Fungi Foe!

Saint Augustine, FL(Zone 9a)

I have sent this pic to my local Ag Center and even a Gainesville Agriculture specialist and silence. goes.
"Can anyone tell me what this creepy fungi/mushroom is? It starts out looking like an egg half submerged in the ground.
Then out pops this ugly orange thing and the worst thing about it is it smells terribly!" Help!

Thumbnail by BeeReverie Thumbnail by BeeReverie
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Calanthrus columnatus....stink horn fungus just one of a large family of "alien" looking fungi

This link has picks of related fungi

Saint Augustine, FL(Zone 9a)

Thank you so much!!! I love that it says it mostly originates in woody groundcover. That's where it always appears
near or in our mulches. Before we have company we have to circuit the yard to make sure there are no 'aromas' about!!!

This message was edited Feb 19, 2013 5:58 PM

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

you are most welcome. We scoop them out with a shovel and transport them to a rotting stump at the back of the yard. My husband and I get a kick out of their alien look.

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