Ginger Vendors....anyone with suggestions? (Orchids, too)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

My 'want list' for some specific gingers keeps growing (heaven help me). The larger vendors are a little pricey though (i.e. plant delights). Do any of you have some local folks that might do mail order you'd recommend? Looking for Hedychium 'Daniel Weeks' and Hedychium 'Pink Flame' among others.

Also looking for 'decent priced' (an oxymoron, I realize) orchid vendors - looking for Brassavolas and Cattleya walkerianas etc.

Please and thank you!!

Thumbnail by Chantell
Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

Don't discount PDN just because they appear to be pricey. Their Hedychium come in 3 quart pots and are really only a year or maybe two before division.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Might try

They ship all over... I just scored 4 from walmart for $3-$3.50, markdowns after Valentines Day...I know not what you're wanting but I thought a great A pix of my first (even matches the Got started with a few and now have 7, are they addictive? I was at a local nursery yesterday and saw most were in the $49.99 range...ouch! LOL.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

lanakila - thank you...that makes a huge difference to me!! Maybe I'll just start with a couple and purchase from them!

Kathy - yes the post markdowns from the holidays are always a steal. I succumbed and purchased a mini for $3 from our Lowes. However - as cheap as they are - I really need to use restraint as I'd like to stick with what I know I'll want which is smelly-goods. LOVE your photo btw!!

Thumbnail by Chantell

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