Aloe barberae has root rot - can I save this tree?

Tustin, CA

I was hoping you could give me some advice.

I have an Aloe Barbare that I have had for years. We relandscaped our backyard and it had to me moved. It was moved to a location that did not get as much sun and the soil does not drain very well.

I am pretty sure it has root rot. Is this tree salvageable? How would I do that. It is such a shame as this is such a great looking tree and I would hate to cut it down and throw it away.

How would I do accomplish this given it's size?

I am attaching a picture so you can see the health of the plant. Its going to be hard to deal with as it is big and heavy. T he scrapes on the trunk are from when they moved it a year ago.

Thumbnail by DiamondDog

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