Any signs of spring yet?

(Zone 7a)
There are a total of 112 votes:

I wish! Winter has been much too long!
(30 votes, 26%)
Red dot

Spring bulbs are blooming. (which ones?)
(38 votes, 33%)
Red dot

We have little leaves and things are greening up.
(35 votes, 31%)
Red dot

Spring is now summer where I live.
(3 votes, 2%)
Red dot

Not much of a seasonal change in my climate.
(5 votes, 4%)
Red dot

I'm south of the equator and we're headed into fall.
(1 votes, 0%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Reticulated Iris and crocus are blooming , but winter came back for a few days so I think the tulips and daffs are going to be delayed

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Daffs are up and blooming. Flowering quince is covered in buds and other things are starting to put out growth, especially the sedums. Wonderful!

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Spring?? You mean that 2-week period when the temps are in the 70s(°F)??? Yeah, it's almost over!

Summerville, SC

Daffodils, Anenomes, One Iris, verbenea and Mazus are blooming along with many bulbs either beginning with green or ending with green[Lily of the Valley]. The garden is definately greening up for spring with a variety of daffodils shooting up at early, mid, and late season...lots of surprises, colors, sizes and shapes!

Thumbnail by gardenspot107 Thumbnail by gardenspot107 Thumbnail by gardenspot107
Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Frogs came out last week, the alders are dripping with catkins, crocus are done, daffs are starting to open, and just now starting to see robins on a regular basis. Lots of perennials poking up out of the ground, spring clean-up in full swing.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Quote from nifty413 :
Spring?? You mean that 2-week period when the temps are in the 70s(°F)??? Yeah, it's almost over!

Amen to that nifty! Last couple of days have been near 80F…Already! Definitely NOT looking forward to Summer. We've had an occasional frost the last couple of weeks that has knocked things back a bit. Just as the Amaryllis are blooming, frost takes 'em down. Ugh!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Love the colors on those Anemones, gardenspot!

Detroit, MI

Just the crocuses blooming so far. About 5 days ago the first ones opened, we've since gotten some more snow and their tightly closed buds are peeking through the snowcover.

(Zone 7a)

I have Daffs about to bloom and the tulips are up but no buds yet. Other things are greening up! Woohoo! My Quince has some leaves emerging but I can't tell yet if it has blooms. It may not as I planted it last Spring.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Dogwoods in full bloom, carrots needn thinned, narcissus are finished. trees are coloring tips and turning greener.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

One thing I miss now that I'm living in the south…No Crocuses! Mom had some planted along the walkway to the front door. Beautifully pushing their way up through snow. Ahhh, the memories of childhood!

Somebody post some pics of them…Would love to see some again. Other than those that are in catalogs! :-)

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Old photo, but still works!

Thumbnail by mamasita
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Beautiful! Like a breath of fresh air, especially in this 79F & humidity…. Thanks! :-)

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Here in Houston, it's so hot today, I could not work outside much. I hope there will be some cool spells before it's really summer but it's not looking that way at all. I hope this hot, this soon is not an indicator of how the rest of the year will go.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

And it's snowing here right now....

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

The first three apply here. We are in 50s now but rest of week is snow. Things are greening up and some things are getting ready to bloom. But....we have snow coming. lol. Trees have buds but it's getting ready to snow. So.. winter is still hanging on but spring is trying to beat it back.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Spring is pretty much here already. I picked "bulbs are up" but couldn't find an exact match for my area among the choices. Daffodils and azaleas have been blooming here for a month or so. Camellias, which start blooming in November, are still blooming. Crabapples, pink/purple Magnolias, and redbuds are all blooming now. My wisteria 'tree' is loaded down with blooms which are on the verge of opening any day now. I'm sure I'm probably forgetting something, but that's all I can think of right now.

Days here are in the 70's now. I think spring is 'on'.

West Plains, MO(Zone 6b)

Reticulated iris and crocus are finishing up, and now daffodils, hyacinths, and anemone blanda are up! (The primroses and pulmonaria are also blooming.)

Lake Helen, FL

We had the worst sort of winter for Upper Florida: a bracket winter. There was a cold beginning, then a prolonged warm stretch that lured plants into breaking dormancy, then late freezes. No peaches and little citrus this year. Here is a little wild snapdragon (Linaria floridana though.

Thumbnail by Reynardine
Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

We were in the 90's last week, 80's this week. Nectarine tree is almost in full bloom, lemon is blooming, apples are blooming and setting fruit already. Glads are up but won't bloom until May, but the hollyhock is almost ready to bloom.

mid-Michigan, MI

Snow, sleet. Tonight's temperature 18F. I wish.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

First Crocus, Iris reticulata, then some daffodils and hyacinths....others have leaves but no bloom yet....

Tobyhanna, PA(Zone 5a)

Spring? What's that? Right now, though, there's 6 inches of fresh snow on the ground. That furry little rodent lied!!!

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

The caladiums I had in the garage all winter have broken dormancy... Had to move them onto the patio...

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Spring bulbs are blooming.
Yep ~ daffodils, jonquils, narcissus, snow drops, iris (oops they aren't a bulb)

We have little leaves and things are greening up.
Well, not quite green ~ every thing in the pineywoods is yellow. The pine pollen is unbelievable. At night it is so thick in the headlights it appears to be snowing ~ yellow snow! LOL Amazing, meanwhile we are wishing for a rain to wash it out of the air.

Spring is now summer where I live.
Somedays it feels like it, we've already seen mid 80s & low 90s. But I'm not whining, mind you...

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

"The Long, Hot Summer.."

Dallas, WI(Zone 3b)

we are still looking at 2 feet of snow on the ground here. The first day of spring we awoke to -5 degrees. sigh. looks like the tulips will be a while this year.

NE, SD(Zone 4b)

We too have 2' of snow with a high of 12 today. Last year we were 64 degrees this day. Want a gradual spring thaw.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We have a thin dusting here at home but just a few miles up the road at my work there is close to an inch on the ground. This weekend we are expecting 3-6 inches of snow. Today we never got above freezing. Temps reached 31 for high.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

We have our earliest daffodils called "February Gold" in bloom right now as well as our purple crocus.

We need the color to brighten up these grey March days.

The hyacinths are about 2/3s of the way to bloom--maybe 2 weeks more.

It was 22 degrees today which is cold for us in late March--hardly springlike.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Today on CNN they said a criminal indictment has been brought against Punxsutawney Phil for this year's fraudulent prediction of an early spring, since we (or some of us, that is) have already had 6wks of winter since Phil made that inaccurate prediction earlier this year. They went on to quote Phil's attorney as saying that Phil is never wrong; however, his predictions are subject to human error in interpretation.

(They did, of course, ultimately indicate that this was all 'tongue in cheek'.)

Newburgh, IN(Zone 6a)

Daffs, crocus, are blooming. Tulips and Irises are coming up. Lots of greenery present in my surprise lily beds(I was worried about them because with the drought last summer none of them bloomed). Witch hazel in full bloom. Just wish the winter cold would vacate.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Northern Michigan is still locked up tight with winter. Sigh.

cornwall, ON(Zone 4b)

Still lots of snow in Eastern Ontario Canada, but I voted " little leaves and greening up" because all the trees are budding up now, so it won't be long ---Hopefully!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

What my yard looks like today. Yesterday husband shoveled the snow off our garage he is moving what's on the ground further away from our house.

What we have is nothing compared to what is out in the country.

Thumbnail by Lilypon
cornwall, ON(Zone 4b)

Oh my gosh, am I ever glad I don't live there Lilypon. I think I would be so depressed seeing that much new snow now. I thought our little bit 1-2 inches this past week was bad--poor you. Hopefully it starts to melt soon.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

We sure aren't happy with it but it is a historical record breaking snowfall that this province has had this winter so it isn't the norm. In fact by now all snow is usually gone, we are hitting highs around +5C (but in the past 20 years more like +10C) and normally we get very little snow (our standing, out of 100 Canadian cities re snowfall, is 75...bottom 1/4 of the list). So this sure isn't the norm.

This however is Wilkie, Sk ...... OMG

All of a sudden I fell not bad at all about the snow we have.

Mount Vernon, KY

I remember the year I got married and 1978 abd 79 were brutal. Turns out the year before 77 Greenland's volcanos erupted.

So I remember on the news that Iceland's volcanoes erupted -- remember all the planes had to be cancelled for a while -- three year back?

So I wondered if that is why this winter is turning out to be very long.
The north wind is howling and March for us -- the first of March is always warm and the 15th of March is the time we are suppose to plant potatoes -- well it is the 24 and the wind is howling outside -- and we have a heifer that is due it's first calf any day now and I am sick of winter.

I found this on the internet about when Iceland's volcanoes eruped way back in the mid 1700s Ben Franklin noticed really pretty sunsets and then it turned very cold. It was not pleasant and people suffered.

Maybe a better question is -- does man really controls his environment?

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