CLOSED: Marching Right Along Chat!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Share your day, family adventures, what's new with you, pets, indoor / outdoor plants, memories, jokes...anything on your mind.

Anyone is Welcome to join us! The more the merrier.

We came from here:

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new room!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Peeps, that cracked me up. I stopped at a greenhouse today but they were just getting their plants in, but it felt soooo good to be in a greenhouse surrounded with plants....altho outside is still deep in snow!

Fruity, I have not been back there as things got to busy here. But I am going to check in with them next month.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Elfie, the greenhouse I went to today, there were 4 women working and they were so happy just chatting and working on the plants, nothing like where I work. That is a job I want when I retire. I can feed my habit...rofl.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

me too...

Athens, PA

Ditto on that one Happ.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Down at my friend JT's greenhouses, way out in the country (here we go again,, he and his mom and a part-time person do all the work and take turns checking on the facilities during the closed season. They are always happy as a lark, even when it's hot as blue blazes and the fans are going full blast we have to shout to be Makes me feel so good when he finds a plant or two I've really been wanting, or new ones I've never heard of, and a lot of times he'll pinch off a cutting of a plant I've admired for me to root. He does that a lot at the end of the season in the Fall. I don't get down there as often as I'd like but it's always a great experience. Plus he's a hort graduate and so enjoys sharing his knowledge. One of his greenhouses he dedicates to all kinds of tropicals. Many are stored for folks who don't have a greenhouse or a sun room (or a Debra's basement) for a monthly rental fee until it's safe for those customers to pick their plants up and place them outside again. It's really fun to browse when he reopens, usually around May 1st. Nana trees and palms are up to the roof, huge philos are spread on the greenhouse floor, gingers are sprinkled here and there along with huge cool looking ferns, and there are orchids and broms galore.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

hmmm, now there is a thought... LOL I could "winter over" for others that can't.... heck, I already have a "foster plant" down there, she blooms all winter, in early summer her mom comes and picks her up, except this spring she better bring her man, cuz it is huge. I gave her this little start of a Dark pink/red single hibiscus three summers ago, now even after trimming her twice this winter, she has a bud at every tip. She is a water hog and a light hog..every bit of her demands attention..

Athens, PA

Deb - sounds like another husband ^_^. Bet she is gorgeous when in full bloom.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Difference between a hibiscus and a DH is the hibiscus is quiet...rofl.

Debbie I saw an article about someone on a farm that use to have cows and she turned that area into a rental area for plants, it was really interesting and was going good for her. Must of been somewhere on Daves....
Have to agree with you on hibiscus being a water hog....heavens ee's are nothing compared to my big hibiscus, I have to water it twice as much as everything else and it is in a huge pot.

It was a year ago last week when the Joplin tornado's hit and destroyed the town, this year we were belowing freezing and covered in snow, what a difference a year makes.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

My son from Amarillo drove down with a huge U-haul with his church group and helped hand out food and clothes! He said he had never seen such devastation!

Athens, PA

Quote from happgarden :
Difference between a hibiscus and a DH is the hibiscus is quiet...rofl.

Excellent point!

Cutlerville, MI

We here in MI are actually going to be 38 degrees! Yahooooo! Yippy!!! I actuay saw sun today! My Aunt caqlled me frm Indianapolis and she saw a CROCUS! Yes! that means Spring will hopefully reach us soon!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Ok was going to post something and got interrupted and now don't remember but can't get rid of this box, so sorry for the rambling....geehz.

This message was edited Mar 8, 2013 3:30 PM

Cutlerville, MI

You are too funny happ:)

Why is it so quiet here??? I finally have the 1st barn gone and the new one will be here on Monday!! But they busted a water pipe moving it so we have no water till Sunday , that is when poor Ralphie will have time to fix it. So I have to pick up water in jugs from the neighbor so we have water. Good thing my neighbor is the sharing kind...LOL. That or I will try to fix the pipes myself.

Mable is doing fine and I swear she can almost see out of one eye. Must just be wishful thinking asthe doc said no. She goes for her check up tomorrow, and I will know more then. My dog is getting better with her every day. So she will have a herd mater. Even the cats are acting nice. Wonder of wonder!!!! They don't like it when she jumps in circles, but she seams to be very happy. That is all we can ask for.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

One reason it is quiet is I can't remember anything...rofl...

So glad your little sweetie is happy and getting better. Sometimes Doc's don't know everything and maybe she can see shadows in the right light or something.

We have a duck with bum feet now living in the garage in a dog crate, for some reason the other ducks just beat him up something horrible. So DH being a sweetie, is now sharing the garage with the duckie. Duckie can walk but not very well, he waddles around and like your house the dogs no longer pay any attention to him when DH let's him out of his cage. Which I think is pretty good considering one is a black lab...rofl. I even caught DH moving everything in the garage and filling up a tub so duckie could go swimming, now if you realized how much the garage means to DH you would find this amazing!!!!

Awwwwwww. I like your DH!! Got to run. Mable is going to the many sitter as I have tons to do today.....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear Mable is doing good Kris.

Happ, so glad hubby made room for your duck!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Linda Kay how is your weather? Any rains hitting you?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

We had a hail storm a few days ago, but not much rain with it. It is pretty dry here. 78 right now.

LK,, tried to call you today... Look at what saw today....

Thumbnail by
Cutlerville, MI

Mud....I love those shoes!
Hap, your hubby rocks! What a honey you have.
Have a great night everyone!


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

What time did you call Kris, my phone never showed any missed calls? Love those shoes filled with plants, so pretty!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Quote from ahoogstra :
Mud....I love those shoes!
Hap, your hubby rocks! What a honey you have.
Have a great night everyone!


I agree!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Those pointed toed pink heels are too much...rofl.

We are going to be 77 today, now what is strange is I still have piles of snow on the ground....rofl. Don't remember that ever happening here at all. I guess if it gets too hot you can go jump in snow...rofl.

Cutlerville, MI

Awe Happ...will you PLEASE start sending the warmth our way! I'm dying here!!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Only having two days of it, course Thursday and Friday, then Saturday just in time for the weekend back to cold, maybe some rain, and lots of wind.....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

We have two new swaps open, come and check them out.

NOW OPEN, come and check it out!

2013 annual froggie swap is open, come and check it out, lots of fun!

I am dying to make some of those shoe gardens. I keep telling myself that I will soon have both indoor and outdoor playrooms, but it feels like way to long from now.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

My grandmother used to plant in granddaddy's old brogans.

This post nasal drip is about to send me on over.

Cutlerville, MI

We are supposed to get another winter storm tonight & tomorrow! I say ENOUGH ALREADY:) I must have Spring:)

Athens, PA

Every year, I feel like Old Man Winter just doesn't want to let go. This year in particular!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Cold and windy here today, too.. sheese! 80 yesterday and 40 something now. Windchill makes it colder. ugh.
I'll send you all a blankie, and we can huddle together , that is what friends are for, right? We can all shiver together and dream of when we are complaining about the heat. LOL

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

93 here today! Nice and warm.

Hot here today too....

Cutlerville, MI are no longer my friend:( WE HAVE MORE SNOW!!!!! and you have heat.....OK just kiddig you know your wonderful:) right we were 40 and than had a winter snow warning and now SNOW:( Yucky! So reqdy for spring

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Yeal, watch out, we are supposed to have some snow later this week, Batten down the fortress, the wind is blowing very very hard right now.

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