(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Same here I Usually delete it but forgot to look for it . Such a nice day was out weeding a bit & I Know I Will be sore tomorrow its been such a long Lazy Winter & My Legs & Arms will Let me know in the morning Please forgive if I miss coffee with you I Hope to Sleep the WHOLE NIGHT After all that fresh air today :)

you all have a great eve time for shower , super , & Movie

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I am so glad you received your basket in time for Easter Crystal. I wish I could take credit for the bunny basket ,but can't . A elderly lady sells them to help make ends meet. I wish I had her talent. When my children were little my mother - in - law use to make them for my girls. I lost them after several moves. I wish I had kept them for their little girls. I brought another for my granddaughter. I will love them,and they bring back a lot of sweet memories.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

The Bunny basket is adorable, Patti. Your elderly friend is certainly talented. Seeing her precise work makes me shut my mouth about how my hands hurt after knitting for a while. She is an inspiration!

Well it is clear that my box was the last to go out. It is mailed... But I am sure it will not be there by tomorrow. I am so sorry to be late. I had very good intentions,, but that is no excuse.

Bad Elfie... Sitting in corner.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

If Elfie is sitting in the corner, I know she is busy.
I was very pleased with the bunny basket and the hang up towels--well everything. It is a great gift, and next time you see the woman who made it, tell her how much I liked it.

I have been feeling lonely the past couple days. Thinking about my family and the fact that most of the originals now are resting in the cemetery at Macedonia. My brother is busy with his little boy and all the egg hunts,etc. My nephew wants to go to a tractor show instead of having lunch with me (I told him was fine, I will be here, but tractor show is not every weekend). Kids i do not hear from much (as much as I would like). So yesterday I worked in the yard til I was about ready to drop. Then came in and cooked supper. That will make me drop the pity party.
I also made a coconut cake, because that and ham are Easter foods for me. I made one of those punch cakes where you use Lopez cream of coconut and topped with Kool whip and cococnut. I am sure it is artery clogging, but once a year should not matter so much. yummm! So good.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Kris, your working so hard, I know your trying to get the new house installed and liveable.
But please tll me about the punch cake? And lopez cream of coconut?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Crystal sorry we are closer I would invite you out for a Easter dinner for I will be alone also its just another day I Have 8 Brothers & Sister & I see or talk to 2 of them . the rest have their own families .
No Matter for i truly do not need their Problems :)

Well I Also pulled weeds yesterday & My Body hates me this morning Sunny this morning Rain Later tonight 54-56 today 30's tomorrow . Snow Monday _Tues :( Crazy weather.

well off to walk out the kinks back later today .

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Coconut Lopez cake

make a sheet cake. A boxed cake is Ok. I used Duncan Hines Coconut, but any yellow cake (or white) is fine. French Vanilla would be good or made from scratch.
Combine a can Lopez cream of coconut (any cream of coconut is OK), and a can sweetened condensed milk.
After cake is done, but still hot, punch holes all over the cake using a fork and pour cream coconut and condensed milk mixture over the warm cake.
After it cools a bit, put kool whip on top and sprinkle with coconut.
store in refrigerator

Not exactly rocket science, but fast, easy, delicious.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That sounds nice, but I had to Google cream of coconut, I had never heard of it before.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

The only way I ever heard it was from this recipe. maybe you make mixed drinks out of it? That is where it is in the grocery store

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Ohhhhhhhh my that sounds good!! Wishing I had read this in time for the dinner guests we are having in a just a few hours!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Run Pat, you still have time! ^_^

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

thanks Fotv. ;O)

Smiths, AL

Awww im too late its ok tho. I will join the next one tho.I am very sorry i have not been on my nook and phone died and my phone is not working soo i cant send pictures of my new puppy so im tired but what i was tring to say or wright in this case lol but anyways HAPPY EASTER I LOVE YOU ALL YOU GIRLS ARE AWSOME

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Happy Easter Goober, hope you have a great day!

Smiths, AL

Awww im too late its ok tho. I will join the next one tho.I am very sorry i have not been on my nook and phone died and my phone is not working soo i cant send pictures of my new puppy so im tired but what i was tring to say or wright in this case lol but anyways HAPPY EASTER I LOVE YOU ALL YOU GIRLS ARE AWSOME

Smiths, AL

Soory my nook is messing up

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

♥♥♥ HAPPY EASTER ♥♥♥ My you all have a Save & Fun Day With Family & Friends :) I'm Going to Spend the day Packing Gift Box for our Seed Robin Gift Winner. Our Froggie Swap, & Getting the Seed robin ready to fly once again In Tomorrows mail I Hope :) Have a few Last min touches so you all have a great day I will check back in later in the day .

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥HAPPY EASTER ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Smiths, AL

The easter bunny didnt come :( is he like santa if you are bad you dont get anything?any waysHAPPY EASTER HOPE IT IS AWSOME
Bought to go to church haveing a good day

This message was edited Mar 31, 2013 9:45 AM

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Well, poo on that old rabbit!

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

"slightly" off topic but Goober's question if the Easter Bunny like Santa, reminded me. I saw a St Patrick's day card that said, "It's OK to pretend to be Irish on St Patty's Day.....(inside) You pretend to be good at Christmas!"

family was here yesterday, my house is back in order now. Linda (Taters) they all ooooo'd & Awwwww'd over my Pretty Easter eggs I used as center piece. You know, it's a LOT easier looking over a Easter egg basket center piece than a big blooming Easter Lily!!! hehehe Thanks again, they are lovely.

Smiths, AL

Lol i love you guys and i hope you post pictures of the basket psychw2:)

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Pat-heehee. cute

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Goober many have Posted their baskets already we just have one more basket to arrive yet :)
scroll up & You will see what we shared with each other :)

Happy Easter everyone!!

Smiths, AL

Lol opps

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

My turn! This is so funny. When our mail lady pulled in the driveway, she hopped out and said she had something for me and handed over several dozen eggs from her farm. Then she unloaded a big box that was half plastered with stamps. We have a neighbor who collects and tried to save most of them for her. One glance at the return address and I couldn’t wait to come in out of the wind and dive in.

There were three bunny ornaments, just perfect for a container of flowers or placed in one of my friendship bowls. Aren’t these just the cutest? Rabbits are among my favorite garden critters, strictly ornaments and not the real furry ones.

A chocolate bunny. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I always bite the head off first.

A gorgeous ceramic lamb was just chocked full of green Easter grass and candy, all sorts from Mint to Hazelnut one of my favs, Snickers to Peanut Butter, lots of chocolates, and even jelly beans and gummies in their own eggs. There’s enough candy to last us six months. Hubs will get some too but will never find the bag in the freezer.

Thank you, Elfie. Love it all but the Lamb is just awesome! I am grateful for the gifts you shared and for our friendship.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love that lamb, and Wow, look at all that candy! Nice job Kris!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Cute! I love that lamb. And the rabbits! And Candy! Nice!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Very very Nice Fruity & Well done Elfie come out of the Cornor I'm sure you are forgiven for Being LATE :)
Goober Looks as The Easter Bunny Left all your candy @ Grandma's & She Put your share of the Easter Candy In the Lamb for Fruity :)Hehe

Well I Just want to say THANK YOU All For another Great swap Your all so creative & Talented It is a Pleasure Hosting with you all TY TY TY . We will Now Close this swap .


I Have OPened a BULB SWAP hope you will join us

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for another great swap Susie!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Good job, LOTS of fun!

I had fun,, glad to be out of that corner... Wheeee,,, Susie another great job of hosting!!!!!!!_

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
The last boxes that arrived sound like they were filled with wonderful surprises, too! :)
Sorry you weren't able to join us this year, Goober. But hopefully you can next year :)
This was definitely a lot of fun! And lots of creativity :)

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