Old Information on Main Page is cringe worthy

German Flatts, NY(Zone 5a)


I joined the forums just to let you guys know that guests can only read the oldest forum postings from soap. You may or may not have known this already. But also those old soap postings from 2006 have a lot of mis-information in them that just make me cringe inside as a knowledgeable researcher. I've been reading soap forums and blogs for 8 years now and have aquired a lot of information about soap making. I think you should try to have those old forums hidden or removed or made invisible, or perhaps just make the most recent posts visible.

This is why, you cannot make soap without lye, and people in 2006 were saying that lye-made soap was toxic to the skin. Nobody jumped in with information that when you mix fats and lye together it's a rare chemical reaction known as transformative that changes everything into a mild base known as Glycerin. A transformative reaction can-not be reversed, for example you can't just freeze your glycerin soap and extract the water, fat, and lye out of it.

Leaving that there is toxic to future customers wanting to buy a hand-made soap and being frightened away by the dire warnings of 'lye will burn your face' and the emotional division of soapers from one another. "My soap contains less lye than yours' or 'my soap is better than yours because it contains milk, or soy or some other additive' argument is just hateful self-serving advertising.

I make glycerin soaps from both vegetable glycerin, and animal glycerin, and I will tell you I have gotten both to test at 7.0 which is the most gentle you can get.

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