Wonderful Site for Desert Type Plants info

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

Some listings have more info than others.
You can check plant hardiness , some have germination instructions. You can click on next species or previous species,and see same type plant if its there. It will take common or latin names in the search box.
It also sells some Xeriscaping Type books, A picture CD of Desert Type Plants.And links to some Desert Plant Hotlines, in the Phoenix Arizona Area, and some Nurseries.

Desert Hot Springs, CA(Zone 10b)

Howdy neighbor! This is a great site! Do you know if it's legal to bring plans back to CA from AZ? I know it isn't in most instances from other states.

That was some windstorm the other day, wasn't it, or were you spared?

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

Desert Hot Springs!! Hello!
I think you can do it legally if you check into a certificate, maybe from the nursery you buy anything from in Arizona. I am sure they have come across it before.
If you do mailorder they take care of it automatically.

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