Please help me to think how to rid my c. Henryi of wilt.

Big Flats, NY(Zone 5b)

Hi Everyone, I have tried to estabish "Henryi" for 2 years now this will be the 3rd year. For what ever sets of reason c.Henryi is my faavorite clematis. I had another for many years and had to abandon her as It became more difficult for my old self to work the garden she was in(Boo hoo hoo) Well her replacement in a differant site with the best of preperation and soil has a dose of the wilt!!!. When I get back from South Carolina I plan to cut her down to sets of fat buds and steralize the pruners withLysol kitchen wipes between cuts.I then wll romove leaves and cut stems and then very carefuly remove all the mulch around her ankles all of it down to bare earth.I would then check to make sure her remaining stems were split and abasion free. I would love to use a good fungacide to spay upn her precious remains. I would prefer thst fungacide would be systemic.but, what to use I do not know? Do you have any recomendations that have worked for you? I would be willing to pay a profesional.I iwould then put a 2 inch high section of 3 inch pvc pipe around her, then use brick at 18 x18 inches as a new ground layer. You Ideas eagrly sought. A failure to suceed in curing her of wilt this season may result in multiple suicides to her owner!! Lee McDonald

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Recently I found this article about wilt and hope it helps you. So far your plans sound excellent in removing the mulch, leaves, stems, etc. A good dose of an anti-fungal agent might help - it's what I would do if I had it. Use as directed on the label and no more than that. Too often we kill our plants with "kindness".

Thumbnail by pirl
Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Lee, I'm using Bayer 3:1 granular fertilizer, it's a systemic fungicide, insecticide, and miticide. I started using it last year for my roses and clematis, and I had really nice blooms and no wilt. I'm also going to be spraying them with Greenlight fruit and tree spray as well, which has similar ingredients. Annette

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