Oh it's a slippery slope.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi all, I have been a long time member at DG but I think this may be the first time posting on this forum. Last summer I picked up a Scarlet Belle Sarracenia at a Native Plant Sale. I have on occasion looked at a few Pitcher Plants from time to time and finally picked one up. I am sorry I don't have a picture of it to share with you right now. Then a month or so ago while out with my GS at a local nursery we found a Nepenthes alata. Originally my GS wanted the plant but didn't want to take it home so it was left at my house for about a week or so. But every time my son would come over he got more and more fascinated with the plant and finally took it home. Where it is happily attracting a few flies and stink bugs that were buzzing around their house. Sorry no pics of that one either. After a couple of weeks of missing that nice little plant I decided that I needed to pick up another one for myself. Just so happen that they had them at a flower show two weeks ago. I picked up this larger Nepenthes Miranda I do have pictures of this one.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Seems that bugs aren't the only thing these beautiful plants catch. So I was at another local Flower Show this weekend and they had these beauties as part of their pond display and after the show was over we picked up 2 of them. They didn't come with ID tags so I am not entirely sure what they are. Some type of Sarracenia I guess and if anyone could help me ID it that would be wonderful. So I have spent part of my early morning looking at the DG Plant Files and the wonderful pictures you have all posted, especially the ones in bloom. I may have been fatally caught.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh, I am so excited. These new guys ( Sarracenia ?) have flower buds coming on. The one is up a couple of inches and the other is still just starting.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
north coast nsw, Australia

yes there Sarracenias. They look like a cross. They are addictive. hehe! I have heaps. Heres my Scarlett Belle (left).

Thumbnail by breeindy
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh they are just beautiful. Mine are a tad ratty looking right now but new growth is coming on and the flower buds are getting taller. Can't wait to see them bloom.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Still doing well, The one bud is starting to slowly open and there is lots of new growth coming on. The Nepenthes Miranda is also holding it's own and putting out new leaves with tiny little pitchers on them. The one my son took home is also doing well and catching bugs which makes him very happy.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
north coast nsw, Australia

heres a bunch of Sarracenia flowers, the only problem is they smell like B O. hehe!

Thumbnail by breeindy
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh they sure are pretty. So you are saying I will be sorry when my long awaited plants blooms. LOL
Haven't checked the GH yet today. Been gone all day long getting firewood and just got home. Heading out to unload and see how the GH is doing.

north coast nsw, Australia

the flowers are alright outside but i bought them in and they smelt.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

The temps are warming up here some pretty nice afternoons but it still tends to be in the 30's at night and early mornings. I have been thinking of setting them out in the day when it warms up. I didn't want to interfere with the blooming process but I think once they open I might do that.

north coast nsw, Australia

Sarracenias need a winter dormancy( there leaves will die down and you need to lower the water in there trays so the crowns dont rot). They dont like cold and really wet. They can tollerate 20's but id cover them or bring them in if its alot lower than that.
You might not want to just put them out now youve had them inside this season either but maybe next winter leave them out longer.
I keep mine outside all year round (but its not very cold here). You need to give them a good amount of sun for there growth and nice colours.

Thumbnail by breeindy
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

They should be hardy in my area, so I was planing on planting them out in the garden. If not I could over winter them in the garage where they would have a nice winter break without the coldest of temps. These were part of a display garden at a local Flower Show. They set up display gardens and after the show is over they sell off the plants at wholesale prices. All the plants at the show are forced, that's why I have these in our GH. Here is a picture of the display they came out of.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Great looking collection, Bree!

north coast nsw, Australia

Thanks Carol! Holly you cant really "plant them out" just in normal soil. Unless you make a bog garden, you'd need something that holds water, like a pond and alot of peat moss. Much easier to pot them in pots of peat moss, sand and perlite and sit them in kitty litter trays of water so you can move them around. Lower the water in winter and keep it topped up in summer. Dont let them dry out.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I have just the place for them. A small pond feature that includes a mortar mixing pan that I use for just this type of plant.

Originally I was going to plant them in a small bed next to the swimming pool where it stays wet, but it isn't really a sunny bed, shaded from the deck and I think that they would be affected by the pool water chemicals. We don't use a lot of chemicals but we do use some and these might be more sensitive than the other plants that are growing well there.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

This is the small pond feature, I added the mixing tray for some extra plants that I was going to give away and needed a spot to keep them. It is only about 8in deep and should be a good place to set a pot of Sarracenias.
I was wondering do they bloom all summer or is it a one time one bloom per plant. Since mine are blooming now will they bloom again later this summer?

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
north coast nsw, Australia

I like that peice of wood. Yes they need alot of sun.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We picked that up while on Vacation. We were there during a small hurricane and the next day Ric took his boat out and came back with a ton of drift wood. That piece was too big and waterlogged in get in the boat so they towed it to the dock.

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