(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I am so glad u liked everything .... cashmere sage it is cool...

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

The plants really made my day, Debra. OK with your hint I found the botanical name: Phlomis cashmeriana. That's another one for my Herb collection, really am striving for a good one this year.

Night all!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Quote from FruitOfTheVine :
One of my favorite past times, as many of you know, is strolling the gardens and admiring the many different plants so many of you have shared with me :) Brings an instant smile, especially when they're blooming. We may not all be able to meet in person as I'd love to but still....

Thoughts of you grow in my garden.

My feelings exactly. Thank You.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I agree with that sentiment as well. Nice, nice boxes everyone is receiving. I can hardly believe it's May already.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Same Here Carole Mid April I was so sick of the rain,Snow Gloomy days & Now it is May :) I want to get out into the gardens & Start Planting My seeds but Not sure if I should yet for we could still get frost till the 15th
what would you all do ? think it might be safe to plant a few ?? this week is up in the 70's 80's next week
in the 50's 60's . & I don't want to Loose my seeds going to see if i can get My Brother to till up my Big bed so i can get some in there .
Well Zoey is up peeking in the door :) Guess she is ready to weed :) ya all have a great day .

Cutlerville, MI

WOW everyone has amazing boxes! How fun are we having playing in the soil:)
We have had beautiful weather here in the "great north' lol.... MI:)
Have a wonderful day everyone!

Cutlerville, MI

No box yet lanakila. Hope everyone has a wonderful night:)

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I planted all the things Mittsy sent me outside, and now I have them covered with warm four day old grass cuttings from the compost pile, I hope everything I just planted makes it thru the next 48 hours.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Maybe today Alicia you Know how the Postal Service is since the big changes ,

What I Would like to ask everyone to be sure & Save your Conf#'s in a safe place So we can prevent Lost boxes , ALSO Mark your BOXES Parishable , for then that Helps with a safer Delivery Most the time.

well they say another warm day so off to the outside early so i don't get burnt :)
ya all have a great day .

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

Alicia, I got a message that the box is in MI and scheduled to be delivered today. Unfortunately, my postal pickup isn't until very late in the afternoon, so even though I mail it priority it usually takes 3 days. Add that to the fact that I didn't get to mail it until Monday, and it's late, late, late. Sooooo very sorry. If the PO weren't so darned picky about having unmarked boxes, I'd just take it to the office. When they pick up from my home, they take any kind of boxes, so I can use one from Amazon.

Cutlerville, MI

lanakila...NO apologies! I freak out because of past experience with the post office here:) I received your box today...and well....YOU ROCK!!!!!!! I received Begonia "Petticoat", Gladiolus "Elvira", Tradascantia "Blueberry Sundae", Rhubarb:) and a great Herb Wheel, and a lovely little garden sign. I will post pics tonight! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well Lunch time & I wanted to show what Jim has done for me now just got to get it up on Blocks & Plastic around it but here is a start :)
#1 is Helleborus Sunshine
#2 Are my DBL Daffodills they are so Heavy they fall over
#4 Is my Cold frame well sounds as Jim is about done in the woods so i better get off here .

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Gosh, hoping my box arrives today!! Be on the lookout Alicat, they said today!,

The plants that were included have to be hardened off...they haven't seen the outdoors yet! Lol. Hope you like them and hope they arrived safely!

This message was edited May 2, 2013 10:36 AM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Susie, love the cold frame! Big kudos to Jim! Love your flowers too!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY Its the one he Build me a couple yrs ago it got packed with garden suplies & it was way to Hot To Early last summer to use it but i plan to use it this spring :) Jim just Moved it closer to my house So I won't have to carry all my plants & Pots so far this will be so much better for me :)

Jim will be up here soon & I hope to get the blocks under it . ya all have a great evening

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Oh no susie....Alicat out of town.. Any idea how long she was to be gone? I wasn't able to check the computer til after I mailed..... Hope their weather is decent if it's sitting outside...When most get their box do they leave them on the porch or have to go to the po for them? Personally we have a pod type box for all the neighbors with larger locked boxes for packages.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gee Kathy I Do Not Know I Did Not Know she was going out of town Lets Cross our fingers That her mail will be held at the PO & Not Out Side The Plants will have a better chance. of servival .
there really is Nothing we can do about it , you sent the box & I Have always ask Members to p-ost if they are going to be gone but i didn't this time I forgot to , Just cannot think of everything, So Sorry ,

Alicia sounds like a great box Love to see pictures Please :)

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

We leave Sunday for visit with KY son and his family. Don't know how long we'll stay but I'll update in addy exchange when we leave KY.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ok Mittsy will let your partner Know :)
Potting shed up date what i got done this Morning everyone is gone around here so I got it done :(
still need to get plastic on it yet just till there is no more frost danger :))) but jim will be home about 3-4 pm & hope to get it on then .
I Found that Old Birdcage & put a pot in there with one of the vines Carole sent me in the April swap I also
put a couple MG Seeds in it ^_^ in the 1st pic you can see a red flower box i have two of them been painting on them when they are dry they are going on the side of the shed :) so nice out but a little windy hope everything holds up till jim gets home , now got to rest my back for a few then back at it .
Have a great day all

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susie, that is looking so nice!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY I Stopped at a Sale today on the way back from town & I Found this lady had some shade cloth laying next to her Garage & I ask if it was for sale she said oh you can have it I t had a few Holes in it but I Brought it Home & Put it on the east & west sides Plastic would have made it to hot so I hope this will work . & They don't match but who cares if they work :)

Also found this Flower pot for $2. & a couple of New Gardening Flags for $1. so all in all Nice sale :)
it was an estate sale Loads of Goodies Great prices but I Don't have but just one room Home :) & its overloaded Now .

well it is such a nice evening I'm going to go make me some coffee & go enjoy the night air :)
till its bed time Gn all

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Nice find Susie!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Susie...forgot to ask what size your greenhouse all the shelves too!!!!

I looked today and the plants I had moved outside a week ago made it thru this last round of snow (5.5"). Yesterdays low was 19*, sure glad I covered my babies with 2 layers or remay... So I'm still waiting for spring to arrive here, only suppose to get to the upper 50*-low 60* for the next week. I'd love to get some things done outside now, like moving seedling plants's time!!!!

Did manage to get all my bulbs potted up before the snow, so they got a nice drink from Mother Nature... Still have to find the right spot for my new lovelies... Wanting to see what didn't make it through the winter yet and what did. Everything is soo slow to green up. Got plenty of spots, I just haven't figured out what's going in around them. My garden plan is STILL not done yet. Yikes, where does the time go? Later gals..Kathy

Does anyone recognize what this plant might be. Package of seed was listed as Digitalis grandiflora but is definately not. I was thinking the leaves look similar to Potentilla or a Geum maybe, any ideas or ID? (pix 1)

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

kinda looks lke my geum, but I am not a plant ID person. You and I have some things in common. I have trays I brought up to the dining room. puttting them out whether they like it or not. If it can't handle Kansas weather yet, I figure they gotta learn it .. LOL
your trays look a lot tidier than mine. I have transplanted to cups and refilled. the grow tray. I think I just like to see what pops up from the seeds.. it is amazing isn't it?

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Wow, those are very nice, Susie and Kathy. It has turned colder here as that front passes through but won't exactly be "cold". In the 40s and raining all day today. I have two rolling racks with plastic covers that are full of plants and I had rolled those outside from the garage, but I think they'll be fine. It has been so up and down with the temps here. I wasn't able to mulch the EEs in the ground before the winter and think I lost most of those. That's gardening for you. :)

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Could they be some kind of hardy geranium?

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Morning Everyone!

WWKathy - thanks for my awesome plants! I love the bulbs -- the stargazers are a favorite and I only had one of them in my garden last year....was just thinking I needed more of them and surprise you sent them! Gracias! I am so excited to get them in the ground and growing! Your little new babies are so cute! They all arrived safe and sound.....can you tell me what they are again? I think I recognize one as (maybe) primrose.....I am terrible at plant ID and use labels. I used to spend the first half of the spring playing "what's the name of that one again?" until my brain hurt.... Are the other bulbs daffs? See -- I really know nothing! Oh I can't wait to get everything in. THANK YOU THANK YOU!

I was gone for a few days and when I got back yesterday I couldn't believe what a difference in the gardens.....things are much more green and taller. Kathy - I am sure you'll get that same effect soon! I wish we had's really dry here and we're about 3"behind already! That's never good!

Does anyone know how to get the photos turned around ? On my computer it is the right orientation but when I upload it goes sideways! Annoying!

Thumbnail by AliKat32
Cutlerville, MI

GM everyone! I am so sorry for no pics, I was so excited I planted most everything already....I completely forgot. I am SOOOO sorry! Have a wonderful day everyone!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all
ALI as for turning your Pictures go to your PICTURES & bring up the pictures then Click on Rotate till you think it looks right then go to the next picture do the same on mine if you click under the picture you can name it if you want . but you have to fix it in the Picture album.

Well Sure Looks as if everyone has Received Their Boxes Mittsy will Get Hers as soon as she gets back to NY & Will come post But for now I'm going to close this one so I can take care of the May swap :
TY All For a great swap. & will see you NEXT SPRING FOR ANOTHER BULB Swap .

DEEJAY9--sends to lanakila♥♥♥
TATERS55--sends to wwkathy♥♥♥
AHOOGSTRA--Sends to Goldhillal♥♥♥
LANAKILA-- Sends to ahoogstra-♥♥♥
JOESWIFE---Sends to Fruitofthe vine♥♥♥
GOLDHILLAL--Sends to taters55♥♥♥
WWKATHY--Sends to Alikat32---♥♥♥
ALIKAT32--Sends to Cheermon ♥♥♥
CHEERMOM--Sends to Mittsy--Being Sent MID MAY
FRUITOFTHEVINE--Sends to cville_garden ♥♥♥
MITTSY----Sends to Joeswife♥♥♥
CVILLE_GARDEN---Sends to Deejay9♥♥♥

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thank you, Susie, for all your work on this swap. It was great! ^_^

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for another great swap Susie, you work hard to organize these, and I appreciate all you do!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

me too! You were a great hostess and I love my plants from Mittsy! I can't make a heart, but if I could, it would be right here:::>

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I can't figure out the hear either?

This message was edited May 4, 2013 10:25 AM

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

I can't remember what I sent...oh no. I wrote it somewhere, where's that peice of paper? LOL... I do remember the very shortest one is Lobelia cardinalis (never grown yet but am thinking seedling won't bloom til next season, and am thinking it likes a wetter spot).. Come to think of it, I'm thinking I stuck tags in each pot, look to see if they are down in the pot somewhere.. And can you line them up side by side take a pix and post. I'll be able to id then....Go close as your pix are not enlarging.

Was worried they were gonna get fried or frozen til you got home, glad they were safe....remember to harden them off, just a bit of shade for a few hours a day for a few days. Gradually move them to sun. After about a week they should be ok to get planted, depending on your weather. Since they are babies, baby them for a bit til they get to growing good. I haven't been able to get most of them hardened off here yet as the weather has been too cool.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Do ya'll mean this heart? ♥ If so, hold down the Alt key and hit the number 3 on the numeric keypad.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

♥ Oh that's it! Wish it was red, but it will work!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Afternoon all & TY All I enjoy the swaps very much we have some really GREAT MEMBERS .
thank you all for JOINING Them & Sharing .
Now we can Move on to ANOTHER GREAT SWAP :)))))

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I just wanted to post my pictures of my lovely box from Sue.
Picture 1. A set of four sandstone coasters, a pkg of 10 plant stake labels, 2 pkgs. of Shasta Daisy seeds, 2 pkgs of Zinnia Giant Purity, White Siberian iris seeds Asclepias (Forcanta) Ice Ballet, new to me, got to look this one up.
Picture 2. Watsonia pale orange bulb. Garden Amaryllis white, 1 Giant Elephant Ear. 2 Mediterranean Bells corms (nectaros ordum). 3 The Hosta Francee was dead but that's OK as it is one I already have. Thank you so much. I'll get everything planted really soon. If it wasn't raining todat, I'd get them done today.
Thanks Susie for another great swap..

Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Mittsy - I have some other hostas on order that I will definitely send more to replace the Francee - I didn't think to open the package and check it. Sorry about that.

Sue G.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Very Nice Bulbs Mittsy & SUEG & Ty all for Joining the Fun :) Hope to see ya Next SPRING

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