(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Ok Since Many of us are still very cold & Snow covered in some places Lets exchange BULBS , SEEDS , Garden Tokens if ya Like . If it sound Fun to You Come Join us .

SIGN Up Till SUNDAY APRIL 7 Th MAIL OUT DATE """" APRIL 27th hope you will join us .

Thumbnail by deejay9
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

PLAYERS ok HERE ARE THE PARTNERS hope i have not made any Mistakes let me know if there is .

DEEJAY9--sends to lanakila
TATERS55--sends to wwkathy
AHOOGSTRA--Sends to Goldhillal
LANAKILA-- Sends to ahoogstra
JOESWIFE---Sends to Fruitofthe vine
GOLDHILLAL--Sends to taters55
WWKATHY--Sends to Alikat32
ALIKAT32--Sends to Cheermon
CHEERMOM--Sends to Mittsy
FRUITOFTHEVINE--Sends to cville_garden
MITTSY----Sends to Joeswife
CVILLE_GARDEN---Sends to Deejay9

This message was edited Apr 7, 2013 2:39 PM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I am here!

Cutlerville, MI

I'm here.

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm here! Will this be a "Freestyle" swap; give 'em whatever you got?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes you can share what ever type of Bulbs & Seeds you have & if you want to share a Planter to add them to or maybe a garden critter that is up to you . its your choice .

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I am here :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Lots of plants are greening up here. Toward the latter part of the month, I'll know better what can be divided, certainly Daylilies.
My Lily bulb order has already arrived, still too early to plant them, and seem to have more seeds than I'll ever be able to use. Wonder how that
Will try to check my buddy's wants list closer to the time as well. Sometimes I luck out.

I am here. Will be able to share seeds and would it be ok to share hostas?? I don't have many bulbs to share.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Someone gave me Freesia bulbs last fall and they are blooming now. Beautiful red blossoms on an arching branching stem. They will be done blooming by the 27th so I can send some to my swap partner. I also have Florence Vaughan yellow cannas and some nice Amazon "Mango Allusion" vine. Enough to fill a box. I have veggie , herb, and flower seeds, too. I have Alstomeria but they haven't bloomed yet so don't know what they look like. We're leaving Cocoa Beach the first week of May to visit our son and his family in Owensboro KY so I'd ask my partner to hold off mailing my box until we reach NY.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ok my good to see you all we are still in winter Mode up here as for digging any plants out so that is why I thought we could mail out Bulbs but if you can share other plants from your gardens that is great .
I went over to my friends yesterday to check on my Dahlias, & Brugmasia being kept in her basment & They are starting to sprout New shoots so she & I potted them up yesterday .so many of them but saddly the tags faded off so guess i will just enjoy a few surprizes :)

so spread the new of the swap we have 5 days to get them over her with us :) Sun is out & I got to get laundry done today so have a great day back later

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I will join here. Sounds fun.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I'll join this one. I'm sure I can make up a small flat-rate box. Have some physical limitations at the moment ... so not very many bulbs to offer right now plus we've just come out of winter (although things are really starting to pop) ... maybe a couple of daylilies, and maybe a crinum lily bulb and a few others if someone is in the right zones for them.

I do have lots of seeds and would love to share those. Always have critters in my stash.

C. 'Florence Vaughan' is on my Want List if you get my name, mittsy. Just sayin'. ^_^

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Does this negate the previous swap for April? Or is still on,too?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Crystal this is the April swap Sign up till the 7th ., I will assign names On the 7th .

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Sign me up please !

Sue G

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Don't think I'll be able to join this one, but it sounds fun :)
Mittsy, after the freesia finish blooming, you do need to keep them growing for a while so they can store up energy for next year's blooms. You won't want to dig them up until the foliage dies back.

Cutlerville, MI

Gmorning everyone! I have LOTS of bubs and LOTS of seeds, so I am very excited for this swap!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Michelle, I haven't grown them before, so I appreciate the advice. I guess I'll treat them like my paperwhites.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I took a few more pictures just to give you an idea of what I have now. AppleBlossom amaryllis, this is the side shoot blooming now. Every bit as beautiful as the main bulb's bloom. Alstroemeria, nice plants but no sign of buds. Some basket floers that I've started from runners. These were beautiful when they bloomed, a long spray of tiny white flowers. Arrowhead Mango Allusion.

Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I think this was called a bird's nest Sansaveria. mother in law's tongue, this one has creamy yellow striped edges. I have a few small ones. I thought you'd enjoy seeing my 5 gallon bucket of peas. Some iris starts I was given last fall. My patio garden is tiny but I do cram a lot into it. The bananas are doing really well, I should be able to pick them in a week or so.

Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy Thumbnail by mittsy
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM Looking like spring lots of sunshine coming out :) Off Soon to town & then to go grabs some Bulbs out of my Tubs At my friends place so wishing you all a great day & will be back to chat more Later today.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Really like those peas. These are a couple of my azaleas this same time last year. None blooming yet this year. Everything was so early last year due to the very warm winter we had. And some of the roses this time last year. They are just now leafing out this year.

Flowering Quince 'Toyo-Nishiki' and some daffs in the yard.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I will wait for next month's swap as I don't need seeds and don't have many bulbs that I dig up and save. There is not much of a selection locally.
I will revise my have list a little later. I'm sure what I have to offer for May will be somewhat different.
Have fun!

Cutlerville, MI

I wish I couls see green and beautiful blooms like you Mittsy & Cville! My Apple Blossom is inside, but hasn't bloomed yet, I hope it will yet this spring. Have a wonderful Evening everyone!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

We'll miss you this month, Alana.

Thanks so much for sharing pics, Mittsy and Carole. Love the bucket of peas, just getting ours started, and am envious you'll soon be enjoying picking Bananas soon. How old are your plants? What a treat.

We bought a new riding lawn mower last year, our old one was on it's last leg, and hubs couldn't wait to cut grass with it for the first time. That was in mid-March. The way our lawn looks now, it won't need to be cut for several more weeks.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I have one amarylis, that bloomed a few weeks ago, a white one, and now it is putting out leave, do I leave it grow?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Let the leaves grow, LK. They feed the bulb for its next round of blooms. I'm waiting, not so patiently, for a bunch of leaves on my Amaryllis collection to die back so I can store the bulbs and free up space, hoping to be able to force them into blooming next year between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mine have been growing inside and each year I've move the containers outside. The plants only grew more leaves though. You live in a much warmer climate and Amaryllis in your zone are hardy in the ground.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Mine won't Bloom Just grow leaves & I feed them couple times a month . but just the leaves grow 3yrs on the one & Never no Bloom & Mittsy shared one with me & I cannot get leaves to grow on this one what am i doing wrong ?

Guess that is why i don't like house plants i just do not have the midus touch I have about 4-5 orcid cactus had them for the last 4yr still no blooms just getting wildly tall & they get fed but still no blooms. they are in my east & west windows so they get lots of sun . or light. ok i will stop complaining :) & Keep waiting .

alana will miss ya this month but i Know you will be with us in May :) well I have Zoey for the day she will be here soon so guess i better get ready for her ya all have a great day .

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I grow my plants in 5 gallon buckets so I can transport them to share with my son in KY and take back up north to NY. I should have blossoms pretty soon. My bananas are about a year and a half old, after fruiting once the palm is then cut down and new pups form from the root system. Every year the condo police complain about them being too close to the wall and hanging over into the neighbors yard. My neighbor never complained as she didn't use her yard, always entering from the hallway, not the courtyard. I'm going to try a new variety of dwarf banana, I hope it is as good as the Cuban. It shouldn't grow beyond the height of the wall.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

It's raining here today and then a number of days with temps into the mid-70s. Besides the usual suspects already blooming below, things should really start popping out then. Woo hoo!

This message was edited Apr 4, 2013 6:38 AM

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Love the pussy willow catkins, miss the burst of spring color, especially the soulangea magnolia tree when it blooms. It was a valentine gift to me from Jack before we were married, planted at my parent's home then dug up and moved when we bought a house across the street. My sister usually sends me a picture each spring when it blooms.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh that Vinca vine is so pretty I hope mine comes back you shared with me nothing out there yet. I hope to try again if it didn't come back may I ??

sun shining but very frosty I have emmas gift MGlories popping up :) here in the house & I promised
Zoey that we can plant seeds today going to let her plant a few , Gourds, Pumpkins , maybe pickles & squash.

better get off here ya all have a great day back later after she goes home :) 4 yr olds keep ya on your toes :)

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Amaryllis are hardy here in my zone, but I have found the big hybrid type fair better for me in a pot. The flowers do not stand up well to the weather. I finally got so many in pots that I put most all in the ground,. I had grown a lot of them from seed my plants set. They do not fair as well as the ones in pots. But who has room for 50 pots of Amaryllis!!!! If your Amaryllis is not blooming, the problem may be not enough sun on the leaves to store up energy for the flower. When it is warm enough to get them outside, get them into the sun, gradually but you should be able to get them at least 6 hours of direct sun/day. Leave them outside till frost threatens, then bring them in but do not water again . The leaves will fade, and you can stack the pots out of sight till spring. Start watering and fertilizing again when you see new growth.The first thing you see may be a flower bud! You will not have winter flowers but will have spring/summer flowers (instead of none), and will not have to worry with the plants all winter.

I wish I had a pussy willow. When I lived in NC, I had a beautiful bush, but even though I had one here, it never grew into anything nice, and had few buds, and they lasted only a short while. Maybe it is too hot? Anyone know?

Thumbnail by goldhillal Thumbnail by goldhillal Thumbnail by goldhillal
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

D-mailed you, deejay. Thanks, all who commented. I love the Magnolias too. I have no idea why I haven't planted a Soulangiana here yet. Four years seems long enough to wait. lol. My mother planted M. grandiflora in her yard 50 years ago and it is so big now and spectacular when it blooms. She would just swoon if she were still here to see it.

Crystal, do you recognize this one?

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Yeah! Guess it is same one

Cutlerville, MI

WOW, I LOVE the fact that everyone is so willing to share info! Thank you! I know I sure appreciate it:)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Do you know the name of that amaryllis?

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I will check and see if I have the name. I call it apple blossom, but looking a pictures online, thing that is wrong.

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