Lost all my plants again ..Hubby died .Had to move .Will pay

Ranburne, AL(Zone 7b)

Looking for anything to get started again. Plants mostly .Do not do good with seeds.Roses ,Lilly ,Hoyas,sedums,succulents ,Jasmines,Herbs,egt onions.Just let me know .House plants will do .Thanks in advance for any replies

South Lake Tahoe, CA(Zone 6a)

Pprice: All of my perennials are currently dormant and protected in the greenhouses until the winter starts thawing in my region. They will start growing in June.
I can send you some hardy sedums for you to plant in your garden in memory of your husband.

Please send me a D-Mail with your mailing address when you get a chance.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I would be happy to send some daylilies. What are your favorite colors for the garden? If you dont mind sharing your husbands name, maybe I can send one along as a namesake. D- mail me if you like. Daylilies scape in April and May, so you would want to get them in as soon as possible for this years bloom. I would not want to dig them once they have started scaping, hate to waste the bloom. If your not really up and running for planting that soon, I could send some in the fall for next years bloom. Good luck to you.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

PPrice, sincerely sorry about your loss. My DW have several house plants that have increased. I could send you some of those and some other misc plants. Mike

Minneola, KS(Zone 6a)

I will have to wait and see what I have come spring but if you don't mid waiting and are not a name stickler (some I know, some I don't), I'll let you know what I have in a couple months and you can pick what you want if your interested.

Columbus, OH

Everything is frozen, but I will happily send you some in the spring--bump this discussion up, and I'll fill a big box for you. I have some lovely sedums and herbs. I'll try to start a New Dawn and a Zephirine Drouhine rose for you, but I'm not the best with rose cuttings.

Ranburne, AL(Zone 7b)

I am in Al. now so we can start earlier..But God bless to all of u ..Porsha Price 155 county rd 609 # 12 Ranburne ,Al.36273

Ranburne, AL(Zone 7b)

Just rechecking to see if anyone has been able to get to their plants .I am in the South and about time to plant .I planted a green patch yesterday with collards,spinach,mustard greens,chives,onions,kale ,radish..Can not wait to have some .God bless everyone to have a blessed garden this year ..Porsha

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I actually went out this morning to try to do some daylily dividing, and moving some around. Its just to cold, with the wind, but do plan on getting to them this weekend.

With daylilies, you want to plant them like asparagus. Dig hole, put a mound of dirt in the middle of the holes, and set the crown of the daylily on top of mound and let the roots fall down the side of the mound. You want to keep that crown as even with the ground as possible. Crown rot is just about the only think that will kill a daylily, and once it gets rot, there is no fix for that.

I notice most of my tags have the names faded, so your guess is as good as mine as to what Im sending. Water is their best friend, just try to do it so the crown doesnt stay wet at night. They can also be prone to rust in the south, Im going to spray them before wending them, but its something you will have to keep a watch on. Just spray them when you spray your roses, they take the same care.

If you cant plant them right away, soak in a bucket of water, but again, dont let the crown sit in the water. As is done, I will have cut the leaves back for shipping.

Ranburne, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks to everyone that has responded .The answer to some of the questions.I love pink, blues,yellows .I guess I just love them all .I am not picky .Just want to get started to keep my mind off of things and I love all plants .

Cutlerville, MI

It is so cold here in MI. I have houseplants, and many garden goodies I can send in the next couple of weeks. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. As soon as we will be above freezing I will send some out:)

Ranburne, AL(Zone 7b)

I want to thank everyone that has responded . I want to thank the ones that have sent . My home is finally looking and feeling like a home . My husband would be well pleased . It is so peaceful just having plants in a home to enjoy .Please do not forget or be unthankful for the small things that are large in peoples eyes like us on Dave's . I know we are all plant lovers .I love the fact that God created such beauty for our eyes to behold ! Thanks again . Porsha

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Porsha, nothing is coming up yet but should start to see growth in a couple of weeks.


(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Porsha, I'm so sorry for your loss. I just now ran across this post. I just love Dave's Garden, and our family of plant loving gardeners.
Do you still want or need anything? Do you like tall sunflowers? I have a gazillion! Also have a ton of green airplane plants.

I may just have to put some stuff together and ship it ;-)
God is good.

Ranburne, AL(Zone 7b)

Yes, I am still waiting .I have planted some greens and received a lot of house plants that were so wonderful ! Planted a few tomato plants . Spearmint .I will send pics when they grow .Again thanks to everyone !

Ranburne, AL(Zone 7b)

Still waiting for some spring plants .Anyone able to dig > Thanks in advance . The daylilies I planted were frozen and thawed out and did not come up .

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