a swap I've hosted, please D-mail your name, along with your mailing address, phone number, and email address. No one's personal information will be shared and is only for my log. Having pertinent information from all our participants helps ensure no one is left out.
2. Your DG Subscription must be paid through June 30th.
3. Respect the Privacy of your fellow gardener and do NOT post Delivery Confirmation Numbers directly on our threads. Instead, keep your receipt handy and D-mail the numbers to me.
4. Our swap participants are only obligated to send to one person who will be your assigned Buddy. Please work out side trades privately through D-mail.

We've had very good participation in past years and look forward to seeing you again and new faces too!

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)


ahoogstra / Alicia to CheerMom -- REC'D

CheerMom / Sue to happgarden -- REC'D

happgarden / Joyce to NF2932 -- REC'D

NF2932 / Nancy to chellflower -- REC'D

chellflower / Chell to joeswife -- REC'D

joeswife / Debra to Mud_Elf -- REC'D

Mud_Elf / Elfie Kris to deejay9 -- REC'D

deejay9 / Susie to rose318 -- REC'D

rose318 / Patti to toy747 -- REC'D

toy747 / Lizette to ahoogstra -- REC'D

FruitOfTheVine / Susan to Velmansia -- REC'D

velmansia / Velma to jsxtiger -- REC'D

jsxtiger / Jax to taters55 -- REC'D

taters55 / Linda Kay to roxxanne -- REC'D

roxxanne / Rox to FruitOfTheVine -- REC'D

This message was edited Jun 16, 2013 9:13 AM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sign me up Fruity.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Will do, LK. Glad to have you!

Sign me up please.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Fruity as you Know I Never sign up for I try to stay away from house plants but i have found that I can do a few Violets as long as they are rooted & potted :) I have a few plants here that i can share. so will love to give it a shot Let me say I really don't want any succulants or large plants. :)
so any small or short House plants that can go into east or west or south window or under grow light will be good :)

Cutlerville, MI

I'm in fruity:) Please and thank you!

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)

count me in Fruity...this is always a fun swap!

Houston, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Fruity! Put me on the list! Thanks!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I hope I am able to do this swap but don't add me to the list just yet. :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I'll get you gals listed. Great having all of you.

Hope timing will work out for you, Carole.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Me me those tropicals or better known as house plants:)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

happ, I wondered if you were hiding under a big leaf :)

Night all.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Hiding under the covers cause it is not warming up here...rofl.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I ordered a Stingray bulb from Bill during his Winter sale, can't wait for it to arrive.
Pots of Caladiums are back outside enjoying our rain, although it is a bit chilly. It's a good day for beef stew tonight.
Weeding continues, a seemingly never-ending chore. We have a new mulch place I'll be making several treks to soon with hubs truck and our utility trailer in tow.
Gardens are just about down to bare Earth again with no new mulch last year.
Friday I picked up a dwarf Lavender for the herb collection, and a couple of houseplants that can probably be divided.

Houston, PA(Zone 6a)

I have sooo many brugmansia seedlings! I got seeds from Sommer Gardens and from the BGI seed bank this winter so I think someone will be getting some. Also have seedings of Strophanthus Petersianus, they are slow growers so they're kinda small right now, maybe they'll grow a little by May. I also have an extra Miracle Fruit seedling. That's a good start but I better get splitting and rooting!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I have one of my plants all ready to go, it is something I am sure none of you all have, least I have not seen many of them. I will tell you this much, the plant is really funny and when it blooms and sets seeds, you are suppose to cover the seed head because it explodes the seeds. Don't get alarmed I think there are only about 4 seeds to a pod. I guess one winter in the solar room it bloomed and shot out the seeds and they landed in one of the elephant ear pots. I didn't know it but it took off and actually grew, and I am watching it wondering what the heck was that growing in there. Well finally when the leave fully formed I knew exactly what it was. I transplanted it and it is growing just fine.

Fruity are you talking about stingray ee or something else?

I bought mulch when it was on sale last year and it got so darn hot I didn't get it out and like you fruity I am down to bare earth. I will be in trouble when the maples drop their helicopters! Maybe our cold will get the maple helicopters...rofl.

Rox, I cross posted but I have to comment oh my on the brugs, course then I looked up the Strophanthus Petersianus, and oh my oh my, and I have been reading up on that Miracle Fruit before, which is really interesting......

So many cool house plant, tropicals out there. Here I go with my zone envy again...rofl.

This message was edited Apr 15, 2013 8:05 AM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

roxxanne, I would gladly pay you postage for a few of your brug seedlings when they get big enough to ship?

Cutlerville, MI

Rox....both the plants you mentioned are very cool, I have never heard of either of them:) IO am getting really excited, I have several plants that are ready:) Yippy...Yahooooooo:)

I have plants ready too. I might get mine out on time on this

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

me, too, please?

Would any one want a couple of Ginko tree seedlings?? I can send next Friday after Ralphs check gets here.

Winnetka, CA

Hi Susan...

So nice to see you on this thread....

I'd love to join this swap if you have room for me!

As to my likes....I am very fond of tropicals that are fragrant...especially Brunfelsia gigantea (Lady of the night) .... also love jasmines like Murraya paniculata (orange jasmine), Jasminum azoricum (Azores jasmine) and Jasminum grandiflorum (Poet's jasmine) - love all of these...I grow them in what my daughter calls my 'secret garden' next to the office - I have a slider so I can enjoy the fragrance.... -:) to houseplants...I am fond of pretty african violets...

Let me know if you have space for me...sounds like fun! Nancy

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Kris, I can send you shipping via paypal, just tell me how much for one. ;)
Hi Nancy, I would love to see your secret Garden.. ;D

I will send a couple to you debra. Donot worry about the shipping. I probly owe you for something

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

May I join.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow, a lot happens when I miss checking in for a couple of days. So glad to have you all join us Patti, Nancy and Debra. Missed you today, Deb. Nancy I was just thinking of you last week when I cashed in the Swan Island gift certificate you gave me last year. I ordered one of their Dinnerplate collections, more bang for the buck and really do adore the big blooms :) They sent an order confirmation right away and have scheduled the tubers to ship next week.

Winnetka, CA

That's awesome!

You'll have to post photos when they start blooming for you... I'm so happy to hear about your dahlia order!! -:)
I visited them during their dahlia festival one year.... dahlias for as far as the eye could see... it was amazing! I think you'll be very happy!

Looking forward to the swap... I'll stay tuned...

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Will certainly do, Nancy. That had to be an amazing sight and a lovely trip for you!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Hey Fruity please sign me up - I have lovelies to share and I am anxious to see what I might get from other parts of the country!!!

Sue G

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Sue, just have to tell you those pencil Kalanchoes you sent me for Elfie's mini garden swap are still alive and well. Glad to have you join us!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)


Sue G

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

Please count me in too.
Thanks so much!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Lizette, this is too funny. I was going through last year's list of participants and was going to Dmail you with an invite. Didn't want to leave you out. Welcome aboard :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all This is my 1st time swapping house plants maybe because i don't have luck with them so i hope that whom ever draws my name will be able to share a couple violets with me anything for south, east or west windows & stay fairly small .

well sat morning news so have a great day ev1

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

...oh me goodness! i really, really need houseplants! was jist looking at the scrimpy ones in HD this am. They looked like no one has watered them all winter! kin you sign me in, fruity?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Sure thing, Jax. Glad you came out of hibernation.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

oh, I am so glad I joined this I have so many House plants to give away. I love them, but I have duplicates and triplicates LOL

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

......uh! if anyone interested, i will gladly paid adoption fees for all duplicate/triplecates sent this way! lol

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

How's everybody doing gathering and dividing goodies for your soon-to-be Bud? Pics were taken at a nursery several days ago where I picked up a couple of plants for me and a couple that are ready to divide. Not saying exactly what, just in case they land in one of your homes. These aren't super stunning container combos like this place usually has but thought they did look cheery and the Hellebores added a different kind of interest.

Don't forget sign-up ends Saturday night for anyone else interested in participating. Our partners will be posted at the top of the thread, hopefully Sunday or Monday.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine

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