cranesbill Rozanne

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I have had this plant for several years and it blooms nicely late spring/early summer. But I understood it would keep blooming as the season progresses. Also it is only about 3 inches tall. I wonder if they need dividing. I fertilized them a little while ago (today) with 5-10-10 but would like to know what you all recommend.
This is the second time I have grown a cranesbill that promised to bloom continually but has not. Perhaps I should cut off the dead blossoms and re-fertilize them? They get part shade

(Carisa) Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Mine were in part shade as well and they bloomed for months and months, but I didn't give them any special care at all. In fact, they were really in the worst soil, right under a pear tree but they came back for years. I let that area go a few years ago (got frustrated with surprise english ivy), but am now attempting to reclaim the bed. Not sure if they are still there or have been outcompeted by the ivy--we shall see. The only time I trimmed them back is if they got a bit too leggy, Rozanne is definitely a wanderer! I don't think this is much help to you, but this is my experience with her.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Mine are in a confined, actually a long pocket in a flower wall. The wall was built to cover up bare ugly dirt when the area was dug out during the making of a pond several years ago. The "branching" looks more like stolons running along the ground; is that normal?

(Carisa) Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Yes, they look like stolons, but I don't remember any babies coming off of it, but it has been a few years since I inspected them. One plant has a pretty large footprint by the end of the season and can wander several feet.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I still don't know if I should dig and divide them or why they only bloom in the early summer and not continuously?

Pretoria, South Africa


I have had my Rozanne for four years now. It didn't produce one flower in the first year, the second year it flowered late Spring/early Summer like yours. Then we built a pergola and it received only dappled sun. No flowers in the third year. I decided to move it where it gets morning sun, and I have had flowers (on and off) since the beginning of Spring. We are nearing late Autumn, and the last flowers have just finished flowering.
Mine is growing in a large pot, and is about a foot high and wide.

Hope it helps...

(Zone 4b)

I have a bit of a love hate relationship with Rozanne. Mine gets around 6 feet across and over two feet in height. In the right situation it can add lots to the garden. For too long I would complain about its sprawl but it is hard to stay mad at it given that it is covered with blooms from mid to late June until the heavy frost in the fall.

I am hoping that the "Havana Blues" variety is a dwarf Rozanne!

("Rozanne" must have been a goldmine for its there any home garden not having this perennial? :)

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Mine will receive sunshine more this year as a couple of trees were cut near where they are planted (much to my chagrin, one double-trunked tree was cut by accident). Maybe this will help the Rozanne though. Also please let me know what you fertilize with and how often.

Pretoria, South Africa

Mine received some work castings (only twice) this past year. I must actually put more effort into feeding my Rozanne. She is worth it...

(Zone 4b)

My very large "Rozanne" seems to thrives with benign neglect. It was planted in clay and receives probably 5 hours of full sun. At some point each summer I get tired of its sprawl and I selectively shear it back a foot or two and it flowers just fine subsequent to the 'haircut'.

(Carisa) Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I just topdress with manure/compost once to twice a year. Nothing special past that!

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

ah, I have some horse manure that I can use and we are low in phosphates here so i will add bone meal. Thanks for all the help folks!

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