CLOSED: April Showers Bring May Flowers CHAT!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Very exciting news! I know you will have a wonderful time.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Carole! I miss chatting with all of you but with school and trying to get an internship has proven to be very time consuming. My poor plants have been suffering too. :(

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, first things first. Time for gardening later. :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Enjoy your trip!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Have fun and take your malaria meds. Have friends that got malaria near lake victoria a couple years ago. I am sure your doctor can tell you all about prevention. All I know is there is med to keep from getting it. Hope you get to go a lot of places and see a lot of interesting things.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh Carey that is a trip of a life time, can't even imagine!!!

Fruity you got snow and we didn't wowzer! We were 70s last 3 days but dropping to the 40's middle of the week...and that is the high. Went to walmart yesterday which is truely unusal for me, not one of my fun spots but went to see what kind of plants they were dragging in and the parking lot was full!
I did buy a tomato plant that had tomatoes on it.... ;) and so were a whole bunch of other people. I put mine in my solar room, and sure hope the other folks have a place to stick them...cause we are getting cold cold cold. Temps to drop at night to the 30's.....gonna go check the peach tree and see how far it is buddied out if any at all.

Guys I am excited I am getting a greenhouse this summer. It will be attached to the front of the garden room, The garden room has double french doors that will open up to it. DH bid on some of that special greenhouse plastic that is doubled walled and we got it. He is finally going to run water out to the garden room and the greenhouse. Halleluiah!!! My other greenhouse was built onto the side of our old house and the brick fireplace run up the back wall, which absorbed all kinds of heat during the day. It was great. It had the greenhouse plastic on the roof but we put windows around the the 3 walls. I don't know if I will do windows or the plastic, we ended up with lots of that greenhouse plastic. Windows sure looked nice and I could open them to help control the heat in the summer. Here in the midwest I have never quite understood having a north wall on a greenhouse. So I am excited. DH must know I am getting ready to retire.....rofl.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

And all I got were a couple of orchids and a bunch of begonias yesterday. I've given up trying to landscape. I stink at it! lol

Crystal, DH and I are all set - we've got the malaria meds on order. Ew.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Careyana, if you get to the internet while you are gone, send us some updates and maybe pictures???!!

Not everybody enjoys the same landscapes. I guess I am more of a collector than a landscaper. I used to admire my aunt's flower beds with red, white, and blue flowers all laid out in a pattern. I thought it was beautiful, but I don't want mine to be that way. I go more for the scrambled look!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Carey I think that every year, and my garden doesn't look like P Allen Smiths garden, but alot of it is therapy for me...rofl..and if I don't like it I can change it....about the only thing around that I can change.... ;)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Agree Happ I Love a Mixed Look as Long as it Grows it can stay there is no rhyme or reason to my gardens I Just Love to trade for New Plants & Hope they will fit in :) Hope to get my bulbs out soon :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY """""" FRUITY"""" ☺♥♥♥♥♥ May you Have a Great day

Thumbnail by deejay9
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I agree! ^_^

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday Fruity! Hope your day is awesome!

Thumbnail by taters55
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

HB Froot! I think I am going to call you to ask about your weekend in Martinsville. :D

Saginaw, MI

HAPPY , HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU FRUITY !!! Hope you are having an awesome day !!

Saginaw, MI

Lets see, the name of this "thread" should be changed from "April showers bring May flowers" to "April showers bring April lakes " -- in my yard at least !!!! This is our chocolate lab in our yard and at the end of our driveway a few minutes ago !! Non-stop pouring rain for the past two days !!!

Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

come on down shirley if it gets to deep for you Not allot of rain here just spirts now & again .
no floods here .

Athens, PA

Happy Birthday Sooze. Hope it was a great one!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Plans and birthday dreams, now that's a winning combination. Thanks all of you for the cards and calls.

Shirley, it looks like your Lab is doing what comes naturally. Sure do miss our old gal who used to wiggle herself silly when we pulled in our driveway, even if we'd been gone 10 minutes.

It's great to see you, Carey! Gosh I've been thinking about you a lot lately. Those vibes must have been working. Going to Africa is definitely a once in a lifetime trip. You and hubs have to be stoked. Take pics so we can feel like we were there with you. Hubs had a 1st cousin who was a missionary in Johannesburg for almost 40 years. She came home a few years ago when her mother died and will never forget she said Africa was her true home and she is buried there. She was instrumental building schools and teaching women to read and sew. The things we take for granted.....

happ, With your love and devotion of tropicals, you deserve a greenhouse and one has been a long time coming. So very happy for you, girl!

Saginaw, MI

You are so right Fruity. Our lab absolutely LOVES the water !! She was running and getting sticks and taking them into the water !! I think she thought she was at the lake !! She wiggles like crazy also when we have been gone !!! Must be a lab thing ! She looks at you with those sad, sad eyes if she can't go with you when we leave--she loves to go for rides !! Absolutely love her !!!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh Fruity I hope your birthday was great!!!!
Hope you got all the presses you wanted and deserved!

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Crystal and Happ, I have two memory cards (2GB each) and two 32GB cards on order as well as new lenses and fancy camera attachments that should be arriving today. Even ordered a couple of extra batteries just in case! I probably won't be uploading many while we're there, but will be going crazy when we get back. The resort has giraffes, hippos, elephants and zebras running all over the grounds (with watering holes near the buildings.) and of course the monkeys that are everywhere! The resort advises to keep doors and windows locked at all times. Ha!

Fruity, happy belated Birthday! I've missed chatting with you, but this semester has been so busy. The summer and next semester shouldn't be so bad...I hope! We're actually flying in to Johannesburg. It looks like such beautiful country and the people that I've met from southern Africa are all wonderful people, so I could imagine not wanting to leave. (the company's CEO is from South Africa but moved to the UK and then to Boston)

I keep having to pinch myself. Exactly one week from today we'll be on the first of five plane flights!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sounds like an adventure, just for the flights!

Blackshear, GA

Here's my little babies...they sure are growing...fat as little butterballs. Sleep all the time

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066 Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh my goodness, that is adorable!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Awe, they are so precious. What kind of dogs are they?

Blackshear, GA

They are labs. They are just too cute! They make me laugh all day! Can't wait till they can see and can walk better.

Such cute babies... Winston has doubled in size. Here is almostcompletely housebroken already, and really, really has lots of energy. I love him so much.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Did any of you know that sweet potato vines bloom? I bought one today, and it has the prettiest flower on it!

Thumbnail by taters55
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Winston is going to quadruple in size before he's grown, if not more, but who could resist a precious face like his.

Cutie pie pups, Paula. Somebody on freecycle was giving away a pair of Yorkie pups a few days ago, tempting but I know better. Mickey puts up with Max my cat, and know he'd never stand for another dog in his inside territory. A neighbor of ours used to have a Yellow Lab and he thought she was his girlfriend, always has had a thing for big dogs but never little dogs or children. He runs from

Our cherry tree is in glorious splendor, alive with bees and butterflies.
Possibly my fav color is lime green. Leaves on the Maple tree were dancing in the breeze.
Susie, remember the two cherry tree saplings you gave me for my birthday a couple of years ago? Look at them now stretching toward the top of our utility building.
Lady Banks rose is scrambling in the background.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

One I bought at a flea market last year surprised me with blooms, LK.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Fruity, can you get me a cutting of the lady baks please? I had one,,but did not make it through the winter. They are so pretty!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Carey - -dmail me your email address please. I have a website where you can upload photos and docs for free - might help if you run out of space - are you taking a computer with you/does your fancy camera upload to your machine?



Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I'll be glad to, LK, although from what I've read and have never tried is that Fall is the ideal time to take rose cuttings to propagate. I'll put several cuttings in the mail to you Saturday. When I've mailed a box to my SIL in DFW on the week-end, she's always received it on Monday. Hope the delivery is the same for you and some will root for you.

Anybody else interested while I'm pruning?

I wanted to play outside today. But it rained all day so I cleaned ups and played with Winston.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I would love cuttings of the yellow Lady Banks, Fruit, if it isn't too much trouble. I had two enormous ones in CA and I really miss them. They are just spectacular in bloom. The last I knew, someone had removed them where we last lived out there. :(

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Looking Great Soooze Love the colors .
it is nothing but DARK GLOOMY COLD RAINY Here for the Next 10 days . may I come visit someones sunny days :) hehe Think I might just have to plan on spending My winters somewhere warm .

well just going to turn on More lights for the next week or 2 . as for now just reading my forums is my sunshine :) Please share more Sunny Pic:)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Please say prayers for Kris's Granddaughter Goober, she was rushed to the ER this morning having grand seizures, they are not for sure what's going on. I will post more when I hear from Kris again.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Just got call from Kris. Goober was taken to the hospital early this AM with seizures. Not much more known. Kris is at hospital now. Will let me us know when she knows more. Goober has not had this trouble in a long time, and apparently this was the worst it has ever been.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thank you both for letting us know. ♥

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