Is this an agastache?

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

I planted seed in a 2X2 container and got gobs of seedlings. I priced some out and up potted. Trouble is, I forgot to label them and now I have lots of something. I may have planted giant white agastache. Do the photos look like that plant to anyone here? Thank you in advance for your help.

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Candor, NC

The wide leaves and undulating leaf margins are not typical of an Agastache, but I am unfamiliar with the giant white form.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3b)

Does it have square stems and a herbal fragrance? I'd expect to see serrated leaves. May be a pigweed?

Candor, NC

If the leaves are not in pairs that alternate at 90 degrees, it isn't a member of the mint family; plants with this leaf configuration have square stems. The flowers are also in pairs of single flowers or paired symmetrical whorls. If it is a spiral, it may well be a pigweed or other amaranth relative. There are a lot of other plant families with this floral configuration, though.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

It does not have a square stem. Also it has begun to have an inflorescence and is looking a lot like Amaranth. I dont remember planting that but I had to have planted this. The 2X2 was loaded with seedlings, all identical. I'll post a new photo shortly and maybe you guys can nail it for me.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Here are some photos from today of the same plant. It looks like amaranth maybe. Thanks for your help.

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Belton, TX

Does the foliage have a scent? Giant White Ag has scented foliage even when a very small plant and the 2 types I have grown have very different leaf structure to the plant in the photo...

If you bought the seed, I would send the photos to that seller and inquire as to the species or cultivar...

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

It does not have much of a scent, just that scent that most weeds smell like. It is starting to look like amaranth which I know I did not plant. I got the seed in a round robin and I think it was mislabelled Giant White Agastache. Thanks for your help.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3b)

Quote from txaggiegal :
Does the foliage have a scent? Giant White Ag has scented foliage even when a very small plant and the 2 types I have grown have very different leaf structure to the plant in the photo...

Agastache have paired leaves. This plant has leaves that alternate up the stem; it's not any species or cultivar of Agastache or any other Lamiaceae.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Could that be a very young plant of pigweed Amaranth ?, your clue .

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

yes, Ju. That's exactly what it is. Do I need to mark this closed?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

That's up to you , you probably got that as Redroot with some herbs?
Interesting this was . Wonder what the herb book says about it , I guess I will look it up here in a day or so .

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