WANTED! True Potato Seeds

Whitesburg, TN(Zone 6b)

Yes, they do exist. Original heirloom potato varieties produce seed pods that look like little green cherry tomatoes. The seeds can be dried and stored for 20 years or more, and remain viable. Starting potatoes from seed also eliminates the possibility of carrying a disease over to the next generation like root cuttings often will. If the Irish had used seeds, the famous Irish potato famine might never have occurred. This website will give more info on the potato seed subject: http://www.curzio.com/N/Potato_starting_from_seed.htm

I am wondering if there are any Dave's Gardeners who are already using potato seeds. If so, I would be very happy to trade or buy some seeds. I have nearly everything in the vegetable and fruit department, so let me know what you are looking for and I just might have it.

Happy Spring!


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