Tomatoville Website New Member signup problem??

Shullsburg, WI(Zone 5a)

Was wondering if anyone here is a member of the Tomatoville Website and knows what kind of a problem Tomatoville is having with new members signing up.

I signed up for their site about two weeks ago and I still have not gotten the administrators confirmation response so I can get full access to their website. Supposed to be within 12 hours or less normally.

They have several interesting discussions that I would like to take part in but as it is can only read. Can't even look at the pictures other members post to go along with their discussion.

I have written several emails to their administrator from my regular email account and from their embedded contact message process. And still nothing!

If their are any members here that are also signed on to that site, could you ask the administrator why "pangit" can't get full access.



P.S. Not trying to take anything away from this site. Have read most of the marketing forum inputs and have about six pages of notes from that one and 6 pages or so of the tomato forum here. Lots of good info but Tomatoville has some interesting things also.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Joe, approval of registration of new members is running way behind b'c Mischka has some problems to deal with, personal, not with the website.

Without registering you can read everything except the Off Topic Forum ( 2 cents) and the two seed subforums. In order to read those as well as being able to post you do need to register and right now there's a large backlog.

I have no idea why you can't see pictures b/c I've been a Global Moderator there since the day it opened in Jan of 2006 so have never been in the position of not being registered.

Mischka is approving registrations, but slowly, and you can see that if you look at the total member numbers at the right hand top of the website.

Hopefully issues will be resolved fairly soon, I can't tell you when, but the number of folks wanting to register lately has been HUGE.


Shullsburg, WI(Zone 5a)


Thanks for the response. I had considered some kind of possibility along that line but had no way to confirm it. Can't talk to anyone on the site without being confirmed!!!

Seems like if Mischka can do anything at all and is the moderator/sole manager/whatever, she could post a general message some where on the site so everybody knows what is going on!!! Instead of ticking people off.

Thanks again


Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Joe, Mischka is not a she, he's a he; Mischka is actually the name of his wonderful dog who passed on a few years ago and whom I'd met b'c M drove over to my home from MA where he lives. And right now for reasons I'm not going to go into he's the only one approving registrations which takes time b'c we do our best to not have scammers there.

He's not ticking off any members at Tville at all, no reason to, and you're the first that seems to be ticked off, at least that I know of.

Being a Global Mod there I could have the password to the control panel and also do registrations but I told M when he asked me to be a Global mod there in Jan of 2006 that I would NOT go into the control panel for any reason whatsover. Each action that's performed has to be logged in there and in the past I'd been a Mod at several other sites, one of them where I had to record all in the Control panel and never again do I want to do that.

I'm as pleased as can be that so many want to actually register at Tville and in the past the waiting time has never been this long.

But I'm sure you've had some stuff to deal with in your life in the past as Mischka has to now, so can appreciate that sometimes delays are necessary.

Thanks in advance for your understanding.


Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

I for one am puzzled about a few comments I've read lately about T'ville and Craig. I don't get it. Never had a problem and really enjoy the being a member but some people claim they have been banned. It's a tomato/gardening forum site. How controversial can it get? Seriously, everyone take a deep breath!!!!!


Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

I for one am puzzled about a few comments I've read lately about T'ville and Craig. I don't get it. Never had a problem and really enjoy the being a member but some people claim they have been banned. It's a tomato/gardening forum site. How controversial can it get? Seriously, everyone take a deep breath!!!!!


Sharon, it can get VERY controversial from flaming to denigrating others, to kind of liberating seeds from the Dwarf project, with documentation of proof, and much more .

If you're reading about Mischka/Craig and banning folks I can tell you exactly where you've been reading that and methinks there are two sides to every allegation and I'm sure you'd agree. Personally I've never been banned at a site but have voluntarily left three sites, for very good reasons and don 't regret those reasons at all..

I wondered if you were a TV member so you could judge for yourself, so I just checked the member list, now close to 12 K, and you aren't there with the user name you used here.

There are several here at DG who read at TV every day and often post, and I think they can tell you about TV as well, where no religious or partisan politics are allowed and absolutely no infractions of the TOS ( terms of service), allowed either.

I've participated at many message sites starting in the 80's at the AOL tomato forum and been a Moderator at several sites as well, and when TV opened in Jan of 2006 there was a mass exodus from GW where things had gotten nasty. You should also realize that TV is not just about tomatoes, there afre Forums fior almost any kind of veggie, flower, recipes, and on and on.

There many who are there as escapees from other message sites, that we know b'c they tell us so.

Why don't you read at the site yourself if you haven't already done so? As I said above ,registering is going very slowly for the reasons I cited above, but you don't need to read the two seed subforums or the 2 cents off topic forum to get a feel for the site.

Hope that helps


Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

Hi Carolyn,

I am a member of TV, but you're right, not under the same name as here, cause when I joined I ended up having different names here, TV and GardenWeb. No idea why, but it's confusing, trust me. I go by sharonrossy at TV and sharonie at GW. I think what happened is that when I joined TV there was a waiting period and then I joined GW. Only later did I join DG. I completely agree with you, and I like the fact that TV keeps it non-political, etc. I have read some nasty things on other forums as well. In any event, I completely enjoy TV and DG. I was only responding to Koriput. But you are right about the Dwarf Project - integrity is very important so I get that.

Thanks Carolyn. Sorry about the confusion. We do communicate on TV.... just need to maybe change my name here, if I can....


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