Easter cactus wilting

(Zone 3a)

Hi guys
I have a easter cactus that was doing great... until it started budding, now it's drooping and its nodes are looking shrivelled and not near as fleshy as they could be (their pretty thin) I water thoroughly once every 2 weeks and have ignored it other then that. Is there anything I can do to help recover this plant?

Thumbnail by Eternia Thumbnail by Eternia
Portage, WI(Zone 5a)

Perhaps water it more often? Are the pads soft or firm? Thin and soft implies a need for more water usually.

(Zone 3a)

Hi Gasrocks
Ty for the reply, the nodes are thin (hardley any flesh left in nodes)
Do I keep it moist now that its starting 2 bud ( water 2x a week in stead of once every 2 weeks) this is my first Easter catus and want to keep it happy :)

Portage, WI(Zone 5a)

I say yes, water more often but perhaps someone wiser than I on this plant will also chime in soon. Gene

(Zone 3a)

Thanks Gene
I've got it up on rocks now so I can give it humidity, and gave it a good drink :) I really hope it perks up *crosses fingers. If anyone else has 1 of these plants and can offer care/advice I'd be greatful :D
Thanks again

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

I keep all my schlumbergera consistently moist (not soaked) and they all seem to be happy.

(Zone 3a)

How often do you water and how much? I was/am watering once every 2 weeks, I thought that'd be okay because it's winter here but I'm not so sure now :( I also water till the excess flows out the bottom then stop i also have Holiday and CHristmas cactus that I'm thinking of increasing watering as well ... Just incase
Thanks for any help :)

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Mine are actually in the perfect spot for blooming, I think. We have an unheated sun porch and they are on a low table in that room. When fall comes and the days get shorter and the nights get colder... off they go, budding out and blooming away.

Because the room is cold, I don't have to water too often, maybe once a week or so. When it starts feeling a little dry I'll give it a little water. I water till it runs through and then I dump the excess water out of the bottom tray.

I have one that blooms around Thanksgiving and a couple that bloom around Christmas or a little after, one old fashioned one that a retired coworker gave me a slip of this year (and it bloomed!) and one that is budding/blooming now.

(Zone 3a)

Thanks Smileymom
Your right those are great conditions for Shlumbergia's. I have mine on a low stand in the living room facing south, normally it's cool cause theirs a bit of a draft but since we've been getting warmer temps not so much. I've been scared to water to much for fear of rotting my plants (2 Thanksgiving cactus,1 Easter cactus and a cutting of a Christmas cactus) all of them I'm new to ( first time owning/caring for them) but I think now ill check them every 5 days and see if they need a drink :) After some adjusting my Easter cactus moisture I got a surprise the s'morning when I checked on it - it's 1 bud is starting to open! She's still droopy and looks awful but I think I may have acted in time to save her :D
My pics post sideways off my IPod on here :(, but this is what I saw :)

Thumbnail by Eternia
Portage, WI(Zone 5a)

Zone 3A, where are you? Gene

(Zone 3a)

Hi Gene
I'm in Edmonton,Alberta :)

Portage, WI(Zone 5a)

I could never figure out the biggest shopping mall in the world is so far north and far away from a lot of population centers. And I was complaining that we still had snow on the ground here. Can't imagine how much you have. Gene

(Zone 3a)

We still have a lot left here after the snow storm a little while back,and more to come :/ good old Alberta weather ... Could be sun shining 1 min and a hail storm the next
This is the views from the north side of the house ... Gonna be a 'sloppy' spring when it all melts
Will have to check why my pics always switch to the side when I load them

Thumbnail by Eternia
Portage, WI(Zone 5a)

Wow, enough snow to blow your house over sideways. LOL.

(Zone 3a)

Lol, yep
Who needs pools when you can have your own back yard puddle to enjoy :D

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