Questions about leftover live onions

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

I grew and froze so many onions last year, that I have enough to last through next spring!

There are some onions in the garden that must have been so small they were missed when I pulled the crop last summer. They are sprouting! What will these onions do? Will they grow into larger bulbs? Will they set seed? If they set seed, is it worth saving the seed? Should I just pull them up and compost them?

Also - I have some onions that I never got around to chopping and freezing. Some of them are sprouting, even though they are sitting on a table under a covered porch. What should I do with them (other than eating them)?

All these are "Candy" - I think Candy is a hybrid.

Lots of questions, but I know yáll have answers.

Thanks in advance :)

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

If you like "green" onions (scallions) you have a nice early crop.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Let em grow. if they sprout- plant em. I dont think I would save seeds tho. fresh is good and can be chopped in breakfast eggs, etc.

DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

Honeybee the Onion Lady! HaHaHa!

It sounds like you just have a big ole' mess of onions!

Just having fun with you girl.... It sounds great to me. Onions are one of my favorite things next to Garlic.

After having a restaurant in New Orleans for years, my first thought was carmelized onions. A little EVOO (extra virgin Olive Oil as Rachel Raye calls it) in a pan and stir-frying them is incredible and they condense into no space and can be refroze for future use in sauces. Great by themselves over meats and chicken and great on sandwiches!

I think all Alliums are great in a garden along with annuals and perennials too. The flower heads are great popping up here and there...

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I agree with plant em, Even if they get tough setting seed you can still "cook em in" That is what I do with mine when they get "hot" in the summer ..

Hutto, TX(Zone 8b)


Onions are biennial, so both the missed onions or planting last year's bulbs will go to seed. They should be fine for green onion though. There are probably recipes for the onion flower heads, too. Maybe batter and fry the onion flowers and serve with battered and fried squash blossoms. Or, just cut the scapes before they open and used Kiel green onions.


sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

so much to learn, some great info here but all i can think of is carmelized onions! yum

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for all your suggestions.

Hubby and I eat a LOT of onions - keeps us "regular" if you know what I mean (LOL)

As to the ones already growing in the garden, perhaps I'll leave them and see what happens.

I didn't know onion flowers were edible. Bees, especially the tiny native bees, love onion flowers.

Durhamville, NY(Zone 5b)

If nothing else the flowers are pretty.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

There are always onions growing wherever I live, in several stages of ages... they share spaces well with other plants if I dont use them up.

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