Tomato and Pepper Seed Swap

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)


I know that seed packets generally have far more seeds than I'd like, so being able to swap some of those out for other varieties would be fun!

General Idea:
A. Everyone lists the seeds that they have available for trade and how many 'shares' they have. For this trade, let's call 6 seeds a 'share'.
B. Anyone who sees a share available that they want would D-mail the owner and ask to reserve the share. The owner updates their list so that their available shares are always up-to-date.
C. At the close of the swap, all seeds are sent to me along with 5 stamps to cover return postage. This way everyone only pays postage once, each direction, rather than for every individual swap. (If you happen to be in on another swap that I'm running, we can certainly figure out how to consolidate the shipping to save money)
D. I will package all of the seeds to be sent to each trader.
E. Only TOMATO (Solanum lycopersicum) and Hot or Sweet PEPPER (Capsicum) seeds for this trade please.

Since we are in prime seed sowing season, the swap will close on March 15.

To keep everyone on just one thread, please POST HERE:

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)


Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)


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