Passiflora trading

Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Have Passiflora Betty Myles Young rooted in 9oz cups. Looking for other passiflora.

If you have a good trading reputation I will send your plant to you first, looking to establish a rep here.


Thumbnail by RetiredFlorida
Center, TX

Hey Darren, I love your methed in the clear cups. What month do you take your cuttings? I live in Tx. so your growing season is longer than mine. Can you take them any time? Thanks for any advise. Alda

Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Alda,
I'm relatively new to propagating most plants but we're learning more everyday. The cups are of course in my garage here in Florida, which seldoms gets below 45 I would say because of house heat, so I've been taking cuttings all winter long. Some of my cuttings have bottom heat and it is still taking awhile, others just sit there under regular home depot lamps. The clear cups really aid in understanding how quickly each type of plant sets roots and for me has been a big help. I've got cuttings that are going on three months that are still alive and green (not passiflora) but have no roots yet. Just yesterday I took a Aristolochia Gigantea cutting out of its cup to see if anything had started in 2 months, nothing. I think many passiflora cuttings can be started in the winter but do know there are some difficult ones. Most of the common ones or hybrids that have caerulea or incarnata in them will probably grow quickly.

Rather than I try to explain, I learned this technique from a friend who posted a tutorial here;

If you have further questions I'd be happy to try to answer. Most of the passiflora I've grown to date seem to root in 2 to 3 weeks.

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

I have Passiflora loefgrenii x caerulea about ready to bloom her head off today. My other passies seem to be lagging a bit, but it's been chilly off and on this year. Frederick and Citrina are too short yet for cuttings, but once it warms up next week, I expect them to take off!

Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Nola we had a very weird winter right? I guess we should count our blessing. I acquired a little L & C back in December and can't wait to see it bloom. Everything is growing nicely now though. So the news just said we're due for more cold weather come Friday. I have a couple of tropicals I'd like to sink in the ground but will wait a little longer.....

Perhaps we could trade once you're Citrina takes off, I don't have one of those beauties.


Cutlerville, MI

Hello Darren!
I would LOVE a young Passifloria. I have seeds, but live in MI with no greenhouse. Could I purchase one of your small plants? I am also willing to send you my seeds, and only ask you send me one of hopefully many plants you get from them.
Thank you for your consideration:)

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

Darren & Alicia: I'd be happy to share any cuttings from my garden, the caerula bloomed today, and a few others look ready.

The citrina is indeed lagging a bit, but she looks healthy as a horse for the weirdo weather we've had - but I'll take all that rain, considering the alternative. :)

This message was edited Mar 13, 2013 10:32 PM

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

Here's the x caerulea this morning!

Thumbnail by Nola_Nigella
Cutlerville, MI

WOW is that beautiful! I sent you a Dmail:) Have a blessed day everyone:)

Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Gorgeous bloom and bud Nola! I love seeing the colored buds that are just a tease of what is to come. Hope to have my first P.BettyMylesYoung bloom photos to share soon.

Cutlerville, MI

Can't wait to see your blooms too Darren. I am so excited to learn all I can from you both:)

Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

The passiflora BettyMylesYoung is about to bloom any day now, will certainly share photos.

Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

My plant bloomed today.

Thumbnail by RetiredFlorida Thumbnail by RetiredFlorida Thumbnail by RetiredFlorida
Cutlerville, MI

Absolutely glorious! Really wonderful color and texture in just one flower!

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

So lovely! I'm hoping mine all pull through this cold snap we're having. :)

Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Good luck Nola, one of the coldest days we're going to have in spring? Thanks ahoogstra, I'm tickled with it too.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Retired - would you like seeds from P. lutea? Don't need a plant in exchange. :)


Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

I think everyone pulled through, though I have these tiny fuzzy green caterpillars trying to munch through everything. I've hosed them down but I may have to pull out a bigger weapon sooner. Maybe praying mantis?

The passies are climbing all over each other and already almost at the top of the bamboo stakes I cut for them, so 8' tall? Setting lovely buds, too, just no more flowers yet.

Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Amanda, sent you a dmail. Thanks.

Nola, my plants are starting to take off too. Great to have blooms daily. Glad to hear your plants pulled through in time to feed the cats. Look forward to seeing your photos.

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