Are you more inside or outside these days?

(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 110 votes:

Nice and warm here, I'm usually outside.
(17 votes, 15%)
Red dot

Winter is still hanging around. I'm mostly indoors.
(45 votes, 40%)
Red dot

It is warm at my home year-round, so I garden outdoors all the time.
(10 votes, 9%)
Red dot

Just a few nice days so far, but I'm making the most of them!
(30 votes, 27%)
Red dot

Other (tell us!)
(8 votes, 7%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Two layers of gloves, two jackets, but I'm out there when the sun shines and sometimes in light snow or very cold temperatures. I did so much outside until Dec. 21st that I did much of the normal clean-up and the mulching in advance. I'm as anxious for spring as anyone who has endured this past winter but can't let cool temperatures stop me. There's a definite limit to the joys of vacuuming and dusting!

Now I'm deeply involved in a driveway project.

1. I saw this online at some paving site and loved the look. I knew I could do it since I already had the driveway save the big pine, which now doesn't look like it will live as we hoped it would.

2. The area we had (so you can see the similarities).

3. As of 5 PM last night. It takes two strong hands and a strong back!

I should finish by the time this Voting Booth ends and will happily post the finished photo.

Thumbnail by pirl Thumbnail by pirl Thumbnail by pirl
(Zone 7a)

Hi, Arlene!

Mostly cold here, too, now. It's warming nicely. I made a frigid trip to a local nursery and came home with some treasure. Heh! Take that, Weatherboy!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Celia! The cold temperatures are so boring at this point. My favorite nursery opens today but I think I'll skip the trip! Glad you made the trip and scored.

We need to have a serious talk with Weatherboy! Spring should not be allowed to arrive on a sled.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Top two answers seem to be my response , Chose the second but thought the fourth also. today
#5 Is a fledgling Perrigrine Falcon sitting in the garden area , yesterday /.

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)


(Zone 7a)

That was up on Saturday, Juhur. Most of it was gone that afternoon. Nice camera capture!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Thank you , kwanjin , I pic'd that with the old key chain camera , my good camera that does close up''s was at the mall with the youngsters , wouldn't you just know it?lol still a good rare pic , I enjoy yours also , you do some real nice nature pic' s always nice to see!!!
IT is still snowing lightly here wind is mild now , earlier it could about pick you up and take you away 10 inches with 16 drifts , my my...

Thumbnail by juhur7
(Zone 7a)

Thank you in return. Nice to know peeps are looking, huh? LOL

Lake Helen, FL

The weather has been utterly freaky and unpredictable, and a lot of my work with plants has involved carrying seed flats, starter pots, and tender plants inside and outside, depending on what it decides to be today. Also, doing some painting and carpentry inside.

Thumbnail by Reynardine Thumbnail by Reynardine
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Voted other because I don't mind if it is hot or cold... long as it isn't raining, sleeting, snowing. Outside it is!

Pretty photos Pirl.... unpretty photos Juhur7 ~ sorry... actually the snow is pretty while looking at it on the monitor.

And that is a hummdinger of a sunflower seed ~ Reynardine

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

HEY podster !! HI , YA ,, Trade ya places!!!!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Quote from juhur7 :
#5 Is a fledgling Perrigrine Falcon sitting in the garden area , yesterday /.

Not the best of pics to tell, but probably a Sharp-shinned Hawk.


Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Still very definitely winter here - the worst March for 50 years, in some areas the worst for 110 years. A month of non-stop icy blast straight from Siberia, and no end in sight with at least another 2 weeks of it in the forecast :-((

Look at the row of electricity poles snapped . . .

More here . . . watch the digger half-way through!


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I had to choose other. It's freezing cold and we still have snow on the ground but yet I am outside almost everyday at my job doing whatever needs to be done to get ready for spring. At home I stay in. lol

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Quote from juhur7 :
HEY podster !! HI , YA ,, Trade ya places!!!!

Ummm... thanks but no, much prettier looking at it through the tv or computer. We should be enduring our last hard freeze tonite and tomorrow. C'mon springtime...

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

It's warm here most of the time - sometimes too much so. We have a year round growing season, so I work outside pretty much all year. I prefer to do my garden maintenance chores in winter where appropriate. Many days in winter are in the 60s and 70s here, while summer days are usually very hot. I find that most people, unless they have lived here, don't realize how warm/hot Charleston really is. Our weather is not like that of the rest of SC. My theory on this is that we owe our unusual warmth to the Gulf Stream, esp since our climate is much the same as that along the gulf coast and northern 1/2 of FL.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Just had two fairly light snows and a hail storm. Boo. The daffodils took a beating. I do think it's going up into the 60s and 70s this coming week so maybe spring will stick around this time.

Talihina, OK

22° here this morning and that coupled with a bad cold is going to keep me inside today

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Today, it is about 71° and SUN shiney out, and I can't wait to make a beeline for the veggie garden!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I might plant some lettuce tomorrow , around 50 , might be nice if it is that is where I will be . A week early ,,two weeks too late,,, all is at the mercy of the weather ..
I didn't even say that again did I? goooofee!!!!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It was sunny today but only in the 40s and still melting. 60s this weekend and still to wet to work in garden. Grrr....

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Still winter pic is one of our local greenhouses (normally we'd see vehicles there and they would have plants growing).

The frost was a wonderous gift from Mother Nature that we are getting freezing fog we know spring is mere weeks away.

Thumbnail by Lilypon Thumbnail by Lilypon Thumbnail by Lilypon Thumbnail by Lilypon Thumbnail by Lilypon
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


I realize ice & snow have their downsides, but it sure is beautiful. Nice pics. Gotta tell you, a covering of ice and snow makes everything look so lovely, especially when compared to naked trees and brown leaves (what we have here in winter).

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I agree DreamsOfSpring snow and hoar frost is beautiful but seeing it for six looooooong months, will be 7 soon, gets to be a bit tiresome (our climatologist said we'd wish it was gone in January but that wouldn't come to pass). He continued to say we'd still have the joy of its company for Easter and beyond. I hate it when they are right (never happens with weather we'd love to see ;o).

Mind you I do understand how ugly bare trees are like as we see that in the fall and again in the spring.

1st pic friendly fox soaking up the sun's rays (he is as happy as we are to finally have sunny days).
2nd pic my bird bath
3rd pic the drifts that are constantly having to be cut in half
4th a drift between 12 and 15 feet tall just outside my city (all depressions in the land have been filled so we now have Clipper ships crossing the plains).
5th pic Snowbird owner down South somewhere.....I hope they have someone booked to clear their yard out before they come home again.

Thumbnail by Lilypon Thumbnail by Lilypon Thumbnail by Lilypon Thumbnail by Lilypon Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

hmmmmm Gremlins changed the order after I hit send but anyways I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Loving your photos, Lilypon. The center one, posted earlier today, is fantastic. It's easy to enjoy the photos but maybe not so easy to endure living with it six months a year...but still beautiful.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Thank you ladies! Glad you enjoyed seeing them. :o)

I also love seeing the hoar frost but we are just beyond tired of this winter.

Fox Island, WA(Zone 8b)

March is my absolute favorite gardening month here in Houston. Perfect weather in the 60's & 70's, clear skies, low humidity.... Ahhhhhh. I get 90 % of my yearly gardening done in March before it starts to get too hot.
And now is the best time for flowers of all kinds! Some of my favorites that I can only grow for about a month before the heat kills it.
Here's the foxglove, larkspur, nasturtium, and petunias that's going nuts now, along with my nuns orchid. My irises & delphinium are blooming too but I haven't got a photo yet.

Thumbnail by rntx22 Thumbnail by rntx22 Thumbnail by rntx22 Thumbnail by rntx22 Thumbnail by rntx22
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

So lovely! Please refresh me on the name of the petunia. I want to plant that one this year and was going to remember the name. Pfffft. :)

Monte Vista, CO(Zone 4a)

I'm jealous, rntx22. I've started seedlings, though, just biding my time here in frostville. It still gets 30 degrees at night.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Just to come clean, I voted "Nice and warm here, I'm usually outside", because the truth, "Nice and warm here, but I'm inside anyhow because I'm lazy" wasn't an option.

Lilypon: Love the pic of the fox. How adorable. As for the pic of the house 1/2 covered in snow, Wow! I think I would fear being buried alive during a snow storm like that - but, again, snow here looks more like the powdered sugar sometimes dusted atop brownies or sheet cake. Wondering how visitors get to the front door to ring the bell.

pirl: Love the pics of the work you have done. Very lovely. I somehow missed your post/pics earlier.

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

Still cold here!

Oakland, OR(Zone 8a)

I work in an office so I don't get to enjoy those few nice days we have had so far.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Pic (not mine) from Buxton, Derbyshire, England.


Thumbnail by Resin
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey Resin I was not ignoring earlier , I agree about the pic, I was taken with a key chain camera , the Kodak and Nikon were in use with the youngsters at the time . I feel lucky I got the pic at all ...
Pretty young predator that bird , sure was looking ..

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Wow, Resin, I think that much snow would make me feel claustrophobic. Is that 'normal' for any of you folks? I really cannot even imagine not being able to see more than a vehicle width away.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

My problem is allergy season with the tree pollen. I do have my prescription allergy meds, but my doctor warns me that I can overload them. I just shower off and change clothes when I come back indoors. I've come down with a cold now, so I'm going to have to take it easy this week anyway. I'm feeling pretty restless right now. : )

Monte Vista, CO(Zone 4a)

greenbrain, make some homemade chicken soup with coriander and fresh hot green chile (you can probably find the chile at a Mexican food store) - not jalapenos, although they might work, too - and I think you'll feel better the next day. Lots of liquids, hence the soup. Sorry you feel bad, and hope you're better in a day or two.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Quote from DreamOfSpring :
Wow, Resin, I think that much snow would make me feel claustrophobic. Is that 'normal' for any of you folks?

Absolutely not!!

Just been on the news, the coldest Easter ever recorded in Britain since the invention of the thermometer. Last night got down to -11° in Scotland.


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