Does Anyone Know Where To Buy Carnivorous Mix Online?

Perth, Australia(Zone 11)

Hi Guys,

I'm looking for the carnivorous soil mix online that can be shipped to Perth, Western Australia. I have found some great websites for Carnivorous Plants, however due to quarantine reasons they are unable to ship here.

I've found some local specialist carnivorous nurseries locally, however, I do not have a car and they are very far away, so I would prefer to order online.

I went to Bunnings (a massive home, garden & hardware store) to buy all the media individually, but they don't have the things that I need.

Kind regards,


north coast nsw, Australia

what did you go looking to buy? What type of cps? I use peat moss and coarse sand for Sarracenias, sundews and flytraps and add small bark for nepenthes.

noonamah, Australia

Apart from being illegal, it would be pointless importing growing medium for CPs, there's plenty of suitable materials here. Breeindy just about has CPs coming out of her ears, she can let you know what works with what for most of the species you could ever want. I've only got Nepenthes, that's growing in sphagnum and chopped coconut husks. (Although, I've got lots of Drosera and Utricularia growing naturally on my place.)

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Just use peat moss and perlite, 50/50.

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